gold global plates

Monetary System: Will America Return to the Gold Standard After Currency Debasement?
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Quote from the above PDF: "The US Treasury Department should therefore, according to Mooney's proposal, disclose all of the state's gold holdings..."

Ah I see, a government commission of experts will then finally determine how much gold the Washington DC company still has... well, great if the biggest gang of lies in the world tells us how much gold they have... Note: it has NEVER been possible to check the gold stocks to check, neither in Ford Knox nor anywhere else in the world. Alternatively, Drosten could rebuild his PCR test in such a way that it detects gold out of shit and... voila, problem solved.

Quote: "In addition to cash, this also includes book money, which is in the form of sight, savings and time deposits in citizens' accounts with banks."
Ah... only the infinitesimal amount of actually printed dollars and citizens' savings are to be backed with gold. Sure, that's what the political freaks are banging on about, so that Hein Blöd does this nonsense too. So at the end of the month, does the boss give me a wage packet with cash inside, like I got to know 40 years ago??? And AGAIN: you can never control the gold backing, that's just a pipe dream, what they tell you so that these bankrupt vultures can spin their merry-go-round a few more laps.

Quote: "...the calculated price would be approximately $83.000 per troy ounce - a 4.840 percent increase over current gold prices."
Now they're going completely crazy... so that Hein Blöd also joins in the nonsense, they tell him at the end... "Knock grandpa and grandma's gold teeth out and you'll be rich"

But yes, the BRICS countries can pack up… all planned for nothing.

And one last thing… gold cheerers… the cabal has been storing almost all the gold in the world in their bunkers for millennia. The one who celebrates a gold standard now... finally makes his slave owners rulers of the world... Come down from your clouds and let it be, that's enough.

Note: if they don't give the gold to the people or if MY time is still THEIR money, what is gained then?

And one more question: can gold stolen from Libya and Iraq be traded legally? And the gold that was stolen from the German Reich? Wouldn't that be stolen goods?

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