What to do with the election papers
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There are many suggestions lurking around on the net ...

Actually, elections are only allowed to take part in those who find the written “Herr Max Mistermann” or the woman “Frau Maximiliane Musterfrau” and their title in some identity document ... passport, personal ID, etc.? The guilt title Mr./Mrs. Is not noted there, right? In the end, WE do identity theft by reacting to such people?

So it would be easy to check. Just as a tip: if this person “Mr / Ms” does not exist, who will insure them? If I am not that person, why am I responding to them?

Maybe it's the strategy of self-criminalization? Because the fact that a kind of indulgence trade is taking place here should not only be felt among the enlighteners.

I wouldn't hang out of the window with a GS either.

The question is also: apparently the elections have been made anyway, the management and the board of directors are known to be appointed. Isn't it then that, as in a company, voting in the elections relieves the management board of the last business period?

Requesting postal votes and keeping the documents would be another option.

In addition the following:

Sorry, but that's the stupidest thing you can do, the farce in America should have already proven that to us, and it's like that worldwide.
Explanation: As soon as you have submitted the APPLICATION for postal voting, they will send you the voting documents and tick your FAVORITES on another sheet. Then when you send your documents back, your completed vote will be placed in the urn while your voice travels through the shredder. And? What did you gain with it? Can you provide evidence that your vote is not in the ballot box or that a fake vote in your name is in there?
Anyone who thinks that they can counteract this abuse of the system with their given options will probably also believe that lemon butterflies fold lemons => I think it's good how some people deal openly with their mental illness 😜😂😂🤣🤣🤣

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