Who's Afraid of CO2?
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Have any of you heard the name Robert Williams Wood? This man was an American experimental physicist who carried out an ingenious experiment in 1909.

He constructed two boxes, black inside, so that short-wave (ultraviolet) sunlight can penetrate them in order to warm the air in the box, converted into long-wave (infrared) thermal radiation. Just as it normally happens to the earth's surface and atmosphere through the sun. One of the boxes was covered with a salt plate in such a way that all the infrared radiation produced can leave the box again. In the case of the second box, closed by a glass plate, all the infrared radiation that was generated had to remain in the box. Exactly this box, from which no infrared radiation could escape, should actually have heated up much more when exposed to the sun than the box from which it could be completely removed again. But this effect did NOT occur! Both boxes warmed up to the same extent. Through this experiment, Professor Wood was able to prove 110 years ago at Hopkins University in Baltimore that a greenhouse is heated by the fact that it has a roof made of glass or foil. The greenhouse effect is based solely on the fact that there is a “lid” that prevents the warm, rising air (convection) from escaping, which could transport the energy away! At that time there were scientists like a certain Svante Arrhenius from Sweden (Nobel Prize winner and long-standing family member of Klima-Greta Thunberg) who claimed that the greenhouse effect is based on radiation and that CO2 could influence these radiation conditions. The professor was able to refute this assumption and expose it as nonsense, a greenhouse is not a "radiation trap", but a "convection trap". Opening the lid of a greenhouse leads to the immediate convective removal of heat energy, since the energy absorption of the air molecules disturbs the balance of temperature, volume and pressure required for still air and causes an exchange of air masses. Just as we can see it when we open a window to ventilate the room. And why we don't choke on our own exhaled CO2. And just like every hot air balloon is propelled.

Whereby we would have come to today's key point, how an increased concentration of CO2 contributes to global warming. To be more specific, how it supposedly helps. Practical evidence as to whether the “greenhouse gas”, which until recently was still called trace gas, actually prevents the earth's surface from cooling down in a concentration in the per mille range by means of infrared reflection, or whether it goes down in the noise of clouds and wind, is not yet available. Even if the mass media suggests something obvious.

But let's just assume it was like that. The trace gas CO2, 0,038 percent of which is present in the atmosphere, of which only 4 percent is of artificial origin and of which only 3,1 percent is emitted by the FRG, would be responsible for "human-made global warming".
Then there is a sticking point that I miss in the whole discussion on “saving the climate”.
The verifiable fact of how the sun's energy gets into our atmosphere at all is completely undisputed. As mentioned above, the earth's surface absorbs the short-wave sunlight and converts it into long-wave heat radiation. The nature of the earth's surface is therefore of central importance for the energy input. And this is exactly where humans actually have the opportunity to intervene BEFORE any “greenhouse gases” even come into their own!
The decisive factor for the energy absorption of the earth's surface is its nature. Forests provide coolness, meadows not quite so, with fields it looks worse and it gets very stupid with concrete surfaces, roads and roofs. Every glider pilot knows this effect and every mountain biker who moves out of the terrain back into the city in the evening can feel it. Like any other object, the objects on the earth's surface follow the principles of a “black body”, a symbol from physics for a body that absorbs all energy. The darker an object, the greater the energy absorption and thus the heat radiation. Anyone can test this by walking barefoot over an asphalt surface in midsummer. Incidentally, the greatest heating takes place through the almost completely black absorber surfaces of solar thermal and photovoltaic collectors. In addition, when it comes to open-space systems, the vegetation under the huge module carriers withers and thus reduces the photosynthesis performance of the plant carpet, which would normally release the evil C02 into the atmosphere undisturbed in oxygen.

It can therefore be said that the more people intervene in the surrounding nature, the more urbanization progresses, the more areas are sealed by an industrial nation, the more the atmosphere heats up!

Therefore, the first consequence of the fear of CO2 would be the reduction of the global population explosion as protection against further deforestation and the associated desertification and urbanization. A turn towards renaturation. For the FRG, with a population density of 230 inhabitants per square kilometer, this would mean suspending all immigration and stopping the attracting of the excess births of countries that have been left behind by means of a “welcoming culture”. Especially since the not inconsiderable interactions between humans and nature in terms of a much-touted “sustainability” can only be compensated for by using space.

However, the opposite is being propagated. Further spread and consumption. Above all, consumption of CO2 avoidance technologies due to a bad conscience, which leads to trading in CO2 certificates and derivatives.
The “completely normal” sick growth compulsions of giral money creation in a system that always demands more, but could never get by with less, the discussion of which would, however, go beyond the scope here.

Image source: Wikipedia
Thanks also to an anonymous commenter on MMNews who gave me the idea in the first place.

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