The US government and its military have declared war on the American people
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"Although tyranny ... can successfully rule over foreign peoples, it can only remain in power if it first destroys the national institutions of its own people"

Hannah Arendt

In order for tyrants to claim and retain total power, the people must ignore their own history and roots and be so appalled by propaganda and fear that they give up all logic and responsibility in order to seek false security. In this country today, history and tradition are being destroyed as the ruling class and government have fueled immense fear based on a propaganda campaign that created a bogus threat called Covid-19. Now every element is in place to transfer all power to the state, and for this coup to be successful for the tyrants, all disagreements and disobedience to totalitarian mandates must be suppressed. The key element in achieving this is that the government is able to generate division and distrust among the people themselves; so much so that the masses turn against each other to maintain order, so that they have a false sense of security. This leads to voluntary servitude, which is vital to the evil system of government because once violence is the only option for the state, chaos, revolution or violent civil unrest will replace tyranny.

With this in mind, the plan to achieve economic and technological realignment is being pursued with lies and propaganda at all levels, including the use of the military within the borders of the United States. This is also happening around the world and is even well advanced in some regions of the world. This should be of the utmost importance to Americans because what is happening in other parts of the world will soon be on our doorstep as the areas around the globe where more extreme control measures are in place serve as a test to judge when here similar policies should be let loose. It's only a matter of time.

Next door in Canada, the military is openly using propaganda methods as training in understanding how to maneuver this population into a position of total compliance. In Australia, where in the past extreme gun control efforts disarmed the entire population, brutal controls are now in place to capture and contain the population so that any resistance can be removed. In the United Kingdom, too, tough measures and requirements are being tightened again. Forced vaccination legislation is also advancing in Australia, with potentially long prison terms and heavy fines for refusal to vaccinate. Gun control and a state monopoly on weapons and violence are always a prerequisite for totalitarian rule. Most Americans still have the “legal” ability to own weapons, but that could change with any new legislation or emergency orders based on a constructed and deliberately structured threat. If the people gave up their weapons, they would be defenseless against a heavily armed state and military. That cannot be allowed.

One of the most important projects for gaining control of the masses is the development and distribution of vaccines. Trump recently said that Pfizer Pharmaceuticals had developed and successfully tested a Covid vaccine. This was an outright lie that was to win political favor at this time of controversial election campaigns. Additionally, Trump had previously announced that he was using the military to stand ready to distribute these toxic vaccines across the country. This borders on madness and is an attempt to terrify the herd so much by claiming this vaccine shipment was supposed to be a military operation. But as it stands, this government and its military, as well as all police and "security" forces, are at war against the people of the United States. In other words, America's new enemy, according to the self-proclaimed ruling “elites” and their pawns in government, we are all ordinary citizens.

While we are in the midst of the most corrupt and criminal electoral fraud in our history, and that includes many actors on both sides, but mostly on the left this time, and the entirety of the mainstream media, the masses are ignoring what goes on in terms of taking power continues to go on in this country and in the world. Covid-19 seems to be on the back burner at the moment, playing second fiddle to the electoral circus, but that's not the case. All shameful intentions regarding this fraudulent virus “pandemic” are not only still in place, but are advancing without a break. There are more lockdowns and vaccination schedules in place in this country and around the world. Pfizer has openly stated that they already have a supply of vaccines pending FDA approval, even though no serious testing has been done yet. I have stated several times that this Covid vaccine has been available for a long time and is waiting for the right moment to be released to the public. Depending on the outcome of that selection by the ruling class, the whole country could be closed almost overnight. The plan is to increase tyranny and blame this fake virus, and regardless of who is elected next president, there will be significant trouble.

The main enemies of the US government today are the American people, all of us, especially those who question and oppose government mandates. What is planned and what is possible in the near future is shocking. New lockdowns appear to be imminent at this point and could be imposed at the national level, which would greatly increase the risk to federal and military police and martial law. Isolation from friends and family will increase, and job losses will escalate if further lockdowns occur, creating economic disaster and digital currency restructuring. Travel will become even more impossible, and even local borders could be closed or severely restricted. Those who refuse the imminent deadly vaccination will find themselves in a virtual prison, because without a vaccine or health passport, normal life and the maintenance of normal life will disappear. The already extensive surveillance will become so invasive that any privacy inside or outside the home will be eliminated. Contact tracing is likely to become a federal system, with tens or hundreds of thousands of new government employees on a single mission: to spy on and report anyone who disobeys government rules. Food shortages, already evident in many areas, would worsen dramatically, causing hunger, poverty and disease. Parents brave enough to protect their children by refusing to use toxic vaccines or quarantine could have their children removed from the home. All of this could easily lead to riot, riot, looting and violence, whether intentional or unintentional, and this in turn could lead to internal warlike scenarios, especially in the cities.

This is no time to be complacent and no time to ignore these risks. Regardless of this political nonsense, worse times are coming, and regardless of the end result of this state selection process, heightened scrutiny will prevail. Wake people up because our life is losing all meaning and all the joy, emotions and love for life are systematically destroyed in favor of a technocratic transhumanism that can only lead to a robotic existence without miracles and feelings.

Extreme evil comes, and with it hell, that is, cowardice in the face of this evil; the refusal to take risks in order to stay free guarantees a deserved slavery.

Translated with Deepl


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