Acorn flour and acorn bread
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Acorn flour:

For 100 g acorn flour you need around 200 grams of acorns.

Score acorns that are still green-skinned lengthways with a sharp knife, break open the shell, remove the pips.

To debitter the acorns (to remove the tannins, because high doses of these can put strain on the stomach and intestines), soak the acorn kernels in warm water overnight.

The next day, pour off the water and pour plenty of water over it again. Pour off the water after 2 hours. Repeat this procedure until the water remains clear.

Then grind the acorns using a powerful device - the acorns are pretty hard. Sift the acorn flour, it can be used immediately when slightly damp. For storage, spread it out in thin layers on a baking sheet and let it air-dry or put it in the oven at 50 ° C with the door slightly open.

Acorn bread:

100 g acorn flour
300 g spelled or wheat flour
1 teaspoon Himalayan salt
20 ml nut oil or coconut oil or other
50 ml of milk
1/2 cube of yeast
Mix the flour and salt. Mix milk with 50 ml warm water, dissolve the yeast in it. Add to the flour mixture with the oil and mix.
If you like, you can mix grated apples into the dough and knead everything vigorously and place in a bread or cake pan. (Grease mold)
Let the dough rise for 1 hour (cover the dough with a towel)
Let rise again for 30 minutes.
Bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for around 60 minutes.

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