President Trump invokes Constitution against election fraud amid Psyop campaigns to frustrate the fight
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What is it about Donald Trump that his followers love and that engulfs our arrogant, corrupt and decadent elite in carpet chewing attacks? Thats is quite easy. He fights for the forgotten men and women. And he's doing so on behalf of the United States Constitution - which makes this nation exceptional. He does so regardless of the multi-billion dollar effort put in by the City of London, Wall Street and their media, and the titans of Silicon Valley to portray him as a gross, ill-fated clown. In battle, he repeatedly pulls the curtain down and exposes the would-be wizards of the transatlantic secret service who manipulate the game.

Last night, December 2, the President of the United States gave a 45-minute speech to the people exposing the most massive electoral fraud in history, which occurred in the November 3 presidential election. You can and should watch this speech here if you haven't already.

He put it aptly in the context of the four-year coup against the presidency, a coup whose key players include alleged President-elect Joe Biden and everyone else Biden would nominate to his cabinet. President Trump's message was simple. This electoral fraud cannot and does not want to run for office. We will fight and never give up. This is the movement we are building to take our country back. But we will do this in the name of saving the Constitution, and not, as some would like, to destroy or override it.

The wizards' response was to conduct psychological warfare operations on profiles of the President's supporters. The most recent are calling for the constitution to be suspended and martial law to be imposed in order to hold a new election under military supervision. The same operation attributes the fraud that transatlantic intelligence actually committed to China, Iran and North Korea. It also aims to purposely suppress the Trump vote in Georgia, with US Senate control at stake. Proponents include an apparently temporarily disoriented General Michael Flynn, Attorney Sidney Powell, and Attorney Lin Wood.

When you think about it, militarily, it's a classic call for a forward suicidal flight. It is based on the notion that the 75 million people who have elected the president are somehow subordinates who can never win the real battle against the few who have repeatedly demonstrated their corruption, decadence and incompetence. The psyop rewards the elites with some kind of magical power while encouraging the impotent anger of those who would oppose them. This battle will only be won if we replace the current ruling class with patriots able to rule based on the unique American economic system and those philosophies about the nature of man in a creative universe that began with Ben Franklin and Alexander Hamilton are linked and driven by Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon LaRouche. It is now nascent in the movement Trump built. This task requires intelligence, patience, and the same steely determination that our founders displayed.

The scammers' assistants use very old and well-known methods. This is how the British manipulated the premature and suicidal attack by John Brown on Harper's Ferry. In this way, the British undermined the attempt to bring the American Revolution to France, which ended in the Jacobean carnage. Don't fall for it. Brave patriots have come forward to support the president, telling the story of the deceit, determined to win the battle no matter what the enemy throws at them. Stick to the constitutional approach of the President and the sublime determination shown by our Founding Fathers and those struggling today.

We will win if we educate people and get them to act in exceptional ways, not by taking advantage of their anger, fear and legitimate indignation. As Friedrich Schiller said about the French Revolution: “A great moment found a small people.” This is what the wizards and deceivers are trying to repeat. We won't let that happen.

LaRouche PAC will provide additional materials on this topic over the next few days.

Translated with Deepl

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