CHOICES: We've been ripped off for 68 years and YOU STILL THINK things would get better?
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Why are many of the allegedly bright ones still so blind?

I can understand that the "German Michel" still dutifully unwinds the program that has been inoculated into him all his life, preferably through media and school (training) education. But what disappoints me very much is the fact that there are still many supposedly well-informed - so-called bright people - REALLY BELIEVE that they could finally turn things around with the so-called fringe parties (AfD, Deutsche Mitte, Linke, die Basis) and all old parties from to knock their throne.

If elections changed anything, they would be banned. And if people knew what elections are, they would save themselves the cross. Parties take the liability out of their actions. They transfer all liability for their actions to the voter. A choice is just as smart as giving a blank check at the checkout at the supermarket and hoping that the correct amount will be entered there.

If you read through BGBL III from 1999 on your own, in which the loss of German citizenship and the expiry of Article 116.1 of the Basic Law was proclaimed: who will vote and who will be elected? Perhaps the so-called election is just the discharge of the previous board of directors? Because in the GG there is talk of management.

For the beginners who are new to the topic:

There are 3 videos that do not explain the topic in depth, but outline it briefly.

The first is "The Owners" by George Carlin. He says it clearly: we have owners. He speaks in the conditions in the USA, but these have now also occurred here.

The 2nd video is from Andreas Clauss. it makes it clear why elections make no sense. We (not me anymore) always want to choose the lesser evil, but it doesn't come. It always comes as thick as a stick.

Unfortunately, both Andreas Clauss and George Carlin have passed away. Let the sentence apply: the living will close the eyes of the dead and the dead will open the eyes of the living.

Maybe the whole thing is going to be like this Hollywood flick? Everything is already planned for decades or centuries, only the programmed characters are swapped.

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After the introduction, now a little more material.

Then everything will be fine ... for four years !!! They would need these four years to get rid of the whole pile of dung left by the old parties.

THAT DOES NOT WORK!!! Especially since the old parties would then be in the opposition and would NEVER leave the room without a fight.

From today's knowledge one can say: most problems arise from the debt money system. All PARTies are subject to this and this is also not available for election or deselection.

How often has it happened to me that I have talked to someone and thought that they are well informed to hear at some point during the conversation: “But with the AfD we can do it!” Or “The German center is our last Hope! ”If I then want to go into the investigation, the Scots immediately go down and they don't want to hear about the fact that they have been kidding us for 68 years in a row. Then I let it go, it usually makes no sense to dissuade someone from living out their beliefs (improvement by changing parties).

These are the blind among the awakened. You may have woken up (allegedly), but have obviously put a bandage around your eyes so that you do not have to see the truth or only have to see it to a limited extent. These are those who can only take the truth in bits and pieces and are still too stuck in their old programming (security thinking). For me that means that they have not internalized the truth but only absorbed it with their intellect.

It's like school. Pupils who have a good memory and a strong intellect make it very far in their training vita. They are always among the best because they are good at chattering down what has been drummed into them over the years. But if you give them a task that they haven't learned, they usually fail. This is called lack of emotional intelligence (EQ). Then when creativity and flexibility are required but cannot be used because they have been suppressed. Or solving a situation on the basis of gut feeling, because you question something and not just call up information that you have read or heard somewhere. They don't look behind the scenes, don't see the big picture, don't want to take responsibility and are totally hoping that someone else could fix it for them. STUPID !!! Nobody will saw off the branch that EVERYONE is sitting on.

The jobs have long been taken

A few years ago, the Bilderberg Conference was considered a pure conspiracy theory. In the meantime they publish their “visitor lists” themselves and everyone can see who is attending the next meeting. It is the crème de la crème from business, media, military, secret services and politics. Even the most stubborn deniers of reality can imagine that they are not just holding a coffee party there and having a nice chat about God and the world - oh, wait, yes, they are talking about the world and how best to guide and control it can. And that includes the strict division and allocation of important posts.

What in God's name are high-ranking people doing at a private secret meeting? Together with the greatest criminals in the world? There they meet the people behind the scenes, the people who pull the cords, and receive their instructions from there. This is where world politics is made, behind closed doors, completely secret and without any influence from any people.

Now one or the other may wonder why Merkel was not there at the last meeting. Why should she? She has her job and she does it very well. She has her instructions and she does them excellently. She has established herself and receives her instructions directly from her employers. She no longer needs to make representations. This only applies to beginners and new applicants. But that also tells us that, according to their ideas, things will continue as before. Nobody will push Merkel from her throne.

What role does Martin Schulz play in this? The question arises, however. Certainly he was promised another lucrative job if he makes a fool of himself here, which he has done very well so far. He will probably then be allowed into business as chairman of the board. A welcome reward from which other politicians have also benefited (Gerhard Schröder, Joschka Fischer and many more)

Sigmar Gabriel is out of the game. Perhaps the statement that Merkel is only the managing director of a company named BRD has catapulted him into the end. It is very possible that he was punished for it. If you look at it all from this perspective, it quickly becomes clear why such posts are filled with such incompetent types (e.g. von der Leyen as defense minister).

The fact that Merkel is not “promoted” is simply because she is doing her job too well. Incorporating someone else would be counterproductive. Especially since they are so close to the goal of exterminating Germany and integrating it into the EU. Not even a Martin Schulz would be suitable, although he has a lot of practice in matters of corruption.



Clinging to a straw and a sense of belonging

For 68 years, new straws have been put up again and again (Greens, Left, Pirates, AfD, Deutsche Mitte) and always when something does not suit the people and they think they can change something with a new party and wash off the old parties . Then they put up a straw and everyone clings to it.

The hopeful do not see that there are already lots of bent straws around them. Take the Greens as an example. They are now so despicable and no longer have anything to do with environmental protection. You have turned out to be a party that hates pedophiles and Germany. The chairmen are bad clowns and have betrayed and sold their members to the economy. Unfortunately, most members of the Greens are still completely nostalgic about the beginnings of the Greens.

And the left? Hmmm ... yes, the Sahra Wagenknecht, she gives brilliant speeches in the Bundestag, but no one listens to them - ah, yes, their own members of the Bundestag always clap along like these Duracell bunnies. How many were that again? 64 out of 630. Wow, what an influential number. If they had any cooperation partners, you could even hear the applause, but since the Greens have opted for the black pack, they no longer listen either. And woe to him who claps. He gets the cat chair at the very end of the plenary chamber (see Möllemann).

All straws that will buckle at some point. After all, every party, apart from the SPD, was a straw. Suddenly you don't want to have them any more. The new straw, yes, it has to hold. It has to be constructed differently somehow, a straw made of steel - yes, exactly ... Unfortunately the straw you are clinging to is made of the same material as the others. Don't forget that !!!

A sense of belonging

People generally feel drawn to those who share their opinion. He feels understood and accepted there. He doesn't have to explain or justify himself anew every time. One is among oneself, pursues the same goals and still has an important task, namely the task of making the party public. Oh how nice…

People meet at festivals, events, meetings, citizens' hours, etc. It's almost like a hobby that you have come to love or a new family. And if you don't like going to the sports or music club, you just join a party. They're all just associations anyway. And the German as a club owner feels that he is in good hands, respected and recognized. By the way, the NPD used this principle to recruit members in front of schools and to bring all the bullied and teased outsiders to themselves. Talk to them, show understanding, give them recognition and you have them on your side - guaranteed! Maybe that's where you listen to one or the other for the first time. Instead, people like to hide the dark side. They are nothing more than "Pied Pieds".

Nothing but rat or voice catchers

What is a voice? Nothing more than consent. So we give our consent to this system with every election (in addition to liability). We allow you to represent our interests without restriction. So it should be, that was the idea. But do they do that? Well, it is written that way in the election manifesto and the direction is well known.

The greens stand for the environment, the reds for social justice, the blacks for economic growth. The rest is somewhere in the middle, so something from everyone. You can't do anything else, the best topics have long been taken. The main thing is to use keywords that citizens want to hear. Which party would publish their real goals? The Greens would like to have a motley homosexual child-fucking population, if you summarize the statements of the leadership members. The left want to get rid of the Germans (Bomber Harris, Deutschland verrecke etc.) and prefer to live in a motley anarchist world, without culture and order, where everyone can do what they want. The Reds, so the SPD, uh, what do they want? Oh yes, social justice or, truthfully, just a large piece of the political cake (see Agenda 2010, the birth certificate for old-age poverty, social decline and Hartz IV). But the blacks are by far the worst, with their leader and dictator Merkel. Capitalism at its darkest. The goal here is a much bigger one: to destroy Germany and throw it to the NWO to eat.

The only way to do this is through popular approval. They need our consent, they need our free will. At a higher level it is extremely important, even a condition, that we agree to everything that is done to us. Hence the saying: "Every people has the government it deserves!" (Joseph Marie de Maistre) or, to put it another way:

"Every people has the system of government that they have agreed to!"

This is exactly why our voices are so important!
There is no other reason.
So it doesn't matter who you vote for. The main thing is that you agree that it will continue as before. You give your consent to manipulation, fraud, high treason, dictatorship, etc. And don't believe that the people behind it didn't exactly plan it that way. Parties like the Left, AfD, Deutsche Mitte, etc. are only rat or vote catchers.

They take part in an unconstitutional election just like everyone else. This is illegal and actually punishable (BVerfG judgment from 2012). You can perhaps change something in your dreams, but not here in the matter. The collective field is simply too strong for that. The belief in being able to change something is just too heavy. It is hope that keeps the system alive. By the way, the greatest evil from Pandora's box:

Zeus wanted man, no matter how much tormented by other evils, not to throw away life, but to continue to be tormented again and again. In addition, he gives people hope: it is in truth the worst of evils because it prolongs people's torment.

I cannot repeat this quote enough. Unfortunately, the masses don't understand it. Man hopes again and again and again ... as if there was nothing but hope. How about some personal responsibility? Oh, no, that's alien to me, I don't know that, I don't trust myself to do that! But why not? Maybe because you've been told something completely different all your life?

Politics thrives on propaganda and the media

They advertise furniture, cars or other consumer goods. But service companies are also well represented in marketing. And they all have only one goal: to spread their product to the consumer! Everyone should have heard or read about it. When looking for something, one inevitably comes across the most advertised product. Most of them don't look any further, because what so many find good can't be bad. That is the principle of advertising.

Then there is the propaganda. But what is the difference between advertising and propaganda? Advertising is actually pretty neutral and factual. A product is presented here, the price is announced and reviews are increasingly being found - period. That's not more. Ok, sometimes the description of the product is wrong or you are lying about the quality. But advertising does not allow much more leeway with regard to fraud and manipulation. It looks different with propaganda.

Propaganda is a highly effective brainwashing tool. It is not limited to one product, you can use it to form and consolidate world views. Propaganda can turn people into true zombies. Like in this, but only slightly exaggerated, video:

Anyone who thinks that this is greatly exaggerated is wrong. If we go on like this, it really won't be long, then this video will be real documentary. I sometimes feel like a sober woman among all stink drunkards.

Take a look at this extremely good video from Jasinna. It's the first in a five-part series.

Nothing else happens in politics. Propaganda is psychology and politics is propaganda. In the most aggressive way you can imagine. All mainstream media (now also a few alternatives) are used for this, are in their hands. The entire television program, the entire reporting is geared towards government propaganda and serves only one purpose: to create world views !!!

They are constantly booming to us with messages of some kind. Over and over again, until we ultimately think exactly like that, even HAVE to think. With so much suggestion bombardment, we have no other choice. And here a very old wisdom is confirmed:

Pay attention to your thoughts because they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Pay attention to your actions because they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become your character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

We are exactly where we are today because they have been doing this to us for generations. Nothing is left to chance here. As long as man does not consciously think his own thoughts, he cannot determine his own fate either. Never ever. I recommend John Carpenter's 1989 film “They Live!” Old, but very apt.

Or, here are two excerpts from the film “Network” from 1976. There are only companies. The world is a business. A huge global holding company and the media are there only to control and direct people.

About the noble intentions of the alternative parties

The intentions of the alternative parties are really noble. If you read the election programs like that and hear the speeches like that, man oh man, that's exactly what we need right now. The AfD would like to lower taxes right away and the German center would like to bring ethics into politics. Hallooo ... how is that to be arranged?

Firstly, there has never been a tax of any kind cut or abolished - not in 68 years, not even before.

Second, it is almost satire to claim that ethics can be brought into politics. It's like throwing paper in the fire, ethics is the paper.

Or like teaching the mafia morals. They promise everything that does not suit us in current politics, but without being given the slightest chance to enforce it. Obama wanted peace and stuff too, in the end he became the greatest warmonger of all time.

But what none of them is demanding that the elections finally go in line with the constitution. You probably all consider it acceptable that holding these elections is unconstitutional and therefore punishable on the basis of a final judgment by the Federal Constitutional Court. What can one expect from such parties who also disregard the law from the start? This is not a so-called acid test but a conscious entry into a corrupt system.

And who gives you the guarantee that they will implement exactly what they demand in their election manifestos? They just haven't been exposed as liars yet. With the others it took a while before they were so false, corrupt and conformed. Every now and then you threw a small bite at their feet to give them peace. They then thought they had achieved something, but they ignored the back door through which everything is constantly reversed or even made worse. And whoosh, they're soaked up in the vortex of power. Those who do not become corrupt themselves are blackmailed.

According to Wikipedia, a compromise is:

A compromise is the solution of a conflict by mutual voluntary agreement, with mutual renunciation of parts of the respectively made demands.

Does not mean anything other than that I voluntarily renounce something (truth) with which I actually do not agree (lie), just to get something I want (security). In relation to the parties, this means that they can basically do whatever they want, if only they keep the promise that everything will be fine one day. And those who voted voluntarily in the elections rarely or never admit that they were wrong. In order to justify your decision (should you even recognize the mistake), compromises are made. This is the moment when everything negative is faded out or glossed over and thanks to the propaganda only the positive is in the foreground and influences our thinking. And the world of politics is all right again.

Say NO to what doesn't suit you - uncompromisingly and fully!

Denied any consent! Do this in front of yourself and in front of creation, in the spirit, for that is the level that matters. Everything else is of no interest. And then this decision is expressed through a declaration of intent.
Use your free will for this! He's strong, he's powerful. That's what they're afraid of.

At the end

We are still thinking about the election papers. The aim is to refuse our consent on a spiritual as well as a material level. The spiritual for us and the material for those it concerns. Just so that they have specific information. (Note Red: there are ways to get out of there. In 3 steps, if you want to be confident.)


Really now? Local elections in NRW 2020, they dare! ... it's that time again, the little children ask if there is a circus in the country because of all the colorful posters with and without clown faces on the roadside. They hang on lanterns and trees (where they belong because, as Loriot said, they are easy to remove there ?!), they curry up like cheap whores ... and promise YOU once again the blue of the sky. With their lying, hackneyed phrases and increasingly stupid sayings, just to beg YOUR voice, disgusting! After that none of these wicked remembers the voter, quote from S. Gabriel (SPD), “Das Pack”, especially their own idiotic promises (slip of the tongue!), Everything as usual ... But it is much more important that YOU When voting by means of a cross, you accept liability for the past legislature, for your countless misconduct and crimes and of course that YOU, the (stupid) electoral cattle, continue to secure the feeding place at the feed trough for them (regardless of which party in a construct FRG)! Of course, THEY suggest to you that if you don't vote, you can't complain afterwards hahaha, has even a single complaint from a voter ever caused or changed anything ??? NO !!!!

For years my Filius and I have been sending them back their illegal voting notifications for the people, "their PERSONNEL". After all, we have never "knowingly" become a member of their criminal associations (StGB § 129) which have no legal capacity! Neither of us have a member PERSONAL card (PERSONAL ID) that could prove our membership in their main company as staff. Yes, we brought these requests to participate in illegal elections "personally" back to the municipality years ago and asked the polling officer to delete them from their illegal electoral roll. - After all, a non-member of a rabbit breeder association cannot take part in their board elections, even if they live in the same place (to make it easy and understandable)! - But only one thing is decisive and important for us in doing this, not that YOU obey this request, which you do not do under any circumstances, rather we have documented our will every time through our announced NON-PARTICIPATION (! Non-liability!).
And this as a small note to all those involved in these (always) illegal company elections, be it in the state parliaments or in "Berlin" (in fact Bonn), the day of the big reckoning is getting closer ... for no money in the world if we were to participate in this FRAUD, let me tell you, the hour of truth has come! Tick ​​tock, it never takes long! 😉
Here is a video that sums up all of this quite well, what these so-called elections really are:

Ps Your Corina fairy tale not only serves you and your commanders to suppress and monitor humanity even more precisely than before, it also serves US, because more and more notice your monstrous lies, faster and faster! Especially now clearly visible after YOU have more than clearly revealed in the course of this Corina PLANdemie how much these henchmen are interested in the basic rights of "their" voters, including their will! ALL political henchmen certainly do not serve the people, as they like to pretend on their colorful posters, they serve strange MANS, these unspeakable!

And for the sports fans who believe in the AfD in this religious sect construct:

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