Topothesy. Humans in species-appropriate keeping (German) Hardcover
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People are terribly unequal, but are compulsively treated the same because that is "fair" or "equal opportunity". I want to show what makes people different and why something individually (!) Original wants to grow in them - and that has to be respected! “Appropriate husbandry” advocates passionately for it.

For those who domesticate life force convert it into aggression. Whoever frustrates the need for love creates depression and hatred. Anyone who puts shy children on stage drives them to the side or in front of computers. What we fear, we actually produce ourselves! To the best of our knowledge, today's educational world inflicts severe damage on practically every personality structure, which overcoming is then called "personality development". People remain fixed on their initial wound like a pearl oyster on their injury. In the end, the pearl mussel considers the pearl to be its actual lifetime achievement!

So we humans usually only look at one thing (that which shouldn't hurt) and want bandages and balm. The remedies are, for example, praise, thanks, success, better knowledge, lust, or an increase in power. Whoever does not get it and therefore feels pain, destroys, reproaches, greed, avenges or reviles! Our “machina”, our “beta soul”, the angry coping machine in us, wants healing (an infinite amount of balm). Then we say our life has meaning. But it wasn't about meaning for a second! Just about the pain of the wound. And I want to show you that “sense” is somewhere else - not in the wound. And of course the completely unwounded one is more likely to find meaning, doesn't it? Appropriate husbandry!
The “divine” is like meaning and “does not hurt”. And I show: God exists whether he exists or not.


Loosely translated, topothesy is a “vivid description of a beautifully imagined world”. Yes, “human welfare”, that would be it! Stop, calls Dueck, suppress the lively! Leave the useless upbringing of the good ones, they are already good - and only become anxiously conformist! Understand them, the shy, the loved ones and the peacemakers, so that they don't have to flee to monasteries or universities! Those who treat people fairly and equally, almost all wounded. And the injured react like seashells covering the pain with mother-of-pearl. The pain and the pearl become the center of life. And because the pearl looks so beautiful, we admire it as our brilliant achievement or our purpose in life. But what is life really?

The book embarks on a tour of the unheard-of wounds in the human soul, stumbles over the remains of conventional models of the human interior - and in the end it becomes wonderfully bright. Yes, that would be it. Anyone who has read it will see differently and say: "Everything is beta!"

Dueck's new masterpiece crowns his “Meaning of Life” trilogy, the first volumes of which were published under the titles Omnisophie and Supramany. (All volumes are self-contained.)

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