We don't have parties! Why don't you understand that?
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Rust protection protects against rust, impact protection protects against an impact, protection of the constitution protects against….

Vacuum cleaner representatives sell vacuum cleaners, insurance agents sell insurance companies and representatives of the people?

A little suggestion, little puns. Vacuum cleaner representatives are employed by the company and receive the money there; the company owns the vacuum cleaners and can sell them.

We are in a collateral debt money system and the politicians are basically employees of this system. And they eat its bread and also sing its songs. Mostly with the canon “How do I suck all values ​​out of Germany (BER, Corona-Hoax, S21, etc).

We actually live in a Bolshevism, the values ​​are being redistributed from industrious to rich. Capital or numbers and values ​​are just tools.

Before the elections, an overall picture of what is going on here is slowly emerging. It has been said several times that we are still a custody state under the Geneva Convention for prisoners of war, an open-air prison with prison supervision. Public administration. Some also say: planetary Alcatraz, as the system applies to almost the entire planet.

Public law is contrary to constitutional law. In public law, the administration or its members make their own laws. They are not submitted to the people for decision. As is well known, there are no referendums here.

One pretends to have a certain part of participation, called elections. But compared to a prison, you only choose a body that has to represent decisions from above.

Let's start in the imperial era

The German Emperor Wilhelm II, who only bore the name and not the title German Emperor as a natural person, did the following: he gave people back values ​​by excluding civil death by contract (constitution). Just like asset recovery.

The church has procured the body, mind and soul of the people with 3 cops and let the people die through the cestui que vie act. And then obtained power over the dead or the matter.

The church was thrown out of the confederation by Wilhelm II. There were taxes in Prussia, so you would lick your fingers today.

The companies paid for the financing, not the people or only the rich people (champagne tax). Customs duties were levied on goods from other countries. McDonalds, Starbucks and Apple would probably take over the financing here to a large extent and could not globalize the profits away.

2 more things were created:

  1. the Eternal German Confederation ... open ended
  2. The Germans could deduce their citizenship by parentage and not just by birth. A mouse is also a mouse if it was born in a stable ... and not a horse.

The German Reich was drawn into a war for which it was apparently not prepared. It had not made any preparations for war.

What happened after the war in 1918? A republic was proclaimed and with that the church was back. The Weimar Republic was shouted out from the balcony by a private man Scheidemann, and from then on it began to go back to commercial law, in other words: Weimar was just an association. The people passed responsibility to parties and these formed the government. Was there a contract between the people and the sovereign that was worked out by the people? No. The Weimar constitution did not come through the people.

And from then on you could be amazed that parties never implement what the people were promised by election slip. These slip of the tongue weren't binding.

A global economic crisis was artificially created and in 1933 there was the HJR192, which in the USA switched the backing of money from gold to birth certificates.

What happened in 1933 by chance? That's right, Hitler got his driver's license. The treaties between state and church were again concluded with the German Reich (Reich Concordates). Hitler announced to the raging people that from now on work is the value of money and the German worker blah blah blah. .. because at the same time this work was taxed and heavily, see the video above.

In addition, the people were grouped under the direct German citizenship.

The trade tax law also came from this time. And now you could enslave people and take away their legacy from the empire.

The 2nd great World War II battle had to be paid for by something. Everything has already been converted into companies, in other words: people lost control over it.

Apparently all parties in the Weimar Republic could be tricked by a left workers' party: the NSDAP. Which is considered right.

At this point it turns out that it doesn't matter whether the party is right or left. Control was taken over by capital (the banks), human capital was people. Or rather they were stuck with everything they had, including their lives.

The war was lost in 1945, there were many dead and the living were enslaved. The economic miracle is likely to have been built on the debts with which one could encumber the birth certificates.

Because Germany unilaterally reopened hostilities against Poland in 1939 based on an armistice (Versailles Treaty), it was given the status of a detaining state according to the Geneva Convention for prisoners of war. Therefore, it is of course important to blame Germany unilaterally... in order to see the contracts concluded as fulfilled. So that German soldiers did not fall under the Geneva Convention as prisoners of war (who received special protection and food), the status “unarmed enemy forces” was invented and thus made possible Rhine meadow camp possible. Numerous Wehrmacht soldiers died there who had surrendered in expectation of an early return home.

But have we really started the war?

The FRG 1990 existed until 1.0, after which the FRG 2.0 was established as a common economic area on the basis of an insolvent GDR company. The bankruptcy has a special reason, so the criminals protected themselves from liability issues.

Since 1990, German law is no longer tolerated, only played. Commercial law applies, as in the USA. In the USA there are also natives and citizens, as well as statehood and companies. America has increasingly resorted to mercenaries during wars. As a soldier, you have the moral right to defend your country against external threats…. in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya. Mercenaries get money and don't ask for long.

Elections have been unconstitutional here since 1956 and there is a Federal Constitutional Court. But elections are not forbidden, they only prevent us from getting a constitution (read: contract between nationals and sovereign) again.

Since 2013 I have been observing that people here are reflecting on their true nationality, which cannot be taken away from them.

You can laugh at that and abuse them with spiked helmets. But you can also see it as something that we are contractually entitled to. That would again limit the power of the sovereign and make wars no longer so easily possible. What the taxes should be spent on is determined by the people ... and not the banks.

The German peoples are considered lost after the First World War. And now many people fill out a citizenship card and document their membership of another club.

Incidentally: the FRG has implemented the 3 papal bulls by converting people from natural persons to legal persons in property law. You can research everything, human vs. person on YouTube. Or this video here:

Of course, the citizenship card is only the 1st step if we are not in the state yet. But one could start to re-establish the corporate communities under public law as association communities as a regional body under German law.

Whereby: since there are still far too many sleepers, I would advise you to get your own buttocks into sovereignty first. The good thing about this citizenship card is: if you do it correctly, you have all the documents together.

And then we can underline the power of the banks from above from the respective constitutions and laws.

Then, yes, then people would have a choice to really do something good.

The parties are controlled from above anyway, an election can also be described as toad swallowing. why can't you save the environment, fight poverty (and not poor people) and give the economy a space? Also pay attention to peace and freedom.

Since we have something like an association here and we keep asking ourselves: why don't the politicians have to be held responsible for their shit…. the answer is simple: because we vote and take the pressure off the board. Like a table tennis club. We assume liability with our birth certificates. Because: the politicians should have unlimited insurance ... and they are not.

That makes sense. Leave the association and take away the liability insurance.

I can slowly understand why the bad guys shoot against “Reichsbürger”. They are simply no longer liable because they don't vote anyway. Why also? And if you then order a citizenship card ... you know. A big mistake of the so-called Reich Citizens: they do not terminate the treaties with the FRG. That is indeed idiotic, you cannot be a member of an association and agitate against it.

In addition, one does not want to join the EU association and assume liability for it.

It just needs more people to understand and then, yes, we will reopen an "association" with a contract that is favorable for people, limit the power ... until we are all so far on this earth that we no longer need it.

Because there is nowhere more power or exuberant greed. Unfortunately, you can't flip it like a light switch.

When did we actually allow the bad to be stronger than the good?

And in the end the longed-for peace treaty comes. Which party has the peace treaty for World War I in the party program again? Right, no.

Practical to think about: real estate is bought in the FRG from a notary with a federal identity card. The identity card and the legal PERSON identified therein belong to the FRG. So maybe an illegal business in itself? Why do you pay taxes for it when you are the owner? Or is it the FRG and it was only leased? With a nationality card and the natural person you don't get a house at the notary, because as far as I know, he refuses to do business.

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