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Network find: ### I can no longer 😅😅😅

"WHAT HAPPENED SO far ... Corona Diary 2020"
China: Umm we have a problem there
WHO: It won't be that bad.
China: Uh, maybe we have a huge problem
Germany: No cause for concern
WHO: We have a pandemic! 😵
Italy: We will all die
Sweden: We'll give a shit! 🖕🏻
UK: we need herd immunity.
Austria: We stay at home - unless we want to go for a walk
WHO: Only those who are sick should wear a mask.
Robert Koch Institute: Masks don't do anything
Austria: We also think that masks don't bring anything ... 😷
USA: Have hospital ships
Germany: doubling time is important.
Germany: No, but rather R0 value
Spain: We will all die
Sweden: We'll give a shit! If there is a flu epidemic, protect the risk group as always
Austria: Everyone soon knows someone who will die from the virus - we rely on wearing masks! 😷
China: We have masks for sale !! ☝️
WHO: We have to test
World: So so🤦‍♀️
Great Britain: break ...
North Korea: 18:45 p.m. 3 infected - 18:50 p.m. 0 infected☠️
China: Have ventilators for sale
News: Everyone has to die, everyone stays at home
Bhakdi, Wodarg, Schiffmann and Co .: This is a normal wave of illness, does not hold a laboratory pandemic and yet does not drive people so crazy
World: Hello, the curve is flattening out again
Germany: We're taking to the streets! 😠
Austria: We keep baby elephants apart 🐘
France: we will all die.
Sweden: WE BECOME SHIT! 🖕🏻
North Korea: 20:00 p.m. 10 infected - 20:15 p.m. 0 infected ☠️
Belarus: What's going on, we're celebrating in the stadium now. FUUUUUSSBAAAALL.⚽
WHO: There will be problems in Sweden.
China: everything for sale
World: What the heck ...
Sweden: We are not yet extinct
News: If you have had it before, you won't get it again ... get it ... won't get it ... or maybe ... don't have good tests
China: So what do you want to buy?
Germany: Nothing will ever be the same again
Sweden: Still not extinct. 😄
North Korea: 17:07 p.m. 4 infected - 17:14 p.m. 0 infected☠️.
USA: Drinking disinfectant, could help
WHO: Sweden is a role model
Sweden: Ätschi😜
Germany: The Swedes are crazy. We will all die
Bhakdi, Hockertz, Ioannidis and Co .: Seriously people, finally stop spinning, studies now show that it is no worse than the flu and that a lockdown brings zero
News: Shut up, you conspirators! Kindly all will die
Austria: We loosen up, but only a little, so almost not at all, but we loosen as much as necessary as little as possible ...
Italy: Offline
Switzerland: What is it now? Where are the millions of dead? 😷
Germany: R0 is <1> 4 <17> 230… oh, what do I know, you’re wearing all your masks now and you’ll never meet again
World: Umm🤦‍♀️
Spain: We're loosening up.
Austria: CAUTION- The virus may be nocturnal from 23 p.m.! 🤷‍♀️
Italy: Book a vacation with us now, we'll relax
WHO: We vaccinate you all
Belarus: what to vaccinate against? Did we miss anything? 😳
China: Do you want to buy more? 🤑
World: 🤦‍♀️ …….

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