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Well, how is the Ossi?
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The East German who cannot be integrated and has been left behind with his broken biography, who does not understand the market economy and who criticizes the morally drunk democracy of the Wessis? How is he, the Ossi, who is open to Nazis and is to blame for the strengthening of the AfD?
The Ossi just doesn't want it to look like it does in Frankfurt, Cologne, Hamburg, Berlin, Essen or Duisburg, where the Orient is seen as cultural enrichment and parallel society prevails everywhere. He just doesn't want to renegotiate the muezzi call in his cities and his life together every day, he doesn't even want to be stabbed, run over or thrown in front of the train in the name of Islam.
The Ossi does not want his hard-earned money to be given away to the invading male supply migrants, but to use it sensibly for the elderly, sick and destitute in crisis areas. He doesn't want to throw his money out the window for ESM rescue packages and certainly doesn't want to be forced to give it up for television that he doesn't want to watch.
He doesn't want his festivals and celebrations to be framed by concrete parts and for SEK people to swarm there.
The Ossi wants a reasonable armed forces with working tanks and planes.
And he wants to drive his diesel, which he bought at such a high price, for a while longer.
That's how he is, the Ossi, who has a totalitarian regime behind him and knows exactly what democracy is.
We don't need gossips, opinion makers and moralizing writers from Spiegel who want to explain the world to us. Keep your left cheese sheet, stomp it in or wipe something else with it.

Note: divide/conquer doesn't get us anywhere. We should have recognized that. I am neither for the AfD as a right-wing party nor for National Socialists as a left-wing party.

There is a saying: if you come to terms with an inhuman system out of fear, then your own life might be easier and more carefree. But not that of the children.

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