Means of payment are worth something
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Means of payment are worth something ... if you print the truth on them.

In the past, banknotes were still signed receipts that guaranteed the equivalent of the receipt in silver or gold. If you forged these notes, you forged banknotes.

Euro notes have no equivalent value, but they cannot be forged. Why? You are violating the copyright of this note.

I am the only one who misses the phrase “Whoever forges or imitates banknotes or puts counterfeit or imitation banknotes into circulation…” it was once in the DM notes. What do you write in Euros? Anyone who fakes euros steals our idea. to build out of nothing…. but you can't write that, it's too clear.

Let's see, I've heard that the new euro bills should contain an RFID chip that you could grill in the microwave.

Some means of payment are provided with additional information: the truth, for example, and thus they get value again.

Can you do it by hand or a stamp for example at http // to order. Depending on that, it can look like this:

Of course you can choose other lettering…. CORONA is HOAX etc. The FRG is not a state in international law. They want to abolish international law, Schäuble has also publicly announced that.

By the way: Of course, such advertising is not possible with Bitcoins or EU Crypto.

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