When schoolchildren visit a slaughterhouse
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"When schoolchildren visit a slaughterhouse...
A teacher had the bright idea of ​​organizing a trip to a slaughterhouse for his students. For example, 18 students from an elementary school in Ohama, Nebraska, met for a tour of an “ox” slaughterhouse.
Result: Children are horrified at how cows were processed into meat. Some threw up and most cried.
Her teacher, Maxwell Barnes, has faced disciplinary action for organizing the school field trip. "I didn't see anything wrong," he said. “At the beginning of the year we took a trip to a chocolate factory. Children are curious where their food comes from. I don't think there's anything wrong with showing them where the meat comes from."
The children were taken through the facility from the loading dock where the cows enter the building to the stunning process where their brains are pierced using a slaughter pistol leaving them in the condition. Brain.
“Some of the kids started crying at the time,” says Dan Smith, the slaughterhouse foreman. "We told them it's all part of the beef production, of course, and found in delicious burgers, but that didn't seem to help much."
The visit then went awry when the children walked into the room where the brain-dead cows are chained by their hind legs and then cut out to be bled to death. "I saw a little boy throw up," Smith said. “And then there were screams and other kids throwing up all over the place. We tried to calm her down but it was out of control at the time. These kids were in shock, they didn't even finish the visit."
And yes… as McCartney said, “If all slaughterhouses had glass walls, they would all be vegetarian”

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