It's about power
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Power is like concrete - it depends what you make of it. The essence of "doing" is in the word itself. Whoever has power makes others do what he wants….

By promising “participation” to the people who participate! Let's call that the positive side of power. But there is not only that, there is also the often forgotten negative, i.e. the “dark side” of power. There is pressure. Anyone who does not participate is simply made a head shorter.


So power is almost bipolar like electrical energy. The positive pole is the hope for advantages, the negative pole is the fear of disadvantages that a person or an organization creates in their environment.

However, if you only hope for a small raise in salary or for an order for a supplier company, you have little power. The hope of a leading position or the fear of ruin has great power. Anyone who believably seems to be master of life and death has enormous power. You don't even need to have money or possessions yourself if you promise people paradise on the one hand, and burn eternally in hell on the other hand if you don't feel it. A brilliant strategy ...

In terms of its approach, this has nothing to do with knowledge, intelligence, money, ownership of the means of production, but with the most strategically effective use of these resources. The awakened expectation makes the power! In order for people to do what you want, you don't necessarily have to fulfill hopes and fears right away, you just have to avoid doubts!

A millionaire who sits on his money and lets no one hope for anything has hardly any power, a con man who has nothing but lets everyone hope for millions in profits arouses great tensions and thus has great power and attraction.

The strategy determines the magnitude of the tension, the magnitude of the tension the magnitude of the power and the magnitude of the power in turn the influence on the people. The psychological, informal, financial, economic, technical and material conditions depend on the influence on people. How great the tensions are that one creates is a question of the right concentration of forces and resources, i.e. the right strategy. Small forces have to be concentrated strictly on a few interlocutors, then the forces grow, one can grasp ever wider groups of people and with them their means.

Everyone can evoke much greater tension, power and attraction with their energies and resources. On all sides! Simply by improving your strategy. For the duration of his success it is then a matter of credibly preserving the hopes and fears placed in him, but that does not mean that he has to fulfill them - please note the difference!

The means by which the tension is created does not really matter. The only decisive factor for the effect is how great the tension is. How universal these laws of tension are and how easy it is to create greater tension and gain more power is shown by the power of churches, sects and ideologies. They only promise - apparently credible - on the one hand heaven on earth and on the other hand hell if one does not participate. The power of a dictator is based on the fact that he can make one “state secretary” practically uninhibited by legal or moral boundaries, put the other in prison or immediately executed. This principle has been running unchanged here for thousands of years. Quasi in an endless loop. The expectations generated can be increased in a positive, targeted manner up to euphoria, on the "dark" side up to fear psychosis. If all of this is carried out correctly and consistently, practically any resistance can be broken.

Oh yes - how do you best organize that so that nobody spits in the soup or gets in your way? Yes, there is a tried and tested form of organization that immediately identifies every "troublemaker" and which, due to the principle, can be controlled with very few, reliable co-makers: This is the well-known hierarchy that is used everywhere ......

A strictly hierarchical structure is required in order to be able to control the overall system with a few selected individuals. They are then also easily exchangeable. Prime example: The development of the party: "The Greens". This can also be seen, for example, in the actually illegal “faction compulsion”, but also in all socially relevant organizations, regardless of whether they are NGOs or associations, parties or companies. On top of that, it is “sold” as the only functioning option.

But now there will still be a few fully intelligent people who, due to their intelligence, can reasonably see through the system. How do I get this under control? First of all, corruption is the method of choice. Today it is also called “lobbying”, politically correct. So I make at least about 20% of the population, mostly the more intelligent, system-compliant profiteers who will also defend the system tooth and nail.

That leaves a small residue of highly intelligent people who can really see through the system. So-called "intellectuals". You have to distract them so that nothing happens. For the passive followers with their own ideas, there are various playgrounds and the compulsion to participate in the system in order to survive on a pleasant level.

An even smaller, potentially dangerous “remnant” of intelligence, which then also becomes politically active, must still be held down. That is the job of the propaganda media, they are mostly “right-wing populists”, weirdos or they have a “dark spot” somewhere in their past that is publicly and extensively spread. And if not, you just invent something. So you can finally discredit such people. And if all that doesn't help, you lure them into a trap….

So far this is a description of the state we have in this country. It is also well cemented ...

  1. there are hierarchically organized parties, which means that a few “chairmen” determine what “cause” is….
  2. there are party lists. Whoever wants to be elected has to be acceptable to the hierarchical party leadership ... otherwise it will be nothing with the list position.
  3. When you arrive at the “parliament”, “parliamentary group compulsory” is illegal, but no one cares. And again the "party leadership" strikes ......
  4. There are around 3000 registered (!) Lobbyists in Berlin alone. If one assumes that a lobbyist costs a cautiously estimated 200.000 euros a year, that is one billion euros. Anyone who affords something like this will surely expect something from it …… .. The ones in Brussels will cost even more ……
  5. Taken together: It is done what a handful of “party leaders” want with the benevolent support of the “lobbyists”. It's not much more than 10 people.

But wasn't there something with “democracy”, the “rule of the people”?

Yes, but the method described above never works. Never not at all. Something else is needed. First of all, what is needed is a goal that is wanted and striven for by the people. With that we already have the salad - it doesn't even exist at the moment!

It would be very simple: prosperity for everyone and blooming landscapes!

(But it does not work if all ego-mad people claim everything for themselves)

That can only change if “Das Volk” actually wants to live in prosperity, surrounded by blooming landscapes. What is needed first is the> realization that this can only be achieved with serious cooperation between all those involved. However, this will never ever be achieved with a hierarchical form of organization! That has to be set on a much broader basis and must never be left in the hands of a few “peers”. Many have to participate, ideally all of them at once!

And what can that look like? Is everyone really working together? Share power?

In a group that works by itself ...


A group being, also related to "clan", works very dynamically. It may very well develop an organizational structure that looks "hierarchical". But this structure is not fixed and the apparent “hierarchy” is actually “only” the one who is best suited for this function. If the requirements change, someone else takes over this function - without the previous “leader” being offended or “sawed off”. This just steps back to where it works most effectively ……. Therefore, in a group, not only what is acquired "from above" happens, but what must be done. Access "from above" is only available in crisis situations.

Let's look at an anthill. It is much more complex than a skyscraper, is optimally adapted to its surroundings and very impressively organized. But who organizes the defense, the warfare, the care of an anthill?

Who is the manager of an anthill? An anthill is a living being. On the whole, it behaves much more intelligently than any of its residents. There is no scientific explanation. The thought that such a complex society can do without any management is just amazing ... and the ants are not the only example!

This definition means that a group of people is already a living being that exists independently of its individual group members. With the anthill as a group being we have fewer problems of understanding, it is a “being” as a whole, only its “elements” are not fixed to one another.

In a very similar way to that, we can establish that our own body is a group being made up of individual organs and cells. And we can research where our “I” is in between. And we have to accept that our “group being” is much more intelligent than any of our cells.

Similarly, there is a “group being” in every community or company and is much more intelligent than any individual member of the community. The group being has no body of its own, similar to a forest, which one does not notice if one only looks at the individual trees. But it uses the bodily functions of its members and speaks through the mouth of one of its members, the boss or the spokesman for that organization. The cells in a human body specialize. Muscles, nerves, brain, etc. Biology cannot precisely explain how all this is organized during the growth of an embryo. And yet every single cell finds its place and is clearly satisfied.

The better the synergy develops within a team, the more specialization happens, similar to the growth of an embryo: everyone finds their place according to their abilities and everyone is needed with their individual abilities and is integrated through their individual contribution. All group members are fully satisfied and feel equal. And everyone promotes the interests of the whole organization in this way.

The idea of ​​an independent “group being” alongside the individualities helps to explain the phenomena of strong synergies. A synergetic team uses all the skills of all members and is all the more effective, the more different the personality profiles are. But it is difficult to achieve this state with a group of very different personalities.

As the “group being” develops, the organization becomes much more effective. Why? One result of the “group being” is intuition, which develops as a kind of higher communication, which in turn is based on the existence of the higher intelligence of the “group being”.

Every member of a group must be willing to allow and accept this intuition.

An evolutionary process takes place in a community, an inner cognition and growth process of all members, at the end of which lies the goal: an alternative social order to the hierarchical system.

Source: geht-um-die-macht2

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