Which energy technology is allowed for the Germans?
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Which energy technology is allowed for the Germans?

Sigurd Schulien

The solution to the energy question in Germany is one of the most important technical and political problems that must be tackled in the near future with the will to find real and lasting solutions. The question is very complex and historically charged. Since imperial claims are linked to the energy issue, the discussion is delicate and full of pitfalls and ideological obfuscations. Nothing has shaped the history of the last hundred years like the struggle for control of the world's oil reserves in declared and undeclared wars. F.William Engdahl ascribes the most important role in the struggle for world domination to oil /1/, but also other wise observers /2/, /3/, /4/, /5/, /6/.
At the beginning of the 20th century it became apparent that future technical and economic development would be very closely linked to oil. Automobiles and airplanes require gasoline, which is distilled from petroleum, to operate.
After the First World War, Germany had to cede its rights to the Mesopotamian oil (Baghdad Railway) to the victorious powers. After the Upper Silesian pits were ceded to Poland and the Saarland pits to France, it no longer had any energy reserves worth mentioning - apart from the hard coal in the Ruhr area. Since that was not enough for our western friends, the Ruhr was occupied in 1923, which unfortunately did not bring the desired result (the Ruhr area was separated from Germany).
At that time, however, Germany still had considerable intellectual, technical and moral resources. His scientists and technicians quickly developed an effective process to produce gasoline from the domestic energy resource coal through hydrogenation (addition of hydrogen to carbon). The state leadership recognized the importance of the invention and funded the construction of hydrogenation plants with considerable funds.
The artificial petrol was of course more expensive than that made from the cheap petroleum of the colonies - but the opportunities for extortion were reduced. The energy problem was solved technically, but not politically - which then led to armed conflicts (World War II).
After the successful crusade against the terrorists in Central Europe, the victorious Americans were able to start restructuring the German economy from 1945, as the war aims envisaged. So the coal liquefaction plants were closed (the ones in the eastern zone only after 1989), mining was gradually throttled and oil consumption was promoted - after all, the oil reserves were in good hands.
The use of nuclear energy was approved somewhat prematurely in the 1960s because it was believed that they had control of all uranium deposits and a monopoly on uranium enrichment.
That was short-sighted, because it turned out that in the fast breeder reactor or in the high-temperature reactor - which had been developed to the point of series production in Germany - the required fuel could be produced in addition to the energy. With the help of advanced nuclear energy technology, some important states could have made themselves independent of the influence of the good people from New York. Since this would have contradicted the meaning of history (Rathenau) and was exactly the opposite of decades of tenacious efforts by those in power on Wall Street, the dangers of nuclear energy were discovered. The friendly media and secret services made sure that this danger did not remain hidden. The campaign was very successful. It is continued to this day by a colorful group of different auxiliary troops. Because the technical and scientific know-how of nuclear technology and coal technology has not yet expired in Germany - despite the intensive efforts of our good friends from the West.
The nuclear power industry fought back, arguing that there is no pollution from using nuclear energy like burning fossil fuels, i.e. no sulfur dioxide, no nitrogen oxides, no carbon dioxide (which is not a pollutant and climate killer as Wall Street people claim) Etc. The tit-for-tat of the oil bosses was the radioactive waste from the nuclear reactors.
Since then, the ideological dispute over fossil and nuclear energy sources has clouded the brains of a large part of humanity with unreflective buzzwords.
The outcome of the dispute between petroleum and nuclear energy in Germany was unquestionable given the existing balance of power. As a substitute for nuclear energy, one could deal with regenerative energies in Germany, i.e. with wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, wave energy and energy saving as a new form of energy, etc. The clever kissers from across the Atlantic had probably thought of the following: the audience guided by the media is pleased that something is happening in the field of "natural and clean energy". In addition, you cannot operate large grids or supply the whole of Germany with energy with regenerative energies alone. Because solar energy and wind energy are offered discontinuously with too little intensity and too large fluctuations. Consumers, however, want a constant, even supply of energy. In order to meet this requirement, you need a powerful energy storage system for regenerative energies. The only storage medium that can be considered for solar or wind energy on a larger scale is hydrogen, since it can be easily produced by water decomposition, is easy to transport and store, and its combustion product with oxygen is pure water: an ideal solution for both small island grids as well as for large units based on renewable energies. Without storage, regenerative energies are useless gimmicks and cannot replace the existing energy systems.
Storage in pressure tanks was initially considered as a method for storing gaseous hydrogen. However, such tanks are too large to be used in normal passenger cars, apart from other safety and infrastructure difficulties. For mobile use, however, the hydrogen could be stored in the form of methanol, which is produced through a chemical reaction between hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Methanol is a suitable liquid energy source for which the existing distribution infrastructure (e.g. gas station network) can be used without major changes.

With hydrogen technology and the methanol technology derived from it, regenerative energies could achieve their final breakthrough. That this does not suit the world politicians or global strategists is evident from what has been said before. So the argument soon surfaced that hydrogen technology would not come for a hundred years. It is not known how this is known. The relief teams in Bonn and Berlin diligently circulated this statement. They didn't say out loud that regenerative energies would only come in a hundred years.

Another argument against hydrogen technology came from the Greens: this technology only helps big industry and is therefore not worthy of funding. Basta! From the mid-1990s – when the influence of the 68s had become decisive in all parties – state funding for the FRG hydrogen projects was reduced or stopped. The sale of wind turbines and photovoltaic systems was subsidized to an increasing extent. However, these wind turbines do not supply electricity when there is no wind or when the wind is weak, just as little as the solar cells do at night or when the sky is overcast. Green energy politicians quickly agreed that this problem could easily be solved with batteries. However, there is not enough lead in the world (for the electrodes of the batteries) to ensure Germany's energy supply for a few weeks from batteries.

The power supply of Germany through wind turbines proposed by the Greens of all parties is characterized by the following peculiarity: When there is no wind, the electricity for the kitchen, television, etc. is supplied by conventional power plants. So Germany has to install almost twice the power plant capacity instead of the real power required. It gets even stranger in strong winds. Because of the EEG (Renewable Energy Sources Act), the conventional power plants that supply cheap electricity must be switched off when there is strong wind (i.e. high electricity production) so that the grid voltage does not become too high due to the excess electricity pumped into the grid. Hence the high and currently rising electricity prices and the politicians' talk that we have too many power plants. Of course, in Germany we have more power plant capacity than is required, because conventional power plants have to be kept available in the event of calm or cloudy skies. You could use the excess electricity to produce hydrogen by breaking down water, but that's forbidden.

Because an even greater obstacle to hydrogen technology than politicians' ignorance and resistance to advice is the legal situation in our Federal Republic of Germany. In this US colony, many Control Council laws that were passed by the occupying authorities after 1945 still apply. According to the Basic Law - Article 139 (Liberation Act), these laws are above all German law and cannot be repealed by German parliaments. According to Control Council Act No. 23 of April 10.4.1946, 25, coal liquefaction is prohibited in Germany (see www.de.wikipedia.de/kontrollerat-gesetze) and with it hydrogen technology, which is part of coal liquefaction technology. Likewise, according to Control Council Act No. XNUMX B, the production of methanol using the high-pressure process is only possible with the approval of our friends from the Western community of values.

So which energy policy is permitted for Germany?
Nuclear energy is forbidden, energy from German coal undesirable (must be forbidden), energy
from oil and natural gas is only permitted if the oil and gas come from countries in the western community of values ​​and the CO2 tax is paid to the stock exchange is.
German energy policy in the sense of our friends from the City of London and Wall Street means: Germany pays, also for the moneybags in Paris. There must be no energy self-sufficiency for Germany, Germany must remain open to blackmail. This answers the question from the heading: No energy technology serving the German well-being is permitted. Only renewable energies without storage remain as energy technology for the Federal Republic of Germany. With that, the German question has been solved in the interests of our friends from the West. More information on this topic can be found on the Internet at www.adew.eu.
If there are still any doubts that Germany is still to be destroyed by its friends from the Western community of values, then one should look at the Hollywood films of recent years that have to do with our country.

Selected Literature
/1/ F. William Engdahl /2/ Anton Zischka
/3/ Anton Zischka
/4/ Walter Theimer
/5/ Device v. Paczensky /6/ Robert Gerwin

With the oil weapon to world power Dr. Böttiger Verlags GmbH 1993 The all driving force Energieverlag Heidelberg 1988 Oil war
Wilhelm Goldmann Verlag 1940 Oil and gas from coal
dtv wissenschaft Munich 1980 The oil conspiracy
Kösel-Verlag 1984
The world energy perspective German publishing house 1980

ADEW Working Group on German Energy and Economic Policy PO Box 100 133 – 63701 Aschaffenburg www.adew.eu

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