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Gauland regulates that, you don't need to act yourself if you can easily vote for the AfD.
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Gauland regulates that, you don't need to act yourself if you can easily vote for the AfD.

The hope of a German Germany under the AfD is blown away like dead leaves once you see the true face of the party. And that's not even difficult! After all, they speak openly and honestly about everything they want to achieve. Your Germany is a Germany of democracy and liberalism - both long-established thought constructs, of which we know exactly what they have done to this country and the world. Your Germany is a Germany of assimilated migrants - and not only of those who can also integrate into the German people in terms of blood. You Germany has no proud history and no ancestors, it only knows the oath of a basic law that was given to us by enemies. When the AfD talks about our history, they talk about bird shit and dark times, then they talk about responsibility and guilt and never about old heroic deeds and myths, not about role models and big battles. This is made particularly clear by Gauland, who spoke in the Bundestag that we Germans should be prepared to die for Israel because of our history.

German blood is less valuable to this AfD preacher than the state of Israel! Israel, a country that wages wars, murders children and is partly responsible for the unrest that is driving so many refugees to us in the first place. The AfD makes a pact with the bacillus and agitates against the fever it causes. As this example shows, the ambivalence of the alternative party can hardly be surpassed.

With the so-called Alternative for Germany, the existing system has another lackey at its side, who lets the people believe that they can do something democratically against the grievances prevailing in the country. And that, although all these grievances have arisen or grown in democracy itself! The AfD specifically attracts voters and supporters by using expressions ranging from patriotic to nationalistic. It causes people's anger to flare up and steers it in a democratic, tame direction.

Once upon a time, the same Pied Piper spirit hid in the great Marxist movements in the cloak of social justice: then as now, it addresses problems to win people over and steers them far from the actual solution to them. Just as the red workers' movements used the legitimate criticism of capitalism to agitate the middle class and ignite a class struggle without harming the stock market and interest capital, the AfD agitates about Islam and foreign cultures. But she never mentions the real causes of the foreign infiltration – and never the true nature of things. If the AfD were in power in Germany, let's say in total power, it would still be based on the values ​​of the Basic Law. Individualism instead of the national community, economic growth instead of the well-being of the people, that's what it looks like in Germany. The ideal citizen under the AfD is a classic re-educated German or a foreigner integrated into a workhorse who consumes and generates capital. Deep down, the AfD does not even differ from the Marxist in its understanding of values: only material values ​​apply to them, and they also do not know the value of the people. We can say with certainty that the AfD is fundamentally an enemy of the people and therefore also a political enemy. Not only that, it is of a particularly evil nature, since, unlike other parties, it does not openly and honestly state that it wants the people dead! Not only is she an enemy, she is also a liar!

They drink, commit crimes under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, even though this behavior is forbidden in Islam. In addition, migrants of other races from Christian areas also show a tendency towards violent crime: Eritrea, for example, is home to as many Christians as Muslims, Ethiopia is strongly influenced by Christianity. And yet these Christians commit the same crimes as Muslims from other nations. It is obvious that Islam is not to blame for the consequences that migration brings us. On this point, the AfD is misleading us - the source of the evil must lie elsewhere.

Also popular in AfD circles is the explanation that the cultural group is to blame for the migrants' potential for violence. Undoubtedly more obvious than trying to explain the disagreements in terms of denomination. Even if the cultural environment influences people, in the end it is still people themselves who create and shape this culture. Culture can be described as a reflection of the mental life of a people or a race - a strange blood can never be completely absorbed into a new culture, even into a new people, it contradicts it internally. And it is precisely at this point that the integration and assimilation__ idea of ​​the AfD fails: from their point of view, the best migrants are those who completely give up their natural way of life and subordinate themselves to “German values”. These German values, of which the party speaks, are by no means the original German values ​​of honor, justice and the fulfillment of one's duty, but the values ​​of the Federal Republic of Germany. The perfect German from the point of view of the AfD can therefore be a Congolese who wholeheartedly defends the Basic Law, i.e. human equality and economic freedom.

The AfD doesn't give a damn about the biological core of Germany and everything that goes with it. Like the actions of the other governing parties, the supposed alternative also leads to the creeping death of the people. Imagine a jar full of poison that will kill you as soon as the jar is empty. Instead of emptying it with one sip, the AfD drinks slowly and with relish from the death jug: that is the controlled migration that the AfD is talking about. It lets Germany drink from the same poison as all the other parties and boasts that it insidiously instills it in us and wants us to suffer for a particularly long time.

Let's imagine what would have happened if the AfD had not acted as a lifeboat in the last federal election: angry people would have had no viable alternative to those who let what happened to Germany as a result of the migration crisis. At this point, democracy as a whole would have failed for them, and the solution would have to be found outside the ruling system. Millions would be without hope in the system, millions would feel the urge to change something. Without a democratic alternative, completely different currents would gradually move back into the center of society - probably also ethnic ones.

Likewise, the indignation of the people in some circles would have increased to a readiness to use violence, because those who are not helped help themselves. In Germany, conditions would again be comparable to those of the Weimar Republic, the government would fail non-stop, and even those who had still believed in democracy would lose this faith in the face of street battles and repression. Uncontrollable conditions would prevail and the FRG would risk suffering the fate of destruction. But she was lucky! None of that happened! Neither revolts nor street battles grew out of the people's anger, let alone a large folkish movement that could have put a stop to the Federal Republic's craft. After all, there was an alternative on the long list of parties that could be voted for.

It is extremely likely and also desirable that AfD sympathizers will also hear this. And they will probably be outraged, if not shocked. But there is no reason for that. It is not the voters and not the bona fide supporters of the AfD that we want to attack and expose as enemies of the people, but the core of the party itself. We do not want to defame anyone who still feels close to the AfD but still stands for Germany in their hearts. But these people should be told that they are bringing the devil into their house with the AfD in the Bundestag. The AfD represents just as little a salvation for national Germany as the left does for social Germany.

The völkische Weltanschauung shows the only way to let the whole of Germany become what it has to be from its nature. And, contrary to some opinions, this worldview has no place in the AfD, not even in the wing. Even Höcke shows that when he talks about Germany's dark past, which, please, must never return. He shows it by his serious membership in a party in which Freemasons like Meuthen and other anti-Volk elements find their place, which we do not have to name at this point. So free yourself from the most mendacious of all mendacious parties, do not follow the same spirit that once wanted to mislead you in the red robe of the Bolsheviks - break with the AfD!


PARTIES = divide/conquer

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