4173 – The Invisible Contract Scams
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Anna von Reitz (on May 10, 2023 AD)
Translation into the German mother tongue by :andre. For education, acquisition of skills and further training.
Passing on from person to person is desired. As always and everywhere, the same applies here:
… believe nothing, check everything & keep the best.
Information provided to HE Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancellery in relation to our claims of March 5, 2005 and January 19, 2023:
It must be universally acknowledged that things which have substance are inherently more unassailable than those which exist only in the intellectual sphere, where (apart from verbalization) they remain mutable and discretionary.
Therefore, contracts that are formed through the unilateral action of a party and those that are merely tacitly accepted are of inferior quality to any mutually agreed contract or any written contract. And it should also be noted that a written contract that has been signed/countersigned in ink by the agreeing parties (i.e. where one has met and the details including the means of terminating the contract have been fully disclosed) is superior to all other contracts .
It follows that contracts in the area of ​​sea and air jurisdiction can be afflicted with numerous shortcomings that are not permissible in the area of ​​land jurisdiction. This means that even such malleable contracts as can be concluded in sea and air sovereignty must correspond to a logic and grossly unfair contracts may be accepted as valid.
It is often said that the only contract that cannot be broken is one that you are completely unaware of. And so it can happen that contracts in sea and air law are foisted on the careless and used to conceal property rights and obligations that are logically not tenable at all. And yet these hazy and sometimes literally unconscious contracts endure until recognized for what they are and canceled.
An example of this is the undisclosed municipal citizenship contracts that mothers are expected to sign after giving birth in the hospital, creating public ownership of their babies.
It does not fully disclose the content or consequences of this offer, nor discuss the role of those making the offer, let alone the resulting change in the baby's political status and loss of birthright or property. The only telltale evidence of the criminal and undisclosed contract is the birth certificate itself. And since neither the nature of the birth certificate nor its true meaning as a clearinghouse certificate is apparent, the non-disclosure of these practices puts the baby affected by this unlawful conversion plan at an extreme disadvantage.
Even the hospital staff - who are responsible for obtaining these contracts - do not know what they are about, what they are actually used for or where the documents go
go or what they will be used for once the mother has signed the dotted line. The requested documents disappear. They are no longer part of the hospital records and are not archived, which is because these forms that our mothers sign are not technically hospital forms at all. It is private contracts that bind the baby to serve as a community citizen of the United States.
These private contractual documents are forwarded to the Depository Trust Company (DTTC) in New York, where they remain and form the basis for the trading of public and private trust assets obtained through the dead baby scams:
(1) the "abandoned" postpartum records are used as an excuse to create a private trust in the name of the living baby, and (2) to get the mothers to give up the baby's birthright - without disclosing it - and unknowingly create another estate for the child in the public interest.
The baby is too young to remember, the mother was never fully enlightened and later a veil of secrecy descends on the purpose of the birth certificate, which is essentially alien and illegal in this country.
99% of Americans have no idea what a birth certificate is or what it means. The only indication of a public announcement that it was in fact a clearinghouse certificate was Franklin Delano Roosevelt's inaugural address. In this way, the mothers were lured into a trap and whether secrecy was no basis for assessing whether they should accept or reject this contract offer or even the possibility of knowing that it was a private contract offer, which obliges their baby to lifelong slavery.
In the same way, the Pledge of Allegiance was made ubiquitous and passed off as an innocent declaration of patriotism and support for the American flag. Although this "oath" is actually a verbal contract in the manner of feudal pledge to a monarch, and the nature of the Title IV flag (which this binding contract receives) is also conveniently not disclosed.
The Title IV flag is, in its specific dimensions, a version of our American flag which has been entrusted to our UK territorial municipal subcontractors to exercise their delegated powers. So the Title IV flag is an American flag, but it is on loan to our subcontractors and when innocent schoolchildren obediently swore their allegiance to it, they were drafted and obliged to serve the British territorial subcontractors, not their proper country.
None of this was ever disclosed or discussed in the schools and other places where these "vows" took place.

These contracts are self-serving and fraudulent and deficient in many respects as the existence of the contract and the contract offer and the identity & nature of the contracting parties are not disclosed, the jurisdiction of the parties is not established and many other deficiencies exist. But as long as these invisible contracts exist and are not contested, they automatically continue to apply.
A slightly different lack of disclosure concerns all military service contracts, which objectively present themselves as contracts and are entered into as employment contracts, but resemble long-term serfdom. However, these contracts are subject to another form of deception and non-disclosure. The type of service itself is kept secret. Every effort is made to portray these services as the honorable establishments of a national military, but they are not.
These are mercenary services and have been since the American Civil War. As a result, young people are used as cheap mercenaries in wars waged by local governments for profit. The hardships and sacrifices they make for love of their country are misplaced.
We want the shortcomings of these contractual practices to be fully recognized and these perceived obligations to be fully overridden. With the onus of proof being on the city subcontractors to disclose full and consensual contracts of citizenship or otherwise cease all claims based on the existence of such obligations.
We want all military service contracts to be reformed and fully disclosed, and that the
Military services regained the status of honorable national military service and no longer that of commercial mercenary service.
If these subcontractors of local government mercenaries for their dirty illegal
If they want “wars” they can pay full price and disclose everything.
Published by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Trustee
The United States of America
c/o: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
Link to the English original: http://annavonreitz.com/invisiblecontractfrauds.pdf
You can find over 4100 other contributions by Anna von Reitz for Enlightenment, Competence and Necessary Shift in Consciousness at the original English website provided and maintained by Paul Stramer for Anna von Reitz contributions: www.annavonreitz.com
You can find numerous other translations of Anna von Reitz’s posts on the Telegram channel:

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