Explosive developments in the President's backlash
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Donald J. Trump is the legally elected President of the United States. On Friday, November 27th, there were explosive developments in the fight to reverse the fraud used by the news media, Democrats and their intelligence officials to promote their avatar, Joe Biden, as President of the United States. On Friday, the Senators and Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the key state, announced that on Monday, November 30th, they would table a bill to decertify the election and reclaim the constitutional authority vested in the state legislature, to appoint the state's voters directly to the electoral college. That news comes just two days after a breathtaking hearing in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania at which hours of testimony exposed the multifaceted extent of electoral fraud. As legislators told the audience at the beginning of these hearings, the hearings themselves were the result of tens of thousands of phone calls from voters who knew the election had been stolen or who had witnessed outright electoral fraud in person. Senator Doug Mastriano, who leads the effort, sought help from the citizens of Pennsylvania by calling on their state officials to join the effort.

The legislature's move comes amid the ongoing utter lawlessness of Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar and Governor Tom Wolf. Pennsylvania Assembly lawmakers filed a lawsuit to block the confirmation of the election because the Secretary of State's executive act to expand absentee and absentee voting in violation of Pennsylvania state and constitutional law was blatantly unlawful is. Judge Patricia McCullough had indicated that she was taking very seriously the claim that Boockvar's actions were likely to be unconstitutional and ordered a briefing, which apparently indicated to Boockvar, Wolf and their members of the Democratic National Committee that their performance was about to take place in that state . As soon as McCullough continued their serious ruling on the matter on a conference call on November 23, Boockvar et al. Upheld the election the next morning, then turned and argued before the notorious Pennsylvania Democratic Party Supreme Court that the McCullough case was irrelevant and could not continue.

Previously, on Wednesday November 25th, Attorney Sidney Powell and her colleagues announced and released legal filings for Georgia and Michigan detailing a wide range of electoral fraud and demanding powerful appeals from the court: Decertification of the election , Sending out postal ballot papers, not sending voters, or even ordering the governor to appoint Trump voters.

The Thought Police are on hand to prevent the news from leaking out. Twitter suspended Mastriano's account and prevented anyone from tweeting the link to Sidney Powell's two legal challenges website that she posted on Wednesday. The mainstream media refused to delve into the content of Powell's allegations and instead focused on how many typographical errors there were in the hastily prepared 100-page complaint of evidence.

These insane developments come after more than four years of uninterrupted attacks on Donald Trump's presidency. Why? Because he is against the imposition of a green nightmare and could oppose the bankers' descent into a "regime change" in which the central banks shape not only monetary but also tax policy and the funds through green mandates into less productive or even entirely directing unproductive investments, thereby starving the world of really necessary physical investments with higher energy density and scientific productivity. On November 27, the president also dismissed the entire Defense Policy Board at the Pentagon, which was made up of such outspoken war criminals as Henry Kissinger and Madeline Albright. In doing so, he continues his campaign to end the eternal wars in which America acts as an imperial policeman for the world's oligarchs, sacrificing its wealth and youth for their genocidal policies.

As the citizens of the United States continue to campaign to save the republic, PAC LaRouche will continue to campaign for Lyndon LaRouche's ideas and policies, which are rooted in the very sovereignty of governments, not financial institutions, of state-accelerated investment into new frontiers of science and technology - especially space and nuclear fusion - and huge investments in high quality infrastructure platforms (including social infrastructure) to serve as a substrate for increased physical productivity.

Today the Schiller Institute will be hosting a 2020 electoral fraud forum that should be of interest to those who follow and support us. You can register for it here.

Translated with Deepl

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