Psychology of the masses (German)
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As of: May 1, 2024 11:11 time
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A very good book for understanding how the crowds are controlled. In the end you control people with feelings, because then the normal thought process stops.

Göbbels already knew how to use this, his speech in the Sportpalast is legendary and led to the question “Do you want total war?”. Something that nobody really wants suddenly caused cheers. The consequences of total war were brushed aside and there was approval in the crowd.

The same can be observed with Corona. Do you want total lockdown? So that you don't suffer the consequences of something that doesn't actually exist in the form that we are led to believe? There is no need to come up with facts and figures, common sense is mostly set to MAKE. In the meantime, one also seems to develop a certain hatred of people who think clearly and run around without a mask. Or it is envy, fear ... like in the 3rd Reich.

Once you have understood the techniques, you no longer get pissed off with them. And then later you don't have to pretend that you didn't know anything about anything.

And having multiple opinions comes in handy. Opinions are a matter of belief. An opinion has nothing to do with knowledge, it is a fragment of knowledge. So you can always play off the masses with opinions against each other. If you thought everything through to the end, as in the case of Corona, instead of defaming scientists, you might come to completely different conclusions. When knowledge enters the room, then all opinions have to leave. But: the strategy is to control all parties in a conflict, so you always win. You always have the script of the plan in hand.

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