Why should I teach you something that you don't need
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Why Would I Teach You Things You Don't Need to Know? Why should I teach you something that you don't need

By Anna Von Reitz - translation of: one., From the freedom forge, from: roland.

As everyone can see, there are all kinds of patriotic gurus walking around everywhere and most of them hit each other instead of dealing with the real problems.

Of course they try to berate and criticize me and cast doubts and all that, but the fact remains that to be or not to be American is an easy thing.

The United States Constitution and the United States Constitution are the only two treaties we, Americans, have with the two foreign subcontractors (one territorial and one municipal) who have acted as our rightful American government since 1860, and they "represent".

We, the Americans, have a grandfatherly bond with these treaties as they existed in 1860. Every law passed by the Territorial or City Congress in all the years since has an enabling clause recognizing this fact. Nothing they do changes the rights we, the Americans, have.

These two venerable treaties contain Amendment XI, then adopted, which states that we, Americans, are neither subject nor obliged to know or obey any foreign law.

“Foreign law” includes, by definition, all forms of private law - codes, statutes, rules and ordinances that apply to our employees and companies, but not to us in general.

Over 93% of all private laws are never published on the public register and have no authority over us, Americans.

So folks, over 90% of all of the stuff that David Straight and Boris and Peymon and all of the others teach you doesn't apply to you, Americans, and it never has.

If you are to escape the predators, the really important and salient question boils down to this - are you an American? Or a US citizen? Or a citizen of the United States.

Imagine having a choice between chess, checkers or parcheesi. All three games have rules (laws), and you must follow those rules to play the game. The choice between acting as an American, as a US citizen, or as a citizen of the United States is the same.

If I'm teaching you how to play chess (and how to act as an American) why should I teach you the rules of checkers or parcheesi instead?

I would not do it. And I don't. And that's why I don't teach any of these other things either. Or promote it. Or advise you to take advantage of whatever it promises to be.

If you are an American, this is not the case.

The mottled record of our workers and their courts when it comes to recognizing this fact is not because my records “don't work” or because of the facts. It's a matter of education and enforcement.

We have to force our foreign employees to step back into their boxes, which you cannot do if you are stuck in the swamp yourself, acting as an employee and dealing with them using their own laws and their assumption that you are one of them is underpinned.

Even if you find a loophole (Boris) or make a deal (David Straight) and so on, you're still caught up in their system, still playing their game, and there's nothing stopping the Queen or the Pope from doing that Change rules at any time.

You will find that Donald Trump, in his capacity as "President of the United States of America" ​​(Territorial Office), has abolished all civil rights in this country with the stroke of a pen. All urban citizens of the United States have been reduced to wretched serfdom and enslavement because "civil rights" are actually privileges, and privileges can be withdrawn in the same way that they are granted.

You will find that Joe Biden, in his capacity as President of the United States, has mandated that all city employees be vaccinated as a condition of their employment and / or dependency. And he hasn't bothered to define “community-citizenship” so everyone assumes that their mandate has to apply to them, which is not the case.

When it comes to federal and local law, a little knowledge is dangerous and most Americans will do well to ignore it and instead learn the few places and activities that can get us into the federal crosshairs.

Here are the key points to think about:

  1. If you are engaged in the interstate manufacture, sale, or transport of firearms, tobacco, or alcohol, you are dealing in a federally regulated substance and those activities are governed by federal law.
  2. If you are engaged in international trade (as a company doing business with other companies) you are subject to federal law.
  3. If you operate a “motor vehicle” (the definition of “motor vehicle” is surprising) for the purpose of making private profit from using the federal freeways (as a truck driver, taxi driver, courier company, bus operator, etc.), you are subject to federal law.
  4. If you enter an officially approved federal site, e.g. For example, an army base, federal courthouse, or Washington, DC city hall, you are subject to federal law while you are "visiting."
  5. If you decide to travel or to fish or to carry out an international transport on the high seas or on navigable inland waters, you are subject to territorial (federal) law.

And otherwise, with very few additional and rare exceptions, federal employees and their agencies and their states and "franchise districts" and boroughs and parishes can hand them over - as long as you are an American.

I am teaching you to be Americans, to stand up for yourself as Americans, and to govern yourself as Americans.

I am not teaching you to be a US citizen and to memorize the federal code as if it came straight from the hand of God instead of some seedy, incompetent territorial congress of the United States.

Nor am I teaching you to be a United States communal citizen living in fear of the communal code.

For those who yearn for the well-known evils of corporate feudalism they have lived under all their lives, and who give our congregations hell while trying to get back "home" to the county congregations where they belong -- good luck with it.

The rest of us Americans will be happy to tear up your records and remove your names from the state assembly list if you accidentally wandered in, like Oddfellows at a Rotarian meeting. We will allow you to stand by your mistake.

Just be aware that you are giving away your constitutional guarantees with a kiss that you are again subject to all foreign laws, cannot own land in this country and are not entitled to inherit the assets of your state of the Union.

Otherwise, you can play checkers or parcheesi to your heart's content - and instead avoid the damned Americans who want to play chess.
You can find this and over 3300 other articles on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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Disclaimer: We hereby distance ourselves as a precautionary measure and afterwards from all third party texts and video transcripts that have been edited by us and translated from English into German.

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