Thinking is creation!
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As you think in your heart, so is it with you. Stop and meditate on it so that it sticks in your mind. A thinker is a creator!

A thinker lives in the world of his own conscious creation. Everything there is has been thought of beforehand. Even good and bad. When you know that you create the world of media, religions or ideologies when you just consume them? Think about what you think ......

And that's exactly how this world looks now!

Once you know how to think properly, you can magically create whatever you want at will - be it a new personality, a new environment, or a new world!

Are you ready for the dance of your spirit with matter?

You were born as a magical being - your divine powers will enforce their natural function when you remove the spiritual obstacles you have acquired. Your inner being, your higher self, is eager to help you, but it requires your attention. When you are in tune with your natural magical abilities, you will receive positive guidance. This is precisely why it is necessary to first develop the holistic non-dual being before you equip yourself with the magical tools of the trade.

Your ability to use magic is hampered and obscured by an accumulation of fears and mechanistic thought patterns. You could also say: through brainwashing. Any limiting thought pattern that you overcome will allow a little more magical insight to shine through - this can be practiced.


Magic is the ability inherent in the actual being of man to produce effects by virtue of his imagination which cannot be explained with physical-rational means. This is a "law of nature" and is subject to clear rules, just like physics. That is why some use the term "paraphysical" so that they do not get the smell of magic.

Most of the so-called "magical systems" use the basic energy of creation in some way - but usually for egomaniacal purposes. From the holistic, non-dual perspective, things look different again. It is about correctly directing one's own creative energy. Thus, through the changed state of consciousness, the "egomagic" becomes the system of "transpersonal spiritual sexual magic"
The aim of all these exercises is not - as in many "magic circles" - to promote the selfish desires of your ego personality with any "magic tricks". It's about integrating transpersonal-spiritual sex magic into your life as a completely normal expression of your living being. ONE with all that IS.

To make it clear again - negative information is pressed into us daily and hourly to create an even more negative worldview, on all available channels!

It is extremely important to decide for YOURSELF for a DIFFERENT worldview

A new objective is necessary:

Conscious of its responsibility for the people in Europe and with the firm intention of serving peace in the world, the German people, by virtue of their constituent powers, have given themselves a constitution.

To this end, a peace treaty is sought to end World War II. The new constitution states that the money will be issued and administered by the state and not by private banks. Parties have to organize themselves according to association law and a directly democratic council system is introduced. The financial and economic system organized and administered by the Bundesbank is fundamentally free of interest and speculation. The Bundesbank is responsible for coordinating with the European countries in cooperation with Parliament. The pension system is being replaced by an unconditional basic income.


Yes, that is very abstract. But there are already models without a new constitution that work in a very real way by simply living and working according to these principles….

The Spanish village of Marineleda is nestled in the picturesque Campiña Valley and the surrounding landscape consists of green hills, kilometers of olive groves and golden wheat fields as far as the eye can see.

... but it is also possible in our country:

Rettenbach im Allgäu is self-sufficient all along the line: With solar roofs, food from the surrounding area and their own currency, they decouple themselves from the global economic cycle.

As you can see - it works. But what is the core of such approaches?

People work together and not against each other - and that on a whole new level ... .. group beings arise!

Well - it's not brand new. But it is on a new level, because now "enlightenment", that is, reason, work together with a holistic consciousness ......

Build an alternative system!

The basic model for living together would be the clan - in the legal form of a cooperative. This model offers a clear regulation of ownership relationships, the possibility of joint or independent business activity externally as well as largely democratic decision-making internally. Embedded in a rurally structured environment, it could look like a modern village today with additional communal rooms or buildings and integrated commercial operations through to industrial production for the world market.

The difference is not in the externally visible. It results from the ownership and ownership structure. Such a village could be viewed as a company that is run jointly by the residents as shareholders. This means that the village economy is not run by the landlord on his own account, but the landlord is a shareholder and managing director of this economy (e.g. in the form of a KG). The building itself is in turn managed by the real estate company. All villagers are members of the local holistic cooperative.

The basis of the livelihood of the members is their own agriculture as well as other mutual contributions in the community. Nobody should hide in “unemployment”, nobody needs to despair of unemployment. The real estate company manages the community facilities. Social services such as cleaning, cooking, gardening, nursing and care for the elderly, etc. are carried out by the residents themselves, possibly on a rotation basis. The income surplus generated by activities inside and outside the cooperative is made available to the cooperative free of interest.

The cooperative operates a compensation fund with the private capital paid in. This compensation fund also provides interest-free community capital for joint ventures by the members. Members employed outside the congregation contribute a monthly amount to the operating expenses. The capital saved by living, living and working together should be made available to the cooperative association for joint or non-profit projects. Corresponding rules for this would have to be worked out jointly by the founding members within the framework of the statutes.

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