Cause of death: infallibility !: A church bids farewell to this world
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The Roman Catholic Church is at the height of an epochal decision-making process about the continuation of its two thousand year history: Every day new reports of terrible cases of abuse around the world shock people. Thousands of women who would be wonderful priestesses and as many suitable men who are married are excluded from ecclesiastical dignity. Hundreds of priests also have to give up their office for celibate reasons. The call for reforms is throbbing louder and louder against the bronze portal of St. Peter's Basilica and Pope Francis constantly gives hope for change. Women and men work tirelessly every day to make changes possible in the Church.

Is this fight worth it? Can the Church change at all? Will a Pope ever be able to noticeably resolve the Church's rigidity? It is a question of life and death for the church: not whether it is willing to reform, but whether it is capable of reform. If she isn't, she'll die from it! The present book by a "laicized" priest and his wife investigates this question. Emotionally and openly they talk about their own history and theological and scientific they find the answers that the church does not want to give - or cannot give at all: CAUSE OF DEATH: INFEault!

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