Boring flight huh?
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A Boeing 777 is on its way across the Atlantic. She's flying steadily at 800 km/h at 30.000 feet when suddenly an F-18 appears at Mach 2 speed. The pilot of the fighter jet slows down, flies alongside the Boeing and radios to the passenger plane pilot: “Boring flight, huh? Then pay attention!”
He rolls his jet onto his back, accelerates, breaks the sound barrier, soars rapidly to dizzying heights only to crash in a breathtaking dive almost down to sea level. With a loop he returns next to the Boeing and asks: "Well, how was that?"
The Boeing pilot replies, “Very impressive. But now look here!”
The jet pilot watches the Boeing, but nothing happens. It keeps flying straight ahead, always at the same speed. After five minutes, the Boeing pilot radioed: “Well, what are you saying now!?”
The jet pilot asks irritated: "What did you do?" The other laughs and says: "I got up, stretched my legs, went to the back of the bathroom, then grabbed a coffee and a cinnamon roll and made an appointment with the stewardess for the next three nights - in a 5th night -star hotel paid for by my employer.”
The moral of the story is:
When you're young, speed and adrenaline seem to be great things. But as you get older and wiser, comfort and tranquility are not to be scoffed at either.
It's called SOS: slower, older, smarter.
Dedicated to all my friends who, like me, are approaching the SOS. ✌️😂

Note: yes, the picture shows an A380 and 2 Eurofighters...

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