
Immunologist and molecular biologist Prof. Dolores Cahill: Why COVID-19 vaccinated persons will (possibly) die months after the mRNA vaccination
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Irish immunologist and molecular biologist Prof. Dr. Dolores Chahill [1] explained in the video using the Study “Immunization with SARS-Coronavirus Vaccines Leads After Injection With Wild SARS-Virus to severe immune disease of the lungs "
[2] why mRNA vaccines are associated with extreme risks.

If vaccinated individuals come into contact with wild coronavirus a few months after vaccination, their immune system will in many cases react with a deadly cytokine storm. This is because the vaccine mRNA is the Body cells genetically modified in this waythat they produce the coronavirus spike protein.

If a new coronavirus later activates the immune system, it recognizes the self-produced spike proteins as a danger and starts a major attack against its own body cells. As a result, those vaccinated suffer septic shock with multiple organ failure, which usually ends in death.

The French geneticist Dr. med. Alexandra Henrion-Caude (former director of the national institute for health and medical research, Inserm) [3] demands:

The public must be informed about the life-threatening risks of mRNA vaccines for seniors before vaccination.

She refers to the conclusions from the study “Informed Consent of Participants in the COVID-19 Vaccine Study on the Risk of Worsening Clinical Disease” [4] and their clinical implications:

The specific and significant risk of COVID-19 antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) should have been disclosed to the test subjects - both those currently in vaccine trials and those who are being recruited into the trials.

Future patients must also be informed after the vaccine has been approved.

This disclosure needs to be prominent and independent to meet the standard of medical ethics for patient understanding and informed consent.

mRNA vaccinations do not protect against coronaviruses, but make them a deadly danger!

It is therefore important to clarify whether the term “vaccine” is used hides biological weapons system. In any case, the vaccine manufacturers, the WHO and their offshoots in the national authorities will try to shift the side effects (from a military point of view: main effects) of the mRNA vaccination to a mutated virus.

The pandemic makers will reinterpret those who have died as a result of the mRNA vaccination as COVID-21 deaths. It is important to prevent this through autopsies - because the vaccine victims should serve them as a justification for tough measures as well as for an extreme mass panic, which they know how to stir up via mass media. Your goal - to maximize the number of deaths through forced vaccination - becomes recognizable in all its unscrupulousness.

For the pandemic creators, it is also of strategic importance to eliminate the control group of the unvaccinated - and to do so as quickly as possible. Otherwise it would quickly become apparent that only vaccinated people die. Therefore, everyone who does not have the high-risk mRNA vaccine injected should isolated and in quarantine as a "threat"-Camp to be deported.

Now it becomes clear why Bill Gates announced with a malicious grin in June 2020:
“The next virus will get attention” -… and why Michael Ryan as director of the “Emergency Program” of the WHO on March 30, 2020 mass deportations to Corona quarantine camp announced: "We have to get into the houses and take members of your families with us".

[" Question: Is the same scenario repeated here as it was 100 years ago?

Because anyone who deals with the so-called "Spanish flu" in more detail is confronted with the terrible truth that at that time it was also only through the vaccination that millions of people died as a result.
And more conspicuously, at that time the unvaccinated people were practically not affected by this "flu" and were also not "infected" with this "Spanish flu."

Vaccination as biological warfare and planned mass murder? A horror scenario that must not be repeated under any circumstances.

So it is no wonder and not surprising that now 100 years later, clearly the vaccinated person assumes full liability for every CORONA vaccination and for its consequences. On request, TK has already confirmed in writing that the health insurance companies will not cover any consequential damage caused by a CORONA vaccination.

Blind trust in the makers and advertisers for this vaccination is therefore not appropriate and should be questioned extremely critically in terms of your own health, if not your own will to survive.

Obviously, it makes sense to postpone any vaccination against "CORONA" for at least as long as possible until this mass experiment has been completed and the actual effects and consequences have been evaluated. And that takes at least 5 years. All rights reserved. Just for amusement.
No liability."]

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