3211 Anna von Reitz - Legal Persons, Legal Persons, LEGAL PERSONS - Please register and register America.
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Anna von Reitz Posted on June 22, 2021.

Translation into German mother tongue by: Stephan-christian. [Der Freiheitschmied] Copyright and copyright and protected trade name. I-am., And my person is a civilian in land law with the duty of peace and outside of COMMERCE / martial law and canonical / ecclesiastic law. All rights reserved. Conditional. For information, skills acquisition and further training in the private sector. The private distribution for private and non-commercial use is expressly desired. As always and everywhere, the same applies here: do not believe anything, check everything and keep the best.


Do you see the spectrum moving from left to right? From “Legal Person” to “Legal Persons” to “LEGAL PERSONS”?

They are all "persons" and they all exist in the international or global jurisdiction as dead "fictional" entities.

As an American living on the land of an American union state, when you go to Walmart and buy a bag of beans using a bank account full of funds known as legal money, you are acting as a “lawful person” Person ”/“ Rightful Person.

Only lawful people can use lawful money.

If you "went to sea" as an American and "voluntarily" accepted British territorial citizenship and went to Walmart to buy a bag of beans, you are required to act as a legal entity and use a debit card or bank account , which is funded by Federal Reserve Notes, and by definition you are acting as a legal entity and a US citizen.

If you are an American community person in the United States and you go to Walmart and buy a sack of beans, you are acting as a LEGAL PERSON using a debit card or bank account held by FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES is funded.

Americans who act as lawful persons are entitled to refer to fiat currency as "lawful money" by Federal Law, PL 73-10 and 12 USC 411, as Remedy for the theft of their silver in the unjust exchange for Federal Reserve Notes - i.e. IOUs, or more popularly, IOU's.

This unjust compulsory exchange of silver for paper promises has been legalized by these provisions of federal law and the compensation for it must be maintained or the members of Congress are nothing more than robbers on the move.

Please note that to benefit from this guarantee you must be American and that you must accept your birthright political status. You have to explain it and record it.

Please note that if someone is in U.S. military service and becomes a U.S. citizen and acts as a legal entity, they may have a birthright guarantee, but that birthright will expire while on service and will remain extinguished until he or she becomes their American political status “returns” and terminates all foreign offices they hold.

Ditto members of the public service and their direct relatives. You may also have American birthright, but until you leave federal service and accept your birthright and political status as American, you will not have the option to call your private writing legal money.

Therefore, Lawful American Persons use Lawful Money. UK territorial legal entities use private Federal Reserve Notes. Municipal legal persons use commercial bank fonts.

You may be thinking now that this is very strange. Nobody ever explained that to me. What difference does it make? I'll buy a bag of beans anyway.

It is the difference between a creditor and a debtor, the difference between using your own fortune and using someone else's fortune. It's the difference between what you owe and what you owe. Are you the long-lost heir to the US national credit or the poor eater who is the heir to the US national debt?

In truth, your American identity has been stolen and you have been posed as both a British United States Territory Citizen and a United States Parish Citizen in order to prevent you from collecting the funds owed you.

All Americans are entitled to mutual set-off credits under the same published legal remedies, relieving them of all public debt.

For example, I may owe the State of Alaska for a public service that their organization performed, or I may owe the State of Alaska for services.

At the same time, they each owe me far more as a result of their use and abuse of my good name, labor, and other assets. And this is indeed borne out by the Treasury and Clearinghouse records.

You owe me $ 12 billion and I owe the Territorial Government $ 50 million. In round numbers. Imagine that.

I have asked the Treasury Secretary to settle this amount so that your account, which is in my name, no longer owes anything to the Territorial Government.

You will still have $ 11,5 billion in debt, but who's counting that?

To put it simply:

If two people owe each other money, they can repay it with new money they earn, or they can "swap" the debt. Put it in simple terms:

Your brother owes you $ 100 and you owe him $ 10. So instead of paying him, reduce his debt to you by $ 10 so that he owes only $ 90.

That's what a "Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption" is, and that's what we talk about when we tell our public servants they are supposed to “offset the debts”.

Instead of making this drug widely known and accessible, the government has hidden it and made it extremely difficult to access, even though they know they owe it to us.

And as a result, their "national debt" has gotten wildly out of control, instead of being mitigated and reduced by the application of the US national credit, which is also bloated for lack of compensation.

When asked about it, the derogatory perpetrators, who themselves are not entitled to use or benefit from this guarantee, claim that they cannot read clear English and that they have never seen a legitimate American in their life.

Well, huhu! Here we are! Your friends and neighbors! Returned from kidnapping undeclared foreign agents relying on you to do the right and honorable thing.

There were questions about the “Sign In America” program, which is open to members of the State Assembly who have declared and recorded their political status as Native Americans.

People have accused us of being "goofy" and of doing some kind of hoax or fraud.

Instead, we are just plain old Americans finally showing up and demanding redress that has been owed to us since the 1930s and that our supposed trustees have not afforded.

Did you hear that, Mr. Treasury Secretary? Do you hear that, Chief of Staff?

Link to the English original: http://annavonreitz.com/lawfullpersons.pdf

You can find over 3200 other articles by Anna von reitz for the education, the acquisition of competence, the preservation of the freedom of the people and the emergency-turning change of consciousness on the original English website from Anna von reitz: www.annavonreitz.com .

You can find numerous other translations of Anna von Reitz's contributions on the translator's Telegram channel: https://t.me/ Freiheitschmied

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