The power of the mind
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A scientist wanted to test a theory. He needed a volunteer who would go until the last minute. He finally found him, he was a convicted man who was going to be executed on the electric chair. The scientist suggested the following to the convict: he would take part in a scientific experiment which consisted of cutting his pulse slightly so that his blood slowly drip down to the last drop. He stated that his chance of survival was minimal, but that his death would in any case be without any suffering or pain. you wouldn't even notice The convict accepted because dying in this way was preferable to dying in the electric chair.

They put him on a stretcher and tied his body so that he could not move. Then they made a small cut on his wrist and placed a small aluminum pot under his arm. The cut was shallow, just the first layers of skin, but it was enough for him to believe that his veins had indeed been severed. A vial with a small valve was placed under the bed, which regulated the passage of the liquid in the form of drops that fell into the vessel. The convict could hear the drop and counted each drop of what he believed to be his blood. Without the convict seeing him, the scientist closed the valve so that the drip would come off, with the intention of making him believe he was running out of blood. As the minutes went by, his face began to lose color, his heart rate quickened, and he made him lose air from his lungs. When the desperation reached its peak, the scientist shut the valve completely and the convict went into cardiac arrest and died.

The scientist was able to prove that the human mind strictly adheres to everything it perceives and that the individual accepts it, be it positive or negative, and affects our entire psychological and organic part. I've always thought that the mind has no limits when deluding itself. Worse still, even when he does not understand things and makes what he can understand, such as when we see things that we consider supernatural but which in reality are not. Or like when they tell you you have a virus, people die from sheer fear and autosuggestion.

After seeing all of the media information on the television day and night, one becomes frightened and the immune system is weakened by the fear that what he sees and hears gives him. Then one becomes difficult to fight without willpower. It is now known that the actual risk of death is very small, unless you are afraid and your mind does the rest. Complications can only arise if your immune system is very weak or weakened, a virus is not something, and no power is involved has when your health is good and you have confidence. Perhaps that is the same reason why many children progress and survive in very serious situations because their minds are not full of fear. So be careful of what you feed your mind and what we put our beliefs and beliefs on.

Feed your brain strength and it will react with the same.

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