Primeval rock water is pure life
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Primeval rock water is pure life
Our water is dead without minerals ...
Our water is unhealthy ...
Our water is poisoned….

But I don't accept that anymore.
That's why I researched for a long time and today I want to share my result with you.

Rock flour, shungite stones, magnetic field, IS rune

The rock flour contains minerals, iron, silica ...

Silicic acid: Silicon oxide is the “primary substance of all life. Part of the connective tissue, makes it elastic, promotes the respiration of the cells and stops their aging. It also supports the development of hair, nails, skin and muscles.
Potassium: is a cell component and together with sodium regulates the water balance and the pH value of the blood. It is important for the blood flow to the heart muscle and keeps the heart going, regulates blood pressure, prevents heart attacks and supports nerve communication.
Calcium nourishes bones and teeth. Prevents teeth and bones from becoming brittle and fragile. Makes the body look fresh.
Iron is necessary for blood formation and the transport of oxygen into the tissue for energy production. Since a high amount of iron is supplied to minerals, no other iron supplements should be taken at the same time.
Zinc: strengthens cells and speeds up metabolism. In the case of deficiency, wounds often heal worse, hair falls out more quickly and women can become sterile.
Molybdenum: increases potency.
Chromium: has an antihypertensive effect, dilates the blood vessels and regulates the fat level in the blood. It controls the metabolism of fat and glucose.

The beautiful, this water keeps radiation away from the body. We can no longer be manipulated so easily through the water. Thanks to the protection of iron, and the stone shungite and the magnetic field.
Also very helpful in losing weight.

* The Bovis value is a unit of measurement that can be used to measure the vital energy of substances, organisms and places manure.
has shown that the shungite has 100 times more energy than any other healing stone.

Shungite is a mineral stone and its energies make our water come alive again.

Example: a glass of tap water has 3 - 4000 Bovis units, depending on the water quality. After 10 minutes with only a small piece of the raw stone (looks like coal) the values ​​rise to 5 - 6; after one hour it is already over 000 - tip: inserting it overnight brings values> 7 Bovis.

Expensive filters for your water don't do anything, except less lime and an empty wallet.

Poisons are neutralized with the help of rock flour and shungite stones.

Healthy living magnetized water.
Tastes great.
My water has the runic symbol.
The IS rune offers me and my water protection and other energies. You can measure that too.

This water must not be boiled or poured into electrical devices.
Animals also like to drink the water very much
Live pure life for the plant world.

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