[ Reichsbürger – Where does the Reichsbürger come from? Who exactly is that by definition, how to read here in the LEGAL DICTIONARY and according to the Reich Citizenship Law of 1935? ]
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[ :One.
Question: According to this definition, are all PASSPORT or ID cards
PEOPLE in INLAND GERMANY, i.e. the federal citizens = Reich citizens? And as you can read here, as soon as they are eligible to vote and exercise their right to vote? At least that's how I read it here.
How do you see the other :One.?

Other :One.
Yes, that's how I see it, but only when they consciously choose with this knowledge. Vote because you were deceived, there is only the assumption that you are Reich citizens!
As soon as the person is entitled to vote, i.e. is on a voter list, this person can be “marked” as a Reich citizen by the administration/authorities at any time! If YOU were to openly do this to all PERSONS, then YOU would lose the opportunity to defame individuals as Reich citizens.
The solution to end both the presumption and the defamation is therefore actually the deletion / renunciation of the right to vote in the 3rd Reich aka now the legal successor Federal Republic / Germany.
The right to vote thus gains a high priority with regard to the STATUS of the PERSON. And who would like to be such a Reich citizen?
Other :One.
With info from yet another :One. this means: electoral list entry = mandate mayor is also assumed to be a citizen of the Reich.
Conversely: Removal from the voter list Clarification of status=> Not a Reich citizen. They work on so many levels of contracts.
What we :One., have found as a possibility so far in terms of contracts:

1. Termination of birth registration investigation
2. Prohibition of connecting Christian given names Name
3. Removal from the electoral roll
4. Use passport and name transliteration here.

This is my/our current status.
:one. – Yes, we have worked diligently to this point.
Other :One. – How nice it is to be on the trail of the truth.
:one. - Yes! Above all together with you and you: one. ! ]

By the way: the law is from 1935... my proven descent goes back to 1892. I do not have an official certificate. I do not consider the so-called nationality certificate as such, since it is a false document for my correct descent as a Prussian. As the legal successor of the 3rd Reich, the Federal Republic of Germany obviously cannot treat Hitler's conformity with the Nazis in any other way.

The last few days I heard a nice idea from a friend. The conversation came up on the occasion of this Reichsbürger-Geframe. He said he started his own empire a few years ago. He called it Hilf-Reich, which as a word reflects what is at stake here: caring for others and for Mother Earth. There would also still be the spirit realms. These are empires that anyone can start right away. And they are limitless.

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