Let's find out what sovereignty and freedom and peace really mean worldwide!
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... ..I already took part in a turning point in 1989 - I ran through the streets of Leipzig with 300 - an indescribable feeling of strength and the will for freedom.

The system gave up.

What happened then?:

Only later did I find out that the opening of the Hungarian border had been “organized” by one of the dark nobility from the Kalergie-Club.

Then suddenly people came along who pretended to be freedom fighters - made round tables and wanted a broad consensus. There was a lot of talk - everyone was allowed to express their opinion ...

But incidentally, in the background, we and our homeland were sold and sold - went from bad to worse.

Many of those who then conducted negotiations and accompanied well-paid political offices were with the Stasi themselves. Schur, Demiziare and many others. Some of them still support posts in political offices today.

What would have happened then if we had already had the opportunity to gather information as quickly and as extensively as is possible now?

And if we had already revealed at the time that this was a game we had planned!

Would we have been defamed as “splitters” ?!

Yes, we are strong as humans and powerful and no matter who organized it - the good forces also used it.

Only if we are not careful will we be dragged through the ring again by the nose ring, as in 1914, 1933 and 1989.

This is not about complaining or dividing - this is about opening your eyes, being vigilant and turning on your brain, instead of headlessly chasing after new seducers who want to maintain the corrupt party system, do not want a peace treaty and would prefer to bring all of Africa to Germany.

Anyone who can read should read the statutes of the first Schiffmann party “Resistance 2020” - they can still be found on the net.

There is written down what they want! Merkel Agenda 2.0!

Have you never wondered where the millions of euros come from to set up such a bread-and-games program ?!

Alone on August 29.8th she set up 60 (sixty !!) stages!

Of course, they can't control everyone who gets there - but where they're trying to lead us is clear.

And whoever says “splitters” to those who open their eyes and look at and share the information is either part of the Jesuit Deep State Masonic Club or is stupid or naive!

For thousands of years they've been kidding us over and over again!

Are some really incapable of learning and wonder how it is possible that a peaceful, loving human race is repeatedly involved in wars and can be kept in slavery by elites ?!

Even though we are so powerful ?!

If we want to build a world with love, harmony, peace, abundance, etc., then this is only possible if we really wake up and question what kind of game they are playing with us.

THAT is what I call “ass up” - you could also say “turn on your brain”!

Some “Spalter” texts seem almost as prescribed to me - like texts from the Jesuit journals !!!

“Spalter” as a new narrative word, similar to conspiracy theorethicist !!

So: let us neither be divided nor seduced: let us recognize who really are the divisors and seducers and who have been for centuries!

THAT is waking up! THAT is becoming conscious!

THAT is love and respect for ourselves !!!

It is important that we don't leave the road to them alone. But we should look and see through such traps as they organized at the Reichstag. We know. that they had planned their trench long ago - but they couldn't justify it. Now they can, thanks to their informants.

The end of the Deep State is coming - let's get out of their jail together and build a beautiful world.

Let's find out what sovereignty and freedom and peace really mean worldwide!

Source: https://www.facebook.com/enrico.klier.9

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