Ode to femininity - guest blog by Anne Nada
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Guest blog from Anne Nada

Oh how wonderful it is to be a woman. We enjoy being admired. Don't the men's eyes light up when they see us? Isn't it pure eroticism, the straight, slim legs, the neckline, when it shows more of the maternal than it hides? The curves of the buttocks that emerge and create fantasy images…. How uncontrollably the man's genitals move and what desire arises in the mind to own this wonderfully beautiful creature. Touching it, caressing it and making it your own. To master it, to limit it, to patronize it, so that the beloved only functions in the interests of the man. She becomes his property. Always ready. Of course, this only happens out of love. Out of boundless love for the creature woman. He loves her so much that she can satisfy him several times a day. A misunderstood love, a misunderstood picture of the male world of the wonderful creature from the female world.

A woman, especially an awakened woman, is more, much more. She gives birth to new life. The woman who bears the primordial power of heaven and earth and who is called the holy grail as the vessel. She is also considered to be the original goddess Innana, who then became Ishtar over time. Which then still in past epochs when Isis brought her Osiris out of the realm of the dead. Or in Christianity, as Mary Magdalene, the consort of Jeshua. They were lovers. They have united and manifested the new divine impulse of nonduality in the wedding at Canaan. She also led him from the realm of the dead to the resurrection. This was hushed up by the "Christian" religion. She was dubbed the whore, adulteress, or the woman from whom demons were cast out.

Although together with Jeshua, the Christ, it shows us the ORIGIN in the resurrection. Prepare the way together with Yeshua. Show all souls how the way back to unity can be taken. By overcoming the duality in the connection between man and woman. Through the unification of the male and female energies in the fusion during the sexual act. By engulfing and increasing the Kundalini power, man and woman become a unity which, after completion, shows itself both outside and inside. On the outside through harmony, happiness, peace, freedom and love for one another and for all other souls and on the inside through a radiance, a light of love that is out of this world.

Holy wedding

Therefore, men and women should consider each other on an equal footing. To meet each other lovingly, respectfully, with respect and dignity. Carry each other, support, accompany and heal. Regard femininity as well as masculine as divinity, which through union completes the way into Oneness. Therefore, man and woman should enter into the big picture of the original state as a power of love, which shines home for others who are looking for the same path.


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