666 and the birth certificate
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The birth certificate is 666 - the beast (the placenta contains 92 chromosomes, 46 from the embryo, 46 ​​from the mother, result of the confusion of the genome of the mother and conceptus / embryo as a result of implantation in the maternal wall of the uterus - into the mothers wall)

the cremated afterbirth, cremated placenta (figuratively),

Carbon (as already known)
6 (protons) 6 (neutrons) 6 (electrons)

"And that no one can buy or sell but he who has the mark, the name of the beast, or the number of its name."
Revelation 13:17 SCH51

... this (quote) submission is to be dissolved with the help of knowledge regarding biological reality - the created fiction is to be dissolved or to the fulfillment of its true purpose for the benefit of the entire planet and all life on it


In any case, always begins with the zygote (singularity) from which (act of creation see Genesis 1,27 and 2,7 - breath of God, see biology beginning of "cellular respiration") the concept / embryo emerges ...

Who owns this planet, PlanEden, Para deis, this earth, ... who owns all of this, who has the right to the allod / allodis / the genetic material?!?!

Who owns the now, this moment, this moment ?!

your α (in spiration - inhalation) and your Ω (expiration - exhalation) ... "I am the alpha and the omega" ... who owns your breath (beginning (first cell breathing): zygote (singularity) from conception - conceptus / embryo)

It's about remembering, going back to our origins (zygote, conception), to the zero point, the here and now, the day 0, before the time calculation, before the calendarium, before the date, before the fiction ...

the return to "God", to the divine spark ️ (to the Big Bang, so to speak, from which you emerged, to who you really are and the entire creation process / process, of which you are also a child

Biology 🧬 , the masters of fiction use biology and abuse biology (nature, creation, "act of God") for their artificial creation / story / narration (HisStory)

genesis noun (1)
gen e sis | \ ˈJe-nə-səs \
plural geneses \ ˈje- nə- ˌsēz \
Definition of genesis (Entry 1 of 2)
: the origin or coming into being of something


genesis noun (2)
Definition of Genesis (Entry 2 of 2)
: the main narrative first book of canonical Jewish and Christian Scriptures


: My covenant with God is fertilization.

Source: a very interesting person

Note: maybe that's why the CO2 tax comes up so heavily?

As long as the individual is not holy, has gone back in consciousness to God, to creation, to the act of creation of the zygote and consequently to the concept, the church and all entities / organs based on it will leave no stone unturned and separate them from God To “save” beings and to “make them happy” with the date.

"Family heritage", the essentials, including placenta with its 92 chromosomes ("the monster")


Member - a body part or organ

This is the (consciousness) trick (of the church) that separates us from our wholeness / holiness / perfect, our inheritance

therefore it does not matter at all whether someone is baptized or not, the mission (CIC) is to save everyone who is not in the “covenant with God”.

Je su (i) s - I am from the house of David

Zygote from the Casa de la Vida (House of Life)

Biology is above fiction (Cargo Cult)

“A fact so dreadful,” he faintly said,
"Extinguishes all hope!"

Biology, hard substantive essential facts

Birth Certificate Cult
▶ 1933

With the knowledge about the sound, the voice and God (the good) you can now justify for yourself why you no longer throw your voice, the good sound etc. into an URN and burn it. Evil can only rule when good is silent. And a mandate handover leads to silence.

The final formula at the swearing-in always ends: so help me God (the good)…. and whoever rules people as dead people does not help God ... so everything else with this oath is nonsense and just as true or. not correct.

Then the royal / imperial formula "I, Wilhelm, King of Prussia, by God's grace”A slightly different sound.

Matrix <-> uterine wall

Creation <-> fertilization (covenant with God) -> zygote (alpha - α) - beginning of life ... Concept, implantation in the matrix and confusion with the matrix, placenta, amnion, chirion -> member of the United Nations ...

Birth, confinement, delivery


Separation from the covenant with God

Partus (partiri share / separate - https://www.frag-caesar.de/lateinwoerterbuch/partire-uebersetzung.html)

"Falling away - the fall of man, falling away from the covenant with God, the One, Один / Odin, one / unity, wholeness, salvation"

, leaving behind the afterbirth, amnion, ...

... What is DJ Trump doing? He's busy "draining the swamp"
Then it can't be far to the birth of a new world - if Trump plays the obstetrician ... 😇

Swamp <-> uterine wall / placenta

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