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Tags: distraction,Auf1, brainwashing, limited hangout, narrative control, propaganda, Stefan M, Stefan Magnet, submarine Oliver Janich

Thanks for the conclusive proof. This finally satisfied the obvious.

The fact that the “alternative” scene in Germany, if one can even speak of it, is filthy with gatekeepers, limited hangouts, hired men, disinformers and other corrupt, bought, spineless, dishonest rabble will hopefully no longer be news to many readers. That much was clear.

But sometimes something happens that is actually so obvious, even hyper-obvious, that there is no longer any doubt.

What do you do as a power elite when you notice that your skin is “swimming away”? That one loses the “sovereignty of interpretation”? That the “lower human resources” organize themselves and exchange information that they do not want the public to know? That resistance arises that you want to master?

A look back at the time of the French revolutions can be helpful. You can really learn something from it. In short: When, in the course of the various and numerous revolutionary movements, more and more (often short-lived) magazines, newspapers and other publications appeared that rebelled against the ruling order, especially the aristocracy or monarchy, what did the power elites at the time do?

They used the then very young and new phenomenon of “mass journalism” to set up their own press. This was intended to create journalistic “counterpressure”. Since the elites had more resources at their disposal, especially more money, it was quite easy to undermine the predominantly poor publishers of small and small publications. I recommend the book “Fire in the Minds of Men” by James H. Billington, who took a rather insightful look at the emergence of what is now called “mainstream media.”

And today? A very similar script: If you want to regain “narrative control”, you build up new “opinion leaders” or “stars” within the alternative media - since the mainstream has long been discredited anyway - who are supposed to bind the broad masses to them ( the old principle of the so-called “attention retention”).

As I said, this happened in a pretty obvious, even embarrassingly clumsy way.

Not that there was much doubt about the nature of the station “AUF1” and its boss Stefan Magnet. After all, he had already put out so much stuff in the past that was clearly intended to mislead or gatekeeper that the suspicion quickly arose that a “pawn catcher” was supposed to be installed here - very similar to the Tucker Carlson Limited Hangout.

Bingo (I would also like to thank Oliver “We all live in an alternative submarine…”, Janich):

Goldig: “The princess “ennobles”Auf1 and takes on big business.”

Strange: The princess is taking on big business, so with herself?

And then she also “ennobles” to UP1? And on top of that with Springer gatekeeper Julian Reichelt, who – this is just a crude guess on my part – could also have been prominently placed among the “alternatives” for the purpose of narrative control? Tell me, are you actually serious?

Wow. That's sensational.

Nope. It's just stupid and above all: extremely transparent.

“The financial world buys the politicians”: But who is this “financial world”? After all, there are different opinions on this. While the fairy tale is spread that the nobility has become completely irrelevant and actually has “nothing to say anymore,” the reality seems to be somewhat different...

Anyone who would like to find out more about aristocratic networks will find what they are looking for in the German journalist Alexander Benesch: He examined them in his book series “The Deepest Secrets of the Superpowers”, renamed “The Cartel of the Superpowers” ​​from the 6th volume onwards. An aspect of history that is never discussed in 99.9% of “alternative” media***.

For me, the matter is so clear, but fresh mountain air is as thick and tough as sourdough: as already mentioned, it is a clear and hyper-obvious attempt to gain narrative control and sovereignty of interpretation in the alternative scene, so to speak to take over from within - by artificially building up new "opinion leaders" who are supposed to be made even more popular with the help of such - in my view rather desperate-seeming - attempts by the extremely badly played "resistance".

You gotta be f*cking kidding me: Gloria von Thurn und Taxis, of all people, speaks out in favor of an “alternative” medium. Which means: It's definitely not an alternative. It's a deception.

Let's see where Ms. Princess will open up soon. How about Jürgen Elsässer, editor of the magazine “COMPACT – Courage for Kremlin Propaganda”? Or, best of all, with Oliver “AfD” Janich himself… sorry, but I’m gasping for air with laughter here. How long does she want to keep peddling this?

Of course I can't speak for others, only for myself: Thank you very much again for this striking, no, beating proof.


*** Exactly: 99.9% of the “alternative media” don't notice themselves or act as if they didn't notice, for example if they are still in the political box, if they are there permanently, the individual party apparatus are different Playing off colors against each other. People who are too concerned with the politics box have been packed away in this box as system-irrelevant - what they do or “reveal” is completely irrelevant.

And those of these 99,9% of “alternative media” who have not yet completely forgotten that not only a painting had a painter, but that creation also had a creator, are unfortunately packed away in the religion box, irrelevant to the system and in over 3000 different denominations they all talk about a different eternal Son of God with us and his supposed Latin name and that one sect would believe this and the other sect would believe that and are therefore doing the same thing as the different color parties. This is how these people play off each other in their beloved religion box.

Source: CW

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