Straws made from reeds
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once bought a couple of reed drinking straws and tested it out. They also have to prove that they are dishwasher-safe. Then they would be an alternative to plastic straws.

Medium and small size. The prices are around 60ct / piece medium and 50ct / piece small + shipping. I will first test and try out with my friends. It should be carved 10 or 20 because of the freight.

Breathing through straw

Sitting straight and comfortably or lying flat
Take the straw loosely between your lips, breathe in through your nose and let the air out through the straw. Everything slowly and without pressure. Take a short break, then breathe in again through your nose and exhale through the straw. This gives the body more oxygen and those who are stressed can reduce their stress by breathing with a straw.
Many doctors have found that most souls no longer breathe properly and thus supply their bodies with little oxygen. There are doctors who pass this method on to their patients with a straw.
For this breathing exercise with the straw, I think it has to be a straw that is a little thicker. Thick bamumbus straw is a great tool for breathing exercise. This straw is natural and sits well in the mouth. I don't really like having plastic straws and straws made of glass or metal in my mouth. Bamboo feels soft and the drinks just taste much better to me.

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