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Enslavement: About the meaning of baptism, the yellow / white glow, why we shouldn't be human anymore, the pen is mightier than the sword and the intelligence always wins!
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I have often been advised to give lectures, set up an information page or make recommendations for action.

Therefore, these requests are used as an opportunity to create an explanation here which, in my opinion, is very close to reality.

In order to be able to classify the following text correctly, I see it as advisable to send at least a small selection of definitions in advance, since legal is a language that we do not speak in its full range.

Legal uses the same terms as we, but they mean something completely different from our language.

In the following I will use the spellings of the terms as follows:

I. Definitions:

HUMAN = monster according to Ballentine's Law Dictionary 1st Edition from 1930, enslaved by human rights from 1947

human = natural person according to BGB from 1900, emerged from the type of HUMANS as a man / woman, not a HUMAN, but a human race (mankind) = spiritual soul being in flesh and blood

Spelling S perrschrift = meaning: living

"Normal" spelling = meaning: dead

II. Baptism

I was never a Bible fanatic in my life.

This may now turn out to be a mistake, but I can correct it.

If it was not a mistake, the Bible serves as an illustration of what really happens to us in the death ritual “baptism”.

  • For all those who think that they are fine because of non-baptism, the following should be mentioned here: The civil status register is an ecclesiastical register. Since the BRvD is a Vatican administrative unit in the holy Roman administrative area of ​​Germany, an entry in this register is equivalent to a baptism ritual. (Why the BRvD belongs to the Americans, the Americans to the British and the British to the Pope, I do not explain further here, as it is already shown in detail in other places, for example in the video "Slaves without chains").
  • For all those who are neither baptized nor registered, I can say that they are still HUMANS → see Monsters:


human being: See MONSTER:

Monster: A human being by birth, but in some part resembling a lower animal. A monster has no inheritable blood, and cannot be heir to any land.

In order to understand what baptism is in reality and which fiction it creates, I set the baptism certificate intended for me here:

Now for the trick:
The following is written on the baptismal certificate:
1. A child on the other side (named below) is baptized

2. A mark living on this side is mentioned, which, however, was obviously not baptized, but only served as part of the ritual.
A look at the death ordinance "Youth Protection Act" is enough to first define the otherworldly child of baptism:

§ 1: "Children within the meaning of this law are persons ..."
Aha, there are people in the hereafter. What does the baptized person look like now?

The otherworldly person, i.e. the object actually baptized, is a dead Markus Martin Legros,

born on December 8th 1974 by the registry office in Dinslaken.

  • This side = living
  • Beyond = dead

Since a dead was obviously born, let's see what is born like this:

Order paper

"Order papers are securities made out in a name ..."

"In terms of securities law, a distinction is made between born and awarded order papers."
=> On December 8, 1974, the security Markus Martin Legros was born and transferred to the Pope on January 5, 1975.

Now, of course, anyone who still has a bit of residual intelligence is asked two questions:

  1. Why was a security born?
  2. What does the mark living on this side have to do with it?

Since we now know that people are obviously dead and the understanding suggests that the dead do not grow on trees, someone who is alive must first of all die in order for a dead person to arise.
So let's see what the Pope, ruler over and inventor of life and death (at least BELIEVES as an authorized representative of God on earth himself!) Can contribute:


Can. 96 - Through baptism man is incorporated into the Church of Christ and becomes a person in it ...
So, through the baptism ritual, a person becomes a person.

Since the canon law is much older than the current legal stuff, I took the liberty of adapting the spelling for better understanding.

I will explain later why man still had to become HUMAN.

=> Through baptism, a previously allegedly living person obviously becomes a corporeal dead = physical person

Let's look further:
Can. 114 - §1. Legal persons arise either on the basis of a legal regulation itself or on the basis of a special conferment given by decree on the part of the competent authority, namely as a set of persons or things, which are directed towards a goal which is consistent with the mission of the Church exceeds the goals of individuals.

=> The Vatican administration BRvD gives birth to legal persons and summarizes all of them under the name "GERMAN".

Identity documents are accordingly issued correctly!

Let us now deal with the ritual of baptism / civil status registration itself:

So the following happens:
Wir werden

  • in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit (not in ours, but in the name of others)
  • in the name of Jesus, the Lamb of God who bears the sin of the world
  • into the death of Jesus Christ

baptized and buried with him!
With this we now know what baptism really is:
The fictional crucifixion of a living human being, the sin of the world being imposed upon him, and his death on the cross, whereby he ends up in the realm of the personality cult!

Everyone who now runs to church worships HERSELF hanging on the cross and pays homage to his death!

Because it is Jesus on the cross and through baptism everyone becomes Jesus himself!
At this point I could finish the explanation, we are all crucified slaves of the Pope.

One could be satisfied with that and walk around each other with bread and games in the realm of the dead, however:
According to the Bible, that's only half the story ...
"On the third day, rose from the dead and ascended to heaven at the right hand of God the Father ..."
Entering the realm of the dead is not the problem, but leaving it again!
The Pope and his Church serve no other purpose than to prevent exactly THAT and they play this game, whether you believe in it or not, until the last move with merciless consistency!
Since St. The Roman Empire never perished, but rather the corpus iuris civils and the corpus iuris canonici became one in the creation of the Vatican in 1929, as well as any establishment of a state was promoted by the Jesuits to enslave people, it should come as no surprise that every emperor and his kind either was crowned by the Pope or was already a slave to the Pope.

During 1530 the last emperor of St. Roman Empire of German Nations, Charles V, was crowned by the Pope, all his successors were already subservient to the Pope by default, making a coronation by the Pope unnecessary.

This game was broken by a man who knew this game all too well, who was called King Wilhelm of Prussia and was supposed to preside over the German Empire ...

It must have been a cold New Years morning. We were in 1900 when a law based on Roman law, written by a young, ambitious and intelligent middle-aged man on behalf of that very Prussian law came into force that was to change the course of history forever.
We call the gentleman “von Bismarck”, the law “Civil Code”, short BGB.
It was less the content of the book that aroused the wrath of the ruler of the world of the dead than the heading of the first paragraph:

III. Natural people

The realm of the dead is ruled by the Pope, but a superficial glance at the corpus iuris canonici reveals the all-important truth:
Natural persons are not mentioned with any syllable in the Book of the Dead!
Rather, it was possible in one fell swoop to both enter the realm of the dead with a mask and to linger in the world of the living.

Furthermore, the owner of the natural person, Kaiser Wilhelm, did not demand rule over the Germans, but made every German co-owner of the natural person.

The Germans were now able to act in the world of the dead that ruled here on earth, but without having to belong to it.
Anyone looking for the real reason for a world war that has now lasted more than 100 years has found it here and now!
First the Kulturkampf broke out, in which the Pope demanded the transfer of the natural person to him, and because of the fruitless demand for it, the world war broke out.

With the establishment of the papal administration “Weimar Republic” this possibility was not deleted, it was only faded out. In 1933, however, one man saw himself compelled to reverse this fading, reactivate the Kaiser and declare the Germans as the sole owner of the natural person.

However, the fate of this man is hidden in the fog, only wild stories about him make the rounds ...

Instead of having to belong to a community of the dead of the Vatican as a legal person, man was now able to use the natural person.

With this, the physical dead person, the physical person, was withdrawn from the Pope and the German was free from the slavery of the church, but without being subject to the emperor as a slave!
After the BGB came into force, a large number of Roman imperial administrative units = countries / states took over this law for themselves.

A real slave escape began.
However, the natural person belonged (and belongs) exclusively to the Germans in general and the Prussians in particular.

A further explanation of why everything German is depicted as abysmally bad and Prussia as a warmonger is probably not required.
Anti - matrix: up is down, lies are truth, bad is good, war is peace ...

IV. The creation of the birth trust and the game of the financial elite

Now that the ruler of the dead had calmed down, a plan had to be found that would bring natural persons back into the cult of the dead.

That was the hour of birth of the birth trust “NAME / Social Security Number”. The order paper was born!
However, in order to charge a security, it must contain value. A trust with no value does not exist.
This is where all the abominations come into play that are commonplace these days:

Since the human being can be crucified again, but according to German law it “rises on the third day” and thus as a living person can claim his inheritance, which the Pope would like to regard as his property, he has no other choice, the value of a human life to have this value calculated as start-up capital by the financial elite fictitiously in a birth trust and to manage it in favor of the crucified one until his resurrection.
The Pope is nothing more than the stewardess of our heritage!

V. The yellow / white glow

Many myths and legends have grown up around this appearance, which bears the carefree name “citizenship certificate” and which even in its nickname “yellow glow” is still deceiving its true meaning.

I will not go into further details of what these are, because they are all wrong!
Why this glow is not yellow but yellow / white can be seen here:

The spelling of the person looks like (or should look like this!):

=> The issuance of the yellow / white certificate in this form is the order of the Pope to his administration BRvD to declare the actually dead person alive!
And coming back again to the baptism certificate:
What does it mean for the once living participant in the ritual, Mark, if the person he was supposed to die into is not dead?
And looking in Ballentine's Law Dictionary:
What cannot a dead person, but only a living person, and thus what is not a living person but only a dead person?
The answers to these two questions contain the true meaning of the so-called StaG ID card / yellow note!
To conclude, to draw once again to the Bible:
Jesus did not die only to experience eternal life in heaven.

Jesus died, rose from the dead on the third day and then ascended to heaven.

Jesus never referred to himself as the Son of God, but as the SON of MAN (spelling adjusted to today's definition!). In order to become the Son of God, he first had to be resurrected.
As I mentioned at the beginning - I was never a Bible fanatic.

However, while the majority are still playing in the matrix with GEZ, courts, bailiffs, authorities and what do I know with which fictional nonsense everything is still playing, it is worth taking a look over the edge of the matrix to understand the level at which this game is actually being played ...

Source: Eravis Cale / Markus

Note: we have been in commercial law since 1989 or have been gradually introduced to it. If you are contractually bound, it does not matter who you are or whether you think you are in Prussia, the Empire or Timbuktu. The contractual relationship applies, which you also have to resolve or clarify if you have this certificate.

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