The "Bad" Snake?
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From the BEING itself (the golden background) the male and the female first emerged as the polar energy source of the BEING in matter.

People have always seen this in their myths as "primeval male beings" and "primeval female beings", such as Isis and Osiris with the Egyptians or Belenus and Noreia with the Celtic Norican. These archetypal opposites determine all life. They are polarities (two) and yet ONE. This is the original Trinity. Each part of the being, i.e. both the male and the female, in turn contains male and female parts of the being. Both being partners strive back to each other, back to wholeness.

This is how the whole system of creation is fractal.

All That Is - is contained in the polarity of the masculine and the feminine. Creation arises from mutual stimulation – eroticism. The tension and the resulting forces between polarities enable the existence of matter in the first place.

Each soul is a soul entity consisting of a male and a female soul mate. Each soulmate seeks unity with the other soulmate, and both seek unity again. If both parts of the soul have incarnated, it can happen that both incarnated parts find each other as partner souls on earth. The horned or ram-headed serpent, common in Celtic and Gaulish iconography, embodies creativity, fertility and manhood.

The serpent is also a hallmark of Brigid as the Celtic 'goddess' in Ireland generally and is associated with the sacred waters and wells. Wrapped around a tree or any other axial symbol, it symbolizes the awakening of dynamic force, the genius of all that grows, and cyclical existence. In ancient Egypt, the cobra is a symbol of supreme divine and royal wisdom and power. For the Celts, too, the horned snake is a symbol of divine power and wisdom in connection with nature. She is an intermediary between heaven and earth, earth and underworld and is associated with heaven, earth and water. The integration into a mandorla as an intersection of two circles, which intersect in the center, symbolizes the intersection of this world and the other world. Earth and sun belong to the masculine aspect, moon and sky to the feminine.

Heaven = level of consciousness, also structured polar, so ultimately trinitarian ....
Earth = material plane, also polar and also trinity…..

...the Trinity representation - that's how it was represented more than 3000 years ago.

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