Collection of Federal Law Federal Law Gazette Part III
4.3 (8)

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Oops, what is one now as an ID card holder GERMAN? Stateless person without recognition. Well, the allod charter could cure that. After all, this status is less than nothing. You no longer have any rights or property, as announced by the Chancellor and written as a book by Klaus Schwab. But isn't that so that even the GS no longer works and is no longer exhibited for these reasons?

But what does it mean? Maybe the proof that the so-called officials can no longer be?

Without citizenship, who do we pay taxes to?

You can only vote with German citizenship and you can only vote for those who have this.

So who voted and who was voted? And who determines these Corona regulations?

This is exactly how it is marked so it is easy to understand!

GG Article 116 (1) is therefore also invalid ...

Art 116
(1) Unless otherwise stipulated by law, a German within the meaning of this Basic Law is anyone who has German citizenship or has been accepted as a refugee or expellee of German ethnicity or as his spouse or descendant in the territory of the German Empire as of December 31, 1937.

So if we want we are again Prussia, Saxony, Bavaria, Würtemberger etc.

Or we wait until YOU have “transplanted” us into the EU as only LEGAL PERSONS and EU ASSOCIATION MEMBERS ...

... I'd better take my rights holder Prussia (right-of-blood) and / or Bavarian (right-of-birth) claim for the: One.

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