
Boom: Florida Forces Labs To Report Number Of PCR Test Cycles - Game Changer
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If the Florida governor handles this breakthrough properly, this could be the beginning of the end for a widespread piece of COVID test falsification ...

And the beginning of the end of the "increasing number of cases"

by Jon Rappoport

As I reported earlier, the COVID test labs never tell doctors or patients how the PCR test is done. [1]

That said, the number of cycles is a secret.

A cycle is an increase in the amplification of the tissue sample taken from the patient.

As even Tony Fauci has claimed, tests done at 35 cycles or more are useless. [1] [2] They are also misleading. The results are usually positive, which means that the patient is “infected with the virus”. But this is wrong.

However, as I have also reported, the CDC and FDA recommend that the test should be performed up to 40 cycles. [1] [3] This is direct baiting. It causes false positives and higher COVID case numbers, which are used as justification for lockdown measures.

Now the state of Florida is doing something unheard of. It requires laboratories to provide the “cycle threshold” for every test they perform.

Here is the relevant wording in a notice from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida State Department of Health dated December 3, 2020 [4]:

“The cycle threshold values ​​(CT) and their reference ranges must be communicated immediately by the laboratories to the FDOH via electronic laboratory reports or by fax.

“If your laboratory is not currently reporting CT values ​​and their reference ranges, the laboratory should begin reporting this information to the FDOH within seven days of the date of this memorandum.

We can assume that there is only one reason for this order. The Florida Governor and the Department of Health understand that tests performed at 35 cycles or more are useless and misleading, and they want to stop this crime.

Imagine what happens when the trend of "new COVID cases" in Florida suddenly slumps and continues to decline - because the labs are finally telling the truth. Because their deceptive test results are rejected. The fraud will be exposed.

And imagine other states following Florida's lead.

I have a couple of concerns. The term “cycle threshold” is understood more or less synonymous with “number of cycles”. But I would prefer Florida to simply say, "All laboratories must report the number of cycles for each PCR test they run." That would be clearer to me.

And then, at the bottom of the Florida memo, we have this: “If your laboratory is unable to provide the CT values ​​and their reference ranges, please fill out the short questionnaire attached to this memorandum and submit fax it to the Bureau of Epidemiology of the FDOH, confidential fax number… ”[the link to the questionnaire is in [4]]

Unable to report? Why should every laboratory not be able to?

The questionnaire offers two bizarre possibilities. The first: "Although the qualitative result is generated based on a CT reading, the assay instrument does not give the user [the laboratory] the actual CT reading - it only gives the qualitative result".

What? This suggests that the laboratory's PCR equipment is preprogrammed internally to run the test with a specific number of cycles and the laboratory does not know what number it is, cannot find out, and is dated Equipment manufacturers do not require that this important information be disclosed. ABSURD. Are we dealing with a state secret?

The second point of the questionnaire for laboratories: “The laboratory does not have a separate mechanism for reporting the CT value to the FDOH [Florida Dept. of Health] as the CT value is not reported to the submitting provider.

No reporting mechanism? SET UP ONE. E-mail, fax, pencil and paper, carrier pigeon. Also ABSURD.

As always, the devil is in the details. I am sure many labs will try to avoid reporting. They don't want to be exposed for the charlatans they are.

Memo to Florida Governor DeSantis: Don't let the laboratories get out of this case. Don't let them make excuses. Don't let them off the hook. Failure to report true facts during a public health crisis is a criminal offense. Bring a few labs to court and take them to court. Bring the fear of law enforcement into the state laboratories. You are on the right track. You have made a major breakthrough. You see the dizziness at work. You don't want your state to be put under pressure because of fake case numbers from fraudulent tests. Now you are making sure your law enforcement personnel crack down on reluctant laboratories. Go the way. If laboratories have equipment preset for the number of cycles and they don't know how to get into the equipment to find out that number, get professionals to do the job for them. I think you are going to expose a major scandal. Much of the equipment will be preset to 40 cycles. Keep the public informed of what you discover. Inflate this crime wide. Keep a close eye on your health authorities. Among them you will find agents who do not want the truth to come out. They will try in every possible way to sabotage your good endeavors.

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