Corona tests in Tanzania: fruits, goats and birds positive! - German translation!
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Since the mask requirement has demonstrably no medical or clinical benefit, as can be seen on the product information of all masks manufactured for the standard consumer, it must be assumed that it is a medical experiment. For this purpose, the Nuremberg Codex would then have to be applied, which requires the voluntary consent of the “humane subjects” to this experiment. If this is achieved through the dissemination of false information, falsified data and / or nonsensical conclusions, and even if it is intentionally committed, then crimes against humanity and war crimes are committed.
That is the legal basis on which one can proceed against these criminals.

A quote from this website:
“In the Nazi era, gigantic ideas about health meant that not only the rights, but also the life of the individual were disregarded in order to heal the “national body”. Based on the well-known American medical historian Jay Katz, who emigrated from Germany during the Nazi era, it can be formulated: If the irrefutable necessity of the human rights protection guarantees for the individual had been firmly anchored in the professional thinking and actions of doctors under National Socialism, they would never have had the illusions and criminal Consequences of “Magna Therapia” can follow at the expense of the individual. With the guiding principle of “genetic enhancement engineering” in biomedicine, a modern “Magna Therapia” of humans through their auto-evolution threatens. The threatening repetition of history can only be prevented by an absolute insistence on the inviolability of human dignity in the sense of the Nuremberg Code, including the ban on the instrumentalization of human beings through unauthorized research for the benefit of others and the right to life of all people.

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