Update: Issuing and pronouncing a house ban explained simply
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In times of Corona, more and more shop owners dared to defame people with medical certificates and also to throw them out of the shop. Are they allowed to do that?

such blossoms are accepted by the whole. You feel like you are in the 3rd Reich.

Did you know that personal rights take precedence over house rights when it comes to premises that are accessible to the general public? This means that the shopkeeper cannot invoke the house rules if you are not wearing a mask.

He is also not allowed to ask you to submit a certificate, as this is only reserved for sovereign persons (police, public order office). A shopkeeper can only invoke domiciliary rights if you commit a criminal offense such as shoplifting, or if you harass other customers.

The irony of the fact is that you may not be expelled from the shop if you deny him information about your health, but you can kick other customers out if they bother YOU. The unsolicited chatting and harassment from other customers because you are not wearing a mask is an encroachment on your integrity and then these customers can be expelled from the shop.

So the next time the masked Gestapo mouths at you diagonally from the side, you ask the owner / manager to speak and urge him to remove the attacking person from the shop.

👇👇 ”Exceptions to the house ban” 👇👇https: //www.juraforum.de/lexikon/hausverbot

#network find

Hello everyone, I made an example at IKEA today. After I had such a stress at Rewe on Saturday I went to Ikea tonight. I have a medical certificate and don't have to wear a mask because of asthma. I was caught immediately in the store. I was told that based on house guidelines, I was required to wear a mask. Otherwise I would have to leave the house. This time I called the police. I announced in advance that I would file a criminal complaint for coercion under Section 240 StGB, a complaint for discrimination and for violating the Corona Ordinance. The police came. I have explained the fact that I have a health certificate and they still want to expel me from the house. I pointed out the criminal offenses and the policeman simply said there was nothing to add. The whole thing actually ended with the fact that I showed the policeman my certificate and he pointed out that of course I have the right to shop in the house, anything else would be a discrimination. The Ikea employees now managing directors and six other employees around me referred to their guidelines. The policeman made it very clear to you that there is an exception for people like me, that I am not acting unlawfully and that if I am banned from the house I can of course file a complaint and the courts would then have to decide. When an employee asked whether the report was against IKEA or against the individual employees, he replied that of course every employee who implements this guideline makes himself liable to prosecution. That was my inner Nazi party rally. Then I spent 2 hours without a mask through the IKEA. I wanted to share this with you all and encourage you
Perhaps one more thing: I had the wording of the Hessian Corona before order with the exception and painted it yellow and I had the wording of Paragraph 240StGB with me.

#netzfund Telegram

Perhaps some shopkeepers should remind themselves: there will also be a time AFTER Corona. And at Amazon you can shop without a mask and without stress. And whoever wears a mask as a customer is already annoyed by it. Many customers now recognize the nonsense, but they wear the mask to avoid discussions.

In a shop in which you were treated as if you were wearing a yellow star during Corona times, you avoid this shop even after Corona.

And, dear shop owners: maybe you won't go broke because there is Corona, but there is Corona so that you can go broke? Reflect cause / effect.

We are human and should help each other. I don't believe in throwing each other out of the shops.

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