3002 - Patterns of Fraud - Ignorance and the Courts.
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Published on February 17, 2021.

Translation into German mother tongue by: Jody. With Stephan-Christian. [Der Freiheitschmied] Copyright and copyright and protected trade name. I-am., And my factual-natural person is a civilian in land law with the peace obligation and outside and above COMMERCE / martial law and canonical / ecclesiastic law. All rights reserved. Conditional. For information, skills acquisition and further training in the private sector. The private distribution for private and non-commercial use is expressly desired. As always and everywhere, the same applies here: don't believe anything, check everything and keep the best. Breathe deeply and live well and in harmony.


I often get people asking me if I am a scam because I am not a member of the BAR Bar Association, and in their minds that means I cannot be a lawyer or a judge.

I patiently explain the difference to them. Yes, you can be an attorney and you can serve as a judge (technically not a judge, but higher than a judge) and not be a BAR attorney at all.

Indeed, in this country one cannot be a member of the BAR Association and serve in a public law court intended to appeal to ordinary, living people.

That little volley of factual information throws people back and looks puzzled, but that's the facts, ma'am.

An amendment to the Federal Constitution prohibiting attorneys from holding public office in our American government was ratified by our States of the Union in 1819, and has remained so ever since - in our states, in contrast to their States of States.

All the courts that people are familiar with and that “mistakenly” appeal to our people every day are federal courts with “strictly limited” jurisdiction - and they shouldn't appeal to the general public at all.

Even state courts, such as the State of Nevada Superior Court, are actually federal franchise operations with “limited” jurisdiction and shouldn't appeal to the general public either.

But then, until recently (October 1, 2020) Nevada wasn't actually a state; it was still a territorial “state” awaiting full enrollment as a state of the Union. His land sovereignty was pending and administered by the United States Territorial Government as a state trust under the terms of the Northwest Ordinance.

The dishes which our people see every day and which they ignorantly assume to be their dishes are all either:
(1) private courts functioning as corporate administrative courts, or
(2) Courts which operate as “special courts” with “limited jurisdiction”, such as the Maritime and Admiralty Courts, which should only deal with actual contract disputes by seafarers or military personnel.

This is all part of the general fraud, confusion, and maladministration of the federal government, and it can only be answered and corrected by Americans who are awake enough to rule themselves.

I use the courts as an example of a more general phenomenon - the use of ignorance to encourage fraud.

The more ignorant a person is, the easier it is to confuse and cheat them, so it is in the best interests of the scammers among us to keep people stupid and ready to accept whatever they are told.

Such has been the case and practice of these criminals since the days of the Roman Empire when policies were put in place to ensure that there would be a permanent underclass of slaves to support the lavish elite lifestyle and ambitions of the empire.

The elites of Rome identified themselves through the use of lowercase letters to write their names - marcus flavius ​​of ephesus, for example. Subordinate servants were case sensitive to write their names: Marcus Flavius ​​of Ephesus. And slaves, who as a rule could neither read nor write, were identified by the use of DOG LATIN - names all capitalized: MARCUS FLAVIUS OF EPHESUS.

Need I say more to all of you who have spent years paying the debt of YOUR NAME and never realized that you have been misidentified and misdirected as a slave owned by the Washington, DC local government? That is, a "Fourteenth Amendment Citizen" who is guilty until proven innocent and obliged to pay all of your Masters' debts?

These people are not satisfied with waiting for the idiots to fall off the turnip truck. They actively encourage and create ignorance to make their job of cupping you easier.

You are deliberately leaving vital information out of your public schooling and making sure that history and civics are "electives" - and even when you take those electives, they are excruciatingly boring, full of both useless information and omissions that lead you to false assumptions should lead.

An example: Have you been led to believe that the reconstruction after the civil war was long over?

These predators use “legal jargon” and “technical terms” to confuse you and make you take on meaning when they are talking about something entirely different themselves.

For example, when they say “natural person” they mean a dead body, a corpse. When they say "person" they are talking about some type of company. And how should you know that?

Well, you don't. And you shouldn't have someone to protect you from all these endless delusions.

The lawyers who should be your advisors are instead being dumbfounded themselves, and almost all lawyers (excluding the current society) are tied to the dictates of the BAR bar associations - which operate as closed union operations in disregard of public law.

The encouragement of ignorance and the abuse of innocent people through ignorance is one of the hallmarks of the wicked, yes, it is their primary way of working - and now you can see it clearly described and before your eyes.

You now know why they encourage ignorance (to make it easier to cheat on you) and you know at least a few examples of how they do it (dumbing down in schools and universities, setting up a compulsive foreign guild / union system, around ignorance and / or enforce their scheme), and you also know why lawyers do not defend you from it (they are either ignorant themselves or they are afraid that the bar will sanction them and they will lose their livelihood and position of social standing ).

So, that is the godly portrayal of the situation. What are we all going to do about it? Besides the obvious job of training 320 million people?

Link to the English original: http://annavonreitz.com/patternsoffraud.pdf


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