green tree next to snow capped rock

The Doctor's Trees
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For a while I was a neighbor of a doctor whose hobby was planting trees in the large yard of his house.

From my window I watched him plant them day after day. What particularly struck me was that he hadn't watered the seedlings. I was so curious that I went to him and asked him.

He told me that when he watered his seedlings, the roots stuck to the surface, always waiting for the water he gave them every day. If you don't water them, they take longer to grow, but their roots are forced to penetrate deeper into the soil in search of water and nutrients that they find in the deeper layers of the soil. This would give the trees deep roots and be more resilient.

When I returned to my old house after a few years, I found that my neighbor had fulfilled his dream: he had created a beautiful forest.

Suddenly the harsh winter came, and on a very windy day, when all the trees in the street were bent by the wind, I could notice the solidity of my neighbor's trees, which barely moved.

The hardships these trees had endured because they were deprived of water had benefited them far more than comfort or much gentler treatment.

Every night before I go to bed, I look at my children. I watch them and see how they grow.

We always ask for things to be easy, but in reality we must ask for strong and deep roots to form within us so that when the storms come without warning and the icy winds blow, we are able to resist rather than be defeated and destroyed like trees without deep roots.

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