Update: Vaccination with luciferase and RNA suitable for gene modification
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In the meantime, official bodies are also rowing back regarding Corona / Covid-19. There is no excess mortality and therefore no pandemic.

This graphic shows that we actually have other problems.

More testing is going on ... but no more people are dying from Corona.

So what is planned? You want to get vaccinated like hell. And then only allow those vaccinated to go public.

The luciferase vaccination is able to change the DNA. And that is probably the real goal. Corona itself is only the transport vehicle to reach the destination?

Anyone who has ever wondered why a “public service” thinks it can make claims and rights on you: it makes claims on the DNA because we don't? We are now in a floating state, and someone is staking out the claim and using it until the real owner shows up. That happens more and more. Alone to protect the children and no longer just to be “authorized to bring up”.

So you want to redesign the claim and then have rights to it?

Greet-Zygot you: One. As you can see and / or recognize, we are now in a “final battle phase” of the “silent war” with “silent weapons”. This officially started in 1953! And since then and especially in the last 30 years it has been increased and intensified enormously. Now, however, we have come to the absolutely red line: the planned vaccination / administration of genetics-changing RNA snippets using carrier enzymes / luciferases is the last and decisive attack on the God-given genome. And that is BEFORE conception the Holy Land of: One., And from the BIRTH DATE via the POST-BIRTH MATERIAL TRICK with the hidden claim of third parties to your genetic material / allod

it seems like that: a. no longer belongs to himself. So we are and you have come to the right place at exactly the right time: for your Holy Land aka genetic material retroactively since fertilization and zygote
to claim for yourselves. And this with the outstanding priority claim and allod in the uninterrupted life of God covenant. You see, the “simple remedy / legal remedy” is there and is now urgently being exercised and claimed. The good news is: as soon as we, as the one., Have done this, the entire game is over. As Goethe lets the master pronounce it in his “Magic Apprentice” after the apprentice has put everything “under water” in his absent being: “Broom stand still!” Warm greetings from: One., to: One.

the one
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