We are only a few days away from being successfully born into the Corona period.
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We are only a few days away from being successfully born into the Corona period.

We're now days away from successfully being born into the Corona Period.

A free translation of: One., From the freedom forge. Voluntary for the: One. And for every living-feeling-thinking-fellow human being with a sense of honor and conscience and sincerity.
"Check Anything and keep that Best" (the freedom forge)


[19. January 2022]

Mark Christopher

Hello and welcome dear audience, sorry for taking my time, we had some technical problems, but now I'm here, listen carefully.

And share this video with everyone you know in the UK, UK, England and also in the USA. You're about a week to 10 days away from a complete so-called regime change. That means that the parliament in this country will be renewed and the current actors be fired and new actors will be established, which will pass legislation for corporate status.

The same will happen in Washington DC. America, okay, Washington DC has now become part of the rest of America. It's not foreign anymore because, as you know, Washington DC is foreign to Americans (note: foreign/foreign in the sense of extraterritorial).

Stop now because of the simplicity and the directness of what I'm saying. It's like I'm trying to explain to you guys, or doing a variation of saying 2 times 2 equals 4. So I can only paraphrase it once or twice before diving into the world of adjectives, and this is actually called the coloring of the law.

So you have to listen to each sentence directly because each sentence is like I'm giving you the foreclosure, two times two equals four, and the politicians will say that 2 times 2 can equal 3,999 or 4.2. Every other number apart from that is called an adjective if you add a color to these facts. Coloring a fact is called coloring the law, coloring the language. That's called artistic expression, an actor's script. So these are the best ways I can communicate with you directly without distorting or coloring anything.

So I repeat myself as if I'm saying 1 plus 3 equals 4. Alright, or 3 plus 1 equals 4. There's only so many ways I can say it, that's what I'm telling you in the US, Washington DC, Joe Biden, part of this nepotism, what they are, will be fired in the next week to 10 days and a new group will come into play.

Okay, I'm also going to give you a little more meat on these so to speak in this presentation, but of course you have to share this video. What else can you do as I just told you you are going to have a total change in the UK as well as the US? I can't research every single country, but the UK and the US certainly can. So listen to the presentation.

By the way, my gentlemen, dear audience, one more thing: last year we disqualified the BBC broadcast charter as a fraudulent conveyance of language, no more than a fiction. As a result, Parliament and the rest will lose the television license and switch to a subscription. So I want to talk about this for a few minutes before I explain more, okay. What we have here is that this will be announced around the world, the BBC will lose their license and they will move to a subscription.

The reason for this is that they were disqualified by the Federal Postal Court, it's as simple as that.

And now let's move on to other things. Before we go any further, I want each and every one of you to read this, if you can't read it, ok, you don't have time, I'll read it out on a computer program, ok. A computer program, so give me a minute or two. So listen carefully and if it doesn't play I'm sorry about the settings but that's the best I can do. Let's hope the audio gets through, so just listen to what I said about plots and actors before I move on. It is very important that you understand who your politicians are, so please give me a few more seconds, let's see what else I can do.

I consulted the Black's Law Dictionary, and all my students at the university are familiar with it, so they can (again) become the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary.

OK, you just read that. I asked Black's Law Dictionary what an actor is and they told you exactly what it is. Without needing 101 adjectives. What is written on your face is written on your face for men and women to understand. That's easy enough for folks, it could be a big hoard, so in that sense I'm not appealing to any folks.

I let you know that in the United States of America your government will change hands very soon, in the United Kingdom, Great Britain, England has no parliament, so to speak, for the Englishman's home is his castle. You'll understand that as we go along, because they're not actors, but they have a lot of people act on their behalf. Do you understand what I just said? Of course you have, so now I'm preparing you for what I'm about to show you.

That's an actor, (note: he shows images multiple times and alternately Joe Biden, George W. Bush) okay, and this actor will act in place of another actor for your controllers on this planet, which I've already talked about.

Remember that there will be no adjectives in this presentation. It's two times two equals four, that's it. No coloring, no coloring of the language and so on and so forth.

To make it poetic. This is an actor (Joe Biden). You don't know if he's smart or stupid. Okay, but he's an actor because I proved it to you by the description. What are the parliamentarians and senators doing - and what are the senators calling for what to do?

We must act now. You have to understand what an Act is, an Act is a corporate instrument, period. This is Joe Biden.

For my smart students who have, shall we say, an extra reach on their side, they'll quickly find out that this is legal fiction for someone they already know, okay. This is legal fiction, Joe Biden, but who is he acting for? Okay, you'll find out somehow, and I don't want to give it away, but do some comparisons. These technologies are very old, they are not new. The challenge is to understand them because these types of technologies were introduced to the market over 30 years ago. Okay, and even though 30 years have passed, you have to be out there, even though your family and I are, let's say, very unique to you. Even though the technology is over 30 years old, people are still caught off guard.

They're trying to get actors, that's all they do and that's one of the things that comes with it Black Lives Matters to run. They know who I am, the people running these campaigns, and when I communicate with them and tell them they write, when you say things like "white American, white African, or black African, or black American," then say you to them that you have no standing before the law. That's what they're trying to do, they get you into a verbal contract saying you don't have a booth and therefore no corporate instrument. And because you don't have a corporate tool, you don't have a way to do anything. And we're going to do that on your behalf and you're just a good little employee, like in Great Bro what they call United Kingdom. United Kingdom, the factory floor is okay in the truest sense of the word. United Kingdom is a company and its factory floor are the people who have registered as citizens of United Kingdom. Which means they are citizens in a factory and obey the laws of society called Acts. They're just factory workers, retailers, or bankers, or whatever it is. They are just actors for their slave masters.

Okay, so this presentation is also for my advanced students and also to let you know for the third and final time that there is going to be a complete change in the United States, a complete change in the United Kingdom.

Ok, have you figured it out now? They are all just legal fictions.

Okay, this one, I'll give you this knowledge, but without your working with it, it will be wasted. The technology is very simple. It's more than a computer program or something.

They're posing as your gods, okay. They often pretend to be your gods because you can see all of that on my website. Yes I think you got it and sorry guys as you can see the language is not flowery.

And I am interceding for the whole world to let you know that you have now been successfully born into the Corona period. The world has now changed beyond recognition, like a 180° turn in the opposite direction. You have been successfully born out of the Dark Ages into the Corona Period.

Corona is the Latin word for crown. And when a baby is born, when you first see its little head, that's called a crowning moment or a corona, like the glow of men and women who are very energetic. Yes, prepare yourselves because it will be a fantastic birth, this birth has lasted almost two years. Okay, but you were born successful doesn't mean you can just wash your hands and get on with life. A lot of people have worked very hard to achieve this.

If you or your family or your friends, whoever isn't listening to this lecture, thinks that you just have a free pass and can just carry on living the way you've been behaving, especially these subspecies, okay, you're wrong unfortunately, I want to make that very clear.

This is the age of men/men/women - and men/people have no place in it simply because they have disqualified themselves by either being the silent majority or by participating in the fraud.

Now comes the second part of this message to the whole world.

In the period between the 18th century to today you and your ancestors and your grandparents and the future were given the opportunity to be the best that you are. The opportunity has been given to prosper or to destroy people and I am sorry to speak in positive and only negative terms. You have been given the opportunity to just get on with your life if you wish, you have also been given the opportunity to lie, cheat, murder, rape, rob, lie, cheat, be an actor or Instructing people to act for you, make peace, or go to war. They had every opportunity I can imagine.

All the men/man and women/women/women who chose these destructive things will end their lives. You know that. There's no room for these people in Crown Time.

What is this room I'm talking about? It's a prison cell. Well, the men and women who chose to be healthy, excellent. The men and women who just want to get on with their lives, fantastic. The men and women who chose not to aktiv to be (because aktiv means: actor.) who act this way themselves to set an example, an example for the rest of the world who cared enough to stop and correct.

This is your time. The people who stole or think they can steal other people's houses or their businesses, oh dear, you were given every opportunity to enjoy life and do business. And business is about building human relationships, or I should say relationships between men and women, that's what business is about.

But those who choose to steal and partake of this fruit, we say, they will not succeed.

Well, I have some things to do for Irish people take care of. Once that's done, we should say that part is safe. I would also like to thank a certain student who provided me with information about what was going on Chicago plays. The criminal activities. It seems to be some kind of rogue state. I have to clean that up too. Okay so after Ireland and Chicago my time will be a little freer to work more creatively. And in doing so, I will also address the various cooperation cooperatives deal with You know already spelled - co and an op.

The reason this is so is because the days of fighting corrupt governments and court systems are coming to an end. But for the people who are still stuck in the fiction, who are still stuck in the world of politics, that world will just go on for you because that's what you chose.

This planet is a planet of choice, how you behave and the person you think in is what will bear fruit for you. So I want to make it very clear, just because I've told you that we were born into a new world doesn't mean you're going to be a participant in it. If you are not aware of what I am talking about. Do you understand what I say? Just like the technologies I talked about that make it possible to portray the fictions of other legal people. They allow Obama to be in a different role and at the same time give a speech from a different location while he plays and signs some documents. This is an old piece of a kit. What Shakespearean actors have been using for a long time.

It has been a long day for me and I must explain and share with you that you have now been born into a brand new world. Okay, so I wish you all the best. That doesn't mean that the Federal Postal Court is less... I don't know what another word for active is, uh, maybe you can make that up for me? more dynamic.

In any case, our ability to manage our affairs anywhere in the world will be in a much stronger position.

You see, dear audience, what you need to understand is this: if you have a bank, if you have buccaneers, if you have people literally creating death pledges for dead people that they put on paper for you, then are you asking for a prison sentence, do you understand? And I know it's very challenging, and certainly I've been challenged myself, I've been challenged myself many times on this.

It's hard to believe that about 150 people in every single country in the world are all working and developing ways to tell you lies through their various actors like politicians. It is difficult and challenging to know that simple programs like nature programs intentionally lie about what animals really are. It is challenging and difficult to know that every single politician in House, Senate, Governors and the rest of them, who are all actors to a very small group of people, have been intentionally lying and cheating and have been cheating for over 150 years or more. And it's difficult and challenging to believe that all of these newspapers, all of these television stations, were deliberately engineered to convey lies and deceit to you, the people.

It's not difficult to know that 20 years ago George Bush convinced the entire planet, including Muslims, that they are all terrorists, that wasn't too far fetched, was it? And also that a certain legal fiction they created called Osama bin Laden was the epicenter of this terrorist act. A act of terrorism, meaning 'acting'. It's not that hard to believe that they won over the entire planet and I'm not talking about George Bush or any of those Olympians.

They have successfully convinced 80 percent of the world's population that they must wear masks! What does that tell you? What does that tell you?

It tells you that the signals are broken again. Give me a few seconds. This part of humanity will die out quickly.

But as long as men and women remain an indolent, silent majority ticking those hideous boxes, white man, white woman, black man, black woman, you won't see it.

If people don't understand that the wealth of your nation rests on your guarantees that they have offered you by making you a death pledge to sign loans and university mortgage degrees (BAföG!) that cannot even help you to make a cup of tea. Do you understand what I'm saying?

It is incredibly challenging and eye-opening to realize that your mothers, your fathers, your teachers, your politicians, your doctors and your nurses have been intentionally kept in ignorance, or have been willingly kept in ignorance. And the fact that no nurse, no doctor showed up and just at the beginning said because the dictionary said that the Corona is just a cold. And no judge but me came up and said that you are now being born into a new world.

It's hard to believe that the thousands of judges out there, the judiciary, the lawyers, the jurists, are all pulling together to keep you, the people, poor.

The bureaucrats, the bureaucracy around the world will start to change. My hope is that you will change with her.

Your mortgages, dear audience, are actually invalid now. Nobody can mortgage you, nobody can mortgage you.

And when I spoke to Alex yesterday, he pointed out that the reason so many companies in South Africa, America and Canada are doing the Buying plots of land at 10 to 30 percent above the actual market value, even 10 to 30 percent or more above the asking price that they're buying them up in the hundreds of thousands is because the Federal Postal Court and its judges and its staff and its employees are doing a damn good job, a fantastic job, around the stick to bang against them. You now feel the whip. There are other reasons. Some of the other reasons are that the whole housing market is also a prop for England, Great Britain, United Kingdom, as well as the US, Canada and so many of these other countries. It's for these private companies that are buying up millions of homes and incredible prices are supporting an artificial market known as the bubble. They do this for many other reasons and one of the other reasons is because the Federal Postal Court has left its mark on this planet. And I spell it as a mark with a k, that has nothing to do with killing people, that's a marq with a q.

OK, listen again. In order to take advantage of the sun, you need to stick your head out of your window or door and bask in its glory. You know that. You don't get a bronze tan by staying indoors and listening to the politicians.

I told you that if you pay the BBC TV license you are participating in the scam. That's why I said use my face (with my permission) to say that this man said that you guys, you BBC, you know, two BBC generals, are nothing but scammers, and therefore is it is crime and I take responsibility for it and I have done so.

If you too determinethat sheriffs or police officers to attempt, to act as a mercenary, if they try to be mercenaries, which means they gave up their uniform and oath, you can arrest them and you can tell:

":Mark-kishon: Christopher, Chief Federal Postal Judge said I have authority to do so."

But listen to what I'm saying, no police officer, no sheriff can work for a corporation unless they've sworn their oath, like false accusations do.

I'll give you an example of how easy it is for both men and women to fall into this language trap. Imagine being stopped by the police. Okay, you've been stopped. This scenario is common. What's the first thing that comes out of your mouth? They usually try to offer a contract for a driver's license or something. You innocently partake in this, and the result is that he just drags you into the various allegations you've read about, which means the accuser, you know, the mercenary, makes false accusations and then expects you to You defend yourself at high cost.

The accused has nothing to defend himself because of an allegation or a claim has to be proven. Do you understand?

As I have explained to you, in addition to this, in this country for example. In this country, if you are stopped on the left-hand side of the road, a police officer or police officer who wants to issue tickets for a business, to collect money, so to speak, will say to you, and it is not innocent, he will say to you: "Why did you park here? This is not a good place to park.” And if you reply, "Oh, I'm just answering my phone or just adjusting my seat," or whatever, he'll give you a ticket for blaming you, which you so innocently accepted as an innocent word , because you never think of a police officer or a judge or a politician speaking to you in lies. Would you understand that parking meansthat you have applied your handbrake and are now preparing to exit or have exited your vehicle. That's what it means that you have left your car, your vehicle, your mode of transport, your journey, whatever it is called, your carriage, whatever you call it. That's what he basically said and that is a linguistic trick. But if you said to him: "Oh no, I'm not parking, Herr Wachtmeister, I just stopped here." Then that would be something completely different, because as a driver you have a judgment called justice, legal awareness. That's the ability to judge, and that's what a motorist is: you pull over to do what you have to do, because you have to do it, and of course that's never in question and nobody can tell you give a ticket or an offense of this kind, it's in the words.

Why am I telling you this? That innocent word that you rolled out of your mouth in a pre-Corona time, not now that you were listening to me, that word that you rolled out of your mouth innocently, like Parking, means something completely different than what you thought it meant. Just as we need to come together as a people and make laws to protect our rights.

you got yourself out In the Corona period as a potential judge of the planet, I will be the teacher on this planet as well as the other judges. We have to deal with them Mortgages/Loans . employ For in the corona period none of you can have a death pledge because you were born successfully. And the mortgage companies around the world know that. The privateers like the George Bush family and their legal fictions know that. They know we're after them.

Okay, the Federal Postal Court, the Federal Postal Court and its judges and staff around the world made sure they had that kind of knowledge. Now that you have heard about it and feel free to email us about it. But don't expect us to do it for free. Don't ask us this and that for every little thing. I published the information, and in the Corona period, everyone pays their own way. I have and the judges and staff have done so at an incredible cost to ourselves because we have behaved in a way that is breathtaking in so many ways.

When I look at what the judges did, what :David-Wynn: Miller did and the things they went through to bring that about. Although they had people like Russell Jay Gould, Leighton Ward and Monty Muller, who are all nobodies living off a kind man like :David-Wynn: Miller. He was, he was a wonderful kind man.

We even had people that we volunteered to try to steal things from :David-Wynn: Miller. This kind of behavior should just become part of zero tolerance between men and women. Dark as it is, it should be a celebration. I wish I could declare it a celebration of joy but I look back 12 years of my life and I get to this point, wow, when I think about some people like my little little brother and also :David-Wynn: Miller who have never made this journey up to here. Okay so on that note, :David-Wynn: Miller and my little brother called Solomon and so many other people like judges Lance and Alex and Heigh and Irene and on and on and on and on and the people on my website are and those who also level up through training and so on. I think to myself, wow, what an effort men and women around the world have made to bring us into this period successfully!

I look back at them Shanghai Cooperative. I can't pronounce it properly, but it is a cooperative. Okay, the technologies they're going to bring to market. When I gave the presentation on the cell phone and the computers, I thought, and I'm sorry, I thought you already knew that. Yes, it's the quantum chip we're talking about. You know, it's like running 80-90 computers simultaneously in three dimensions. That's what this quantum chip does. Okay, so that's the technology that's coming to you. In other Asian countries it will come in the next two or three months. In this country, America, it will come out towards the end of the year. You Americans are about 10 years behind on these technologies right now because of what the Olympians have done, as well as in Europe and the UK. You guys are actually 10 years behind the technology because of the Principalities all wiping out.

But I want to make it very clear. In fact, your mortgages are all null and void because a mortgage was created on the back of bureaucracy and on paper, which declared you dead by 101 mechanisms.

Okay, like these groups, you know how For the People Act, ticking the black box, you know, Black Lives Matter, white South Africans all tracing their lives. Sorry I forgot to show you this. Yes, that's what I was referring to.

So I think I said what I needed to say and as you know I don't use a script because I'm not an actor, I don't write any of those things. When I'm on the podium it's a geometrically level playing field, I don't write a script and none of that stuff, I just have bullet points and the things I need to enlighten you guys on. OK, that's how I work. There are no scripts for me. Because I'm not an actor.

Okay, now onto the tricks and traps students: this is the news for you. I need you guys to do some interviews for me ok so you guys can interview me so I can talk about what to expect with the Corona period from now on. The reason I need this is because the dialogue that's available allows me to answer those things that I can't make up. Yes, these things are very easy for me to understand, but sometimes I'm a bit hasty when trying to explain them. Instead of taking one step up the ladder, I skip three or four, causing people to miss some of the run. Guys, okay, when I say "guys," I mean all of you. So for the tricks and traps university students, get in touch with me and have these conversations with me so the world can see the lengths and breaths, length and breadth of knowledge that you have gained through your own studies and through the university have and how much you have evolved.

Okay, now I have two projects to do Chicago and Ireland. Okay, and after that, my time will be a lot freer in terms of mental energy, and as a result, I won't need as much of your help with tricks and traps, okay. So for the time that I'm going to be busy get me these interviews so I don't have to keep thinking about it and developing these things that I think should come from you guys. I don't have to keep thinking about it and generating these things that I think people need to know and should come from you. So contact me for these interviews.

As I told you about Ireland, the choice is yours, whether you lie, steal or participate, speak the truth, enjoy life, you have a wealth of choices. But you chose to lie, you chose to steal, there are consequences and you will live out those consequences, the same in the US and everywhere else. Chicago, it doesn't take much effort to get you back in and you're not a rogue state. Okay, your justice can be hanged by the neck. You better behave the evidence is piling up and you can't escape. you have nowhere to go

To all other listeners: Welcome to the Corona phase!
It will be amazing to see this wonderful glow all over your body, anywhere in the world.

Congratulations, dear listeners. Until next time. Goodbye.


Hello and welcome dear audience, sorry that I took my time we had a few technical issues but I'm now here listening very carefully and share this video with everybody that you know in Britain, UK England as well as in the us you're about a week to 10 days away from complete so-called regime change what that means that the parliament in this country will be renewing itself and the current actors will be sacked and new actors will be put in place passing acts for corporate status the same thing will be happening in Washington dc America okay Washington dc has now become part of the rest of the Americas it's not alien as it were because as you know Washington dc is alien to the Americans for stop now because of the simplicity and the directness of what I say that's like me trying to explain to you or make it a variant of me saying 2 times 2 equals 4. so I can only paraphrase it once or twice before I go into the world of adjectives and that that is actually called the coloring of the law so you have to listen directly to each sentence because each sentence is like me giving you foreclosure two times two equals four politicians will say 2 times 2 can equal 3.999 or 4.2 any other number apart from that they're called adjectives when you add coloring to those facts when you color in a fact it's called coloring of the law coloring of the language it's called artistic expression the script of an actor so these are the best ways that I can communicate with you in a direct way without convoluting or coloring anything so I repeat myself as if to say 2 plus sorry 1 plus 3 equals 4. all right or 3 plus 1 equals 4.

you have so I’m now preparing you for what I’m about to show you this is an actor okay and this actor will be acted out in replacement of another actor for your controllers on this planet which I’ve spoken about already remember there is not going there is going to be a complete lack of adjectives in this presentation it’s two times two equals four that’s it no coloring no coloring of language and so on and so forth to make it poetic this is an actor you do not know if he’s clever or stupid okay but what he is an actor because I’ve proven it to you by the description what do they parliamentarians and senates do and what do the senators call out to do we must act now let us pass acts you’ve got to understand what an act is an act is a corporate instrument full stop this is joe Biden for my savvy students that have that shall we say extra range in their site will quickly figure out this is a legal fiction for somebody that you already know okay this is a legal fiction joe Biden but who is he acting for okay you’ll kind of figure it out and I don’t want to give it away but do some comparisons work it out okay who is acting for it doesn’t take too much of a imagination of course it doesn’t these technologies are very old they’re nothing new your understanding of it is what’s challenging because these types of technologies have been released uh well over 30 years ago okay and even though 30 years has now passed you out there albeit your family and I do have to make it should we say very unique to you is that even they even though the technology is over 30 years old people are still being taken by surprise okay so look act for the people all right they’re trying to get actors that’s all they’re doing and this is one of the things that run on black lives matter they know who I am the people that run these campaigns and when I communicate with them and tell them when you write when you say things like you know white American white African or black African or black American you’re basically telling them that you have no standing in law you know that’s what they’re trying to do is they are getting you to verbally contract to say that you have no standing and therefore you have no corporate instrument and thereby because you don’t have any corporate instrument you have no ability to do any commas and we’ll do that on your behalf and you just be a good little employee like for example in great bro what they call united kingdom united kingdom is the factory floor quite literally okay united kingdom is a corporation and its factory floor are the people that signed up to be a citizen of united kingdom which means they are citizens in a factory and abide by corporate laws called acts they are just simply acting to be factory workers retailers or bankers or whatever it is they’re just simply actors for their slave masters okay so this presentation is also for my advanced students and also to let you know for the third and final time US is going to be a complete change in united kingdom complete change okay period now have you figured it out these are all legal fictions okay this one you figure it out because if I keep giving you this type of knowledge without you working for it will become wasted right the technology is very simple it’s nothing more than a computer program and any one of these ones these are also the ones that masquerade as your gods as it were okay they masquerade as your gods quite often because you can see all that on my website yeah I think you guys have got it and say sorry to say guys as you can see the language is not flowery and I’m putting myself out there for the whole world to hear to let you know you have been successfully now birthed into the corona period the world has now changed beyond recognition like a 180 degree U-turn in the opposite direction you have successfully brain birthed out of the dark ages and into the corona period corona the Latin word for corona is crown okay so a bigger pardon crown is the Latin word for crown is corona and when a baby is being born when you first see its head it’s called a crowning moment or a corona like the glow of men and women that have a great deal of energy yeah prepare yourself because it’s going to be a fantastic birthing this birthing took just under two years okay but you have been successfully birthed this does not mean that you can just simply wash your hands and get on with life a lot of people made a lot of effort to bring this about if you or your family or your friends whoever is not listening to this presentation if you’re in the mind that you can just have a free ride and that you can just simply go about life as you have conducted yourself especially those subspecies okay you are sorry mistaken I want to make that very clear this is the age of men and humans have no space in it why because they simply disqualified themselves either by being inert being the silent majority or participating in the fraud now comes the second part of the message to the entire world in the period of just between the mid-18th century to this period you was given and your ancestors and your grandparents and the future of it all to be the best of what you are he was given the opportunity to flourish or destroy people and I’m sorry to speak in positives and only negatives you was given the opportunity to just simply get on with your life if you so wish he was also given the opportunity to lie cheat murder rape rob lie cheat be an actor or point people to do acting for you whether to make peace or go to war in fact he was given every single option there is that my imagination can take you for all those men and women that chose those things which are destructive your lives are going to come to an end you know it is because there is no room in the crowning period what is this room that I speak about it’s a prison cell now for those men and women that chose to be healthy excellent those men and women that just wanted to get on with their lives fantastic those men and women that chose to be not active because active means what actor to conduct themselves to be a sample an example to the rest of the world who cared enough to stop and correct this is your period in time those people that stole or think that they can steal people’s houses or their businesses oh my he was given every opportunity to enjoy life and do business and business is about establishing human relationships or I should say relation men and women relationships that’s what business is about for those ones that decide to steal and partake of that fruit shall we say not going to make it now I’ve got some work to do for some Irish people once that’s done the should we say that part of the navel will be sound and secure we also I wish to also thank a particular student that uh provide me with some information about what’s happening in Chicago the criminal activity it seems to be some sort of a rogue state well that also I need to tidy about tidy it up okay so after island and after Chicago my time will be a little bit more freer to do more creative work and in doing so I will also be treating with the various cooperation cooperatives you know spelt co and an op the reason why that is because the days of fighting corrupt governments and court systems will soon come to a halt as it will but for those people that are still stuck in fiction still stuck in the world of politicians that world will just keep perpetuating for you because that’s what you chose this planet is a planet of choice how you conduct yourself and the man in which you think is what will bear fruit for you so I want to make it very clear just because I have told you we’ve been birthed into a new world doesn’t mean that you will be a participant of it if you are not aware of what I’m talking about you understand what I’m saying just as the technologies that I was speaking about that allows the portraying of other legal people’s fictions to take place you know it allows Obama to be in another part and give a speech simultaneously from somewhere else while he’s playing while he is signing some documents it’s an old piece of kit the one that Shakespearean actors have been using for a very long time okay so it’s been a long day for me and I need to explain to you folks and also to share this that you have now been birthed into a brand new world okay so I wish you all the best this does not mean the federal postal court will be less uh shall we say uh I don’t know what another word for active is uh perhaps you guys can think of it for me more dynamic certainly our ability to conduct our affairs all over the world will be in a much more stronger position you see dear audience what you what you got to understand is this when you when you have a bank when you have privateers when you have people that quite literally create death pledges for dead people which they have put you on paper as you’re asking for a prison sentence do you understand and I know it’s very challenging and certainly I’ve been challenged it by myself I’ve been challenged myself many times on this it is hard to believe about 150 000 people in every single country in the world are all working and engineering ways to tell you lies through their various actors like politicians it is it is difficult and challenging to know that simple programs like nature programs are deliberately lying to you about what animals really are it is challenging and difficult to know that every single politician in parliament senate governors and the rest of them which are all actors for a very small group of people are deliberately lying cheating and have been cheating for over 150 years or more and it is hard and challenging to believe all these newspapers all these television stations have been deliberately engineering to convey alliance lies and fraud on you the people it is not challenging to know that George bush 20 years ago convinced the entire planet including the Muslims that they are all terrorists it wasn’t too far along was it and in addition to that that a particular legal fiction that they created called Osama bin laden was the epicenter of that terrorism act an act of terrorism which is acting it’s not that hard to believe that is it it’s not that hard to believe that they convinced the entire planet and I’m not talking about George bush okay or any one of these Olympians they successfully convinced like 80 of the world’s population they got to wear masks what does what does that tell you what does that tell you it’s saying that the signals broke again so let me just give you give me a few seconds that part of humanity will quickly become extinct but as long as men and women remain inert silent majorities ticking those god awful boxes white man white woman black man black woman you’ll be none of the wiser if people do not understand the wealth of your nation was on the back of your securities which they took offer you by getting you to sign up to death pledges loans and university degrees that can’t even help you make a cup of tea you understand what I’m saying it is incredibly challenging it is eye-opening to realize that your mothers your fathers your teachers your politicians your doctors and your nurses have been wantingly kept ignorant or willfully ignorant and the fact that no nurse no doctor [Music] has come out and just simply said at the beginning because it was in a dictionary that the corona is just a common cold and no judge came out apart from me said you are now being birthed into a new world it’s hard to believe that the thousands of judges out there in the judiciary the solicitors the lawyers all work in unison to keep you the people poor the bureaucrats the bureaucracy is a bigger part of the bureaucracies around the world will begin to change my hope is that you would change with it your mortgages dear audience are actually now invalid nobody can hold a mortgage over your head nobody can hold a death pledge over your head and when I was speaking to Alex just yesterday he pointed out the reason why we have so many companies in south Africa America Canada buying up properties at 10 to 30 percent above actual market value okay the above asking price even up to 10 to 30 percent or even more and they’re buying it up in the hundreds of thousands is because the federal postal court and its judges and its staff and its clerks are doing a heck of a job a fantastic job at cracking the whip against them they are now feeling the whip there are other reasons other reasons some of the other reasons is that the entire housing market is also a prop for England Britain united kingdom as well as for the US, Canada and so many of these other countries it is in it is intended for these private companies that are buying up millions of homes and incredible prices are propping up an artificial market calling you know what’s famously known as a bubble they are doing that for many other reasons and one of the other reasons is because the federal postal court has made its mark on this planet and I’m not I’m spelling it as an m-a-r-k nothing to do with killing people which is an m-a-r-q okay listen up again in order for you to take advantage of sunshine you have to stick your head out of your window of your door and bathe in its glory you know that you’re not going to get a bronze suntan staying indoors and listening to politicians I have told you that if you pay the BBC, TV license you are being you are participating in fraud that is why I said use my face to say this man said that you guys you BBC you know two uh BBC uh generals nothing more than fraudsters and as a result it’s criminality and I take the responsibility for it and I have done so if you also find that sheriffs or police officers are trying to act as mercenaries not acting as I will if they are try if they are being mercenaries which means they have abdicated their uniform and their oath you can put them under arrest and you can say for colon mark hyphen kishan for colon christopher full stop at the end chief federal postal court judge said that I am authorized you to do so but listen to what I say no police officer no sheriff can work for a corporation unless they have abdicated their oath like make false accusations okay I’ll give you an example how easy it is for men and women to fall into this trap of language let us imagine you get pulled over by the police okay you’ve been pulled over that scenario happens a lot what’s the first thing that comes out of their mouth it’s usually to try to offer to contract with you through a driving license or so on and so forth you innocently of course participate and as a result he just simply walks you into the various accusations that you read about which is means the plaintiff per you know the mercenary makes false accusations then expects you to defend yourself at a great cost the defendant has got nothing to defend himself because an accusation or a claim has to be proven you understand this just as I have explained it to you in addition to this in this country for example if you are stopped on the left hand side in this country we do it on the left hand side of a road a police officer or policeman that wishes to issue tickets for a corporate enterprise to raise money as it were will say to you and it’s not innocent he’ll say to you why have you parked here it’s not a good place to park and when you reply saying oh I’m just answering my cell phone or just adjusting my seat or whatever he’s going to give you a ticket because what he has accused you of which you so innocently have accepted as being an innocent word because you never think of a police officer or a judge or a politician to talk lies with you would you understand parking means that you have put your hand brake on your parking brake on and are now preparing to leave your vehicle or have left your vehicle that’s what it means that you’ve actually left your car your vehicle transport you know your conveyance your travel whatever it’s called your carriage whatever you call that’s what he’s basically said and that’s a language trick but if you said to him oh no I’m not parked constable I’ve actually stopped here that’s an entirely different thing because as a driver you have a judgment called judiciary judicial awareness you know judicial service that’s what a judge is it’s ability to judge that’s what a driver is you park you stop on the left to do what you need to do because that’s what you need to do and that of course is never in question and nobody can give you a parking ticket or a violation of any of that nature it’s in the words why am I telling you this this innocent word that you roll out of your mouth in a pre-corona period not now now that you’ve listened to me that word that you were innocently rolled out like parking means totally different to what you think thought it meant just as we need to as a people get together and pass acts to protect our rights you just cancel yourself out in the corona period as a planet potentially judge I will be the educator on this planet as well as the other judges the mortgages are hours to deal with because in the corona period not any one of yours can have a death pledge in place because you’ve been birthed successfully and the mortgage companies all over the world know this the privateers like the George bush family and their legal fictions all know this they know that we’re coming after them okay now the federal postal court federal postal court and its judges and its staff all over the world I’ve made sure of that that they have these types of knowledge now that you’ve heard about this and you are free to email us about it yes you are but don’t ask us to do it for free for you don’t ask us to do this and that for you every single time I’ve put the information out there and in the corona period you pay your own way I have and the judges and staff been doing this at incredible cost to ourselves because of this we’ve conducted ourselves in manners and in ways that is breathtaking in many ways I look back at what the judges have done what David-Wynn Miller has done and the things that they had to go through to bring this about even though they had people like russell jay gould leighton ward uh monty muller who’s they are all nobodies who lived off a kind man like david wayne miller that’s what he was it was a wonderful kind man we even had people that we were we even had people that we was helping for free tried to steal things from david wayne miller this sort of conduct would just become part of zero tolerance amongst men and women as somber as this is it should be a celebration and I wish I could explain it to you as a celebration but as I look back you know 12 years of my life what I need to go through to get to this point oh wow and to think some people like my little baby brother and david wayne miller never made the journey through this period okay so in this sense for david wayne miller my little baby brother was called solomon and so many of the other people like the judges of the lands uh alex and hugh and irene and stuff like that and those people that are my website and the ones are also coming up through training and etc you know I think to myself and I think wow the amount of effort that men and women have put around the world to successfully birth us into this period you know I look back at the shanghai corpora the shanghai cooperative co-operation I can’t pronounce it properly but it’s a cooperative okay the technologies that they’re going to be bringing out when I did the presentation about the cell phone and the computers the what I was referring to and I thought and I’m sorry about it I thought you guys all knew about it already yes it is the quantum chip that we are talking about you know it’s like having like 1890 computers running simultaneously in three dimensions that’s what that quantum chip is going to do okay so that’s the technology that is coming your way in in other Asian countries it’s coming in the next like two three months in this country America it’ll be coming out towards the end uh you Americans at the moment are about 10 years behind of these technologies because of what the Olympians did same in Europe and Britain you’re actually 10 years behind in technology that’s because you know of the principalities which will all become extinct but I want to make it very clear your mortgages are actually all null and void because a mortgage was created on a back of bureaucratically and on paper making you dead by 101 mechanisms okay like for example these groups you know like for the people act tick the black box you know black lives matter white south Africans all signing away their lives so uh sorry I forgot to show you that yeah that’s what I was referring to so I think I’ve said what I needed to say and as you guys know I don’t use a script because I’m not an actor I don’t script any of these things when I’m on my pla on the podium that’s a geometric level playing field I script and none of these things I just have bullet points and the things that I need to educate you guys about okay that’s how I work there are no scripts for me because I’m not an actor okay now the tricks and traps student university students this is the message for you I need you to conduct some interviews for me okay so you can interview me so I can speak about what is to be expected from here on with the corona period the reason why I need this is because the dialogue that you provide allows me to answer those things which I can’t think up yeah for me you know these things are very simple to understand but for me to explain it sometimes I’ve jumped the gun a lot you know it’s like instead of taking one run one step of a run on a ladder I’m like bypassing three or four as a result people you know are missing out on some of the run so that’s why that’s why I need that from you guys okay when I say guys I’m talking about all of yours so for the tricks and traps university students make contact with me and you know do those uh talks with me so the world can see what lengths and breaths what length and breadth of knowledge that you have on the back of your own studies as well as through the university and how much you’ve progressed okay now I’ve got two projects Chicago island to sort out okay and then after my time will be a lot more freer in mental energy and as a result I won’t need too much of your help as tricks and trap students okay so for the time being while I’m going to be busy get those interviews done with me so I don’t need to keep thinking about it and generating those things which I think the people need to know that should come from you now okay so contact me for those interviews as for Ireland I told you have been you was given a choice whether to lie steal or participate tell the truth and get on with drive you know enjoy life he was given the plethora of options but you chose to lie you chose to steal that has consequences and you’re going to live out those consequences same in the US and everywhere else Chicago it takes not it won’t take much effort to put you back in and you are not a rogue state okay your judiciary can be hung by the neck you bloody better behave yourself okay the evidence is piling up and you cannot escape it there’s nowhere for you to go to the rest of the people that are listening to this welcome to the corona period it’s going to be fantastic to see that wonderful glow all over your body all over the world congratulations dear audience. Until next time.

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