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It is often asked, "What is freedom?"
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It is often asked, "What is freedom?"

Freedom is being able to do whatever you want without harming others.

State is the opposite of that. The state does damage by not only hurting/destroying everyone's self-property, but also property in general. He extorts and robs money and insanely claims he has to do it to protect individual freedom. Absurd.

Man does not need an institution that behaves wrongly towards him and then tells him how to behave correctly.
Man can very well distinguish on his own between what is right (non-harmful) and what is wrong (harmful). Out of the sole desire not to be harmed by others, he usually gives the appropriate output.

And just because there are misbehaving people out there doesn't justify having an all-controlling, robbing (misbehaving) gang over you to tell you what's right and what's wrong. Again, this is absurd.

Belief in domination destroys everything.

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