vaccine text and a person wearing latex glove while holding a syringe on pink background

Compulsory vaccination:
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It is not a vaccination,

therefore we do not need to discuss any further!

1.) It is not a vaccination, but the administration of a gene-based experimental substance!

2.) This does not protect against infection from Sars Cov2, and does not protect against being able to pass the virus on.

3.) There is no vaccination in the classic sense, and therefore vaccination cannot be prescribed.

4.) The “vaccines” are conditionally approved. If this admission is only conditional, no one can be obliged to take part.

5.) Participation in a clinical study is - legally guaranteed - always voluntary. (Note: see Nuremberg Codex etc.)

The test person must be free to terminate this study at any time!

6.) Any coercion - be it in the health service or in any other professional group - is illegal and violates our fundamental rights and freedoms.

7.) Who is responsible for an alleged vaccination requirement?
This question is the most important question of all! Without an actual and thus also insured law (and not just a "regulation"!), The question of liability is by no means legally clarified and legally binding.

8.) And last but not least: Whom does a compulsory vaccination actually and actually benefit? Legal norm.

The Normativity of international law - the norms of ius cogens (the social nature of man and the natural solidarity among peoples) - was derived from the doctrine of natural law from the divine will. jus cogens (lat .: mandatory law) is that part of the legal system that must not be waived and is therefore mandatory international law for everyone (these legal principles are an indispensable foundation - also of a coordination order: Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties Art. 53 and Art. 64 presupposes this existence and orders the invalidity of contractual provisions that contradict ius cogens - see also the principles of free consent and from Good faith as well as the generally recognized Legal principle pacta sunt servanda, contracts must be adhered to).

The determination and the legal consequences of mandatory norms of general international law (jus cogens).

Conclusion 2

Definition of a mandatory norm of general international law (jus cogens)
A mandatory norm of general international law (jus cogens) is a norm accepted and recognized by the entire international community of states, from which no deviations may be made and which can only be changed by a later norm of general international law of the same character.

Conclusion 3

General character of the mandatory norms of general international law (jus cogens) Mandatory norms of general international law (jus cogens) reflect and protect the fundamental values ​​of the international community, take precedence over other rules of international law and have universal validity.

Urgent Aid Call for Aid from the Original Tribes to all Original Peoples and Tribes and the International Human Fellowship! November 25, 2021.

The Original sovereign tribal people (please never again “Ab-Originals !!!) report Forced vaccinations, Deprivation of livelihood and forced deportation to quarantine camps. What happens there can happen anywhere, "Australia" is that Test field of the globalists and in the Northern Territory of Terra Australis continent (to avoid the loss of land rights, deliberately not called "Australia" !!!) test how far you can go.

“What does your 'civilization and progress' mean if the only result is hysteria and doom? What does 'government and law' mean when the ripened harvest consists of people with no life force? What do 'religions and scriptures' mean when their greatest accomplishments are hordes of blind slaves?

What does 'evolution and culture' mean when its perishable flowers are made up of sterilized women? What does 'education and enlightenment' mean when the deceptive fruit is a wretched nation with rot in its bones? " Ragnar Redbeard

There is a total global war of the Canaanites (bank barons of the private central banks) and their companies and including the administrative structures against the life and the genetic makeup and the true claims and the vital interests of the divine people and original men and women of this Planet earth !!!

Peace and truth and freedom and life and love are owed to the original men and women on earth. The natural right to physical health and integrity must be observed without delay and here-and-now today and forever. For this the 99% of all people, men and women have to stand up and stand up!

When we are no longer able to protect our offspring, then everything, really everything is lost !!! Important: we are all originals! We are all native originals! And gen-This is what “YOU” want us to do with “forced vaccination” with gene modification take and rob! We humans are at peace and the duty of peace must be observed!

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