3661 Anna von Reitz – Two villains vs. Joe Q. Public – Plus, Public Contracts for the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
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Anna von reitz
3661 Anna von Reitz – Two villains vs. Joe Q. Public – Plus, Public Contracts for the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Released approx. May 04, 2022.
Translation into German mother tongue by: Stephan-Christian. [Der Freiheitschmied] Copyright and copyright and protected trade name. I-am., And my factual-natural-person is a civilian in land law with the duty of peace and outside and above COMMERCE / martial law and canonical / ecclesiastic law. All rights reserved. Conditional. For information, skills acquisition and further training in the private sector. The private distribution for private and non-commercial use is expressly desired. As always and everywhere, the same applies here: don't believe anything, check everything and keep the best. Breathe deeply and live well and in harmony.
From the cradle we are taught to think in opposites. Of course we think that in a situation where there is a bad guy, there is also a good guy.
But what happens when two bad guys - or in this case, two gangs of mercenaries - band together and take down the only good guy in the room?
This is exactly what happened in this country in 1937.
Since the Civil War, we've had two bands of mercenaries plundering us, fighting each other for the privilege of plundering us, but in 1937 they came together and signed the Declaration of Interdependence of Governments in the United States — and decided to work together for common to do something to deceive the public.
When they banded together, they could play endless games, raking in double and triple, deferring mortgages, using the public infrastructure as collateral for their debts, using the labor force of the people of this country as collateral for their debts, the homes, properties and businesses of the Using people as collateral for their debts.
They could do this by having each group set up "franchises" for themselves.

The territorial government created British look-alike persons - Legal Fiction Persons - that mirrored every living American. They simply took our legitimate family names and trademarks without our knowledge or consent and used them as UK franchisee names instead. These "franchise persons" were all subjects of the Queen and subject to her laws.
The City Council paid the Queen to hire these British people and created a whole series of municipal concessions "in their name" — which are really our names — and they created Cestui Que Vie Trusts and public utilities and all kinds of special purpose vehicles , who were named after us, and ran them as a company for their own benefit.
The Americans, of course, never learned a word of these cozy arrangements and understandably mistook bills and other correspondence addressed to these British and municipal PERSONS as correspondence addressed to them.
The crooks then said to themselves, oh, they accepted the exchange of letters, so they must agree to take British territorial citizenship! And they must also agree to take municipal citizenship! — And all without the need for disclosure or even getting to know each other. Both groups of mercenaries were very satisfied and played Both Ends Against the Middle - with Joe Q. Public in the middle.
This continued unabated until 1998 when confused and irritated Americans began to wake up and question the whole situation.
How did our employees become our masters?
Why are our constitutional guarantees not respected?
How come our property is mortgaged?
Who or what died and left me the bill?
How and when did I agree to pay a mortgage on something or someone else? Why is the IRS coming after me and claiming I have "federal income"?
It's all bushwah. It's all a cheating game. It's all a scam based on similar names, but it wasn't considered a crime because those who commit the crimes are the ones responsible for preventing it from happening in the first place.
The perpetrators, including members of the bar, simply made up imaginary people named after Americans and passed all their debts onto these imaginary people and made the American victims pay for it.
Now that this has been fully exposed and exposed as a scam, the two gangs of mercenaries play good cop and bad cop.

The territorial government is going after the local government and taking over the local bodies under the pretext that OMG! We never read their constitution (or ours) and didn't know that local government isn't allowed outside of the District of Columbia!
Why, how did this happen?
This is more or less welcomed as a step in the right direction, because we're getting rid of a layer of mercenaries who are a threat and an annoyance — and cost; but what about the remaining territorial mercenaries?
While they're busy prosecuting, and in some cases hanging, suspected parishioners, and having a big day evicting parishioners (and still not bothering to spare the American principles by which these individuals were named ), we have not lost sight of the fact that none of this could have happened without collusion between the territorial and municipal governments against their employers and against the public interest and the constitutions.
Oh no, we're fed up with it.
We know that the Territorial Government has failed us for a hundred and sixty years. It was our generals, particularly Ulysses S. Grant and William Tecumseh Sherman, as well as Salmon P. Chase, who was a banker and chief justice under Lincoln, and William Henry Seward, secretary of state under Lincoln, who got the ball rolling.
They figured, like many lawyers today, that if they could use the coercive powers of the territorial government and the legal and administrative "laws" of their own invention, they would have more power and could get more money out of the public, rather than sticking to that to comply with public law and the law of the country.
There's just one big problem for them all. These men committed secret treason in 1865, and every officer since, whether they knew it or not, has done the same, doing nothing to restore stolen power to the states and people.
We have laid out the history and the "who's who" and make it absolutely clear that the Chiefs of Defense have an obligation to us and to the American states and the American people, not to themselves and their own interests, not to foreign clients who commit a gross breach of trust and violate their commercial contracts.
Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to principals is notice to agents.
Our States are in session, and it is up to the Chiefs of Defense to assist us in restoring full functioning civilian government.
The territorial government can begin by acknowledging the fact that most mortgages in this country were made under conditions of secrecy and fraud, and by indemnifying American owners against any foreclosure actions.

Leave Americans in their homes and on their farms and in charge of their businesses whether or not they have a Social Security number/account associated with a NAME.
No one has ever been fully enlightened while graduating from a history class in this country, let alone getting a loan from a dishonest bank or signing up for a federal pension program, being told by undeclared foreign agents acting under the guise of the law, were asked to do so.
Release the monies you owe our American government so that we can proceed with what we need to do about organizing and educating Americans and providing services to the public as we move forward.
We would also like to reiterate that this country has a treaty with Russia, which Russia has always honored since 1858. No one has the authority to violate even one iota of this treaty of peace and mutual assistance.
We hereby direct the Chiefs of Staff to cease all military preparations for action in Europe and instead prepare for the evacuation of countries militarily occupied since 1945.
Had the chiefs of staff followed their chain of command and done their job correctly, there would be no war in Ukraine now.
No mercenary interests of any kind are going to make us add fuel to the fire, and there are better no false flag events orchestrated by any contractors or agents either.
The published rate of compensation for each American life lost is one (1) trillion dollars per American killed, maimed, or disabled in any way. The principals and their central banks will be indicted.
We do not wish any confusion between our country and similarly named foreign companies operating as commercial mercenary organizations and if such confusion occurs we will hold those companies and their officers 100% individually and commercially liable.
No Americans may be drafted under the compulsion of a foreign Selective Service Act. No equipment financed by Americans may be used in attacks on other nations. Read your contract.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff are tasked with defending this country, including its borders. It is not their job to occupy foreign countries for 77 years, to use petty legalistic excuses to evade clearly stated duties and obligations, or otherwise engage in commercial and political activities.

We understand that admiralty law will be applied in all island nations and possessions to deal with the rampant crime unleashed by the corporations responsible for these scams, human trafficking and betrayals of this country and its people.
Do what you have to do. Take them out on the high seas if you must - but remember your oath and duty to these states and peoples.
We are not gone, missing, absent, interregnum, and happy with the things done and created in our name. Each and every one of us is entitled to every ounce of the original Federal Constitution, and everyone who declares and publishes his political status as an American enjoys grandfathering of those guarantees.
Our union states have issued a peace treaty and international peace proclamation officially ending the American Civil War, leaving the pretext for the continued assumption of war on our shores — and the empty false claims about the political status of babies allegedly abandoned on some battlefield were — is over.
by: James Clinton Belcher, Head of State by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Trustee United States of America

Link to the English original: http://annavonreitz.com/twobadguys.pdf
You can find more than 3600 other articles by Anna von Reitz for enlightenment, the acquisition of skills, the preservation of human freedom and the necessary change in consciousness on Anna von Reitz's original English website: www.annavonreitz.com
You can find numerous other translations of Anna von Reitz's contributions on the translator's Telegram channel: https://t.me/ Freiheitschmied

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