Tricks & Traps of the Court
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Tricks & Traps of the Court pt1 -: Mark-kishon: Christopher.


Mark Christopher

["For full details on my educational training programs, email me for a private & confidential PDF (email below)."] Website: David-wynn: Miller's Website: https: // [“Facebook Page:….”] [“Facebook Group:….”] [“ Thank you. ”]: Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge. : Mark-kishon: Christopher. : Copy-right / copy-claim.


The audience's comments were not revised as they were largely difficult to understand. They are shown in italics to distinguish them from Mark's comments. Not because they are dead, as you will see in the text.

Video 1a - Oct 12, 2015

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Thanks for coming and thanks to Keith for organizing this event. I'm going to take you through two different topics today. One is how the law works, and within the law there will be some subdivisions, namely the law of the sea, international law and the use of your language. It is the language that gives you authority. I'm going to cover a topic called drug death. It is a report that has now been written and commissioned by a doctor. It says very clearly and with all the evidence that drugs are the biggest killer on our planet, and a few other words, so I'm going to cover two topics and what it is and why. We are dealing with two subjects at the same time because they are one and the same subject. Okay, before we do that, before I get into the actual seminar and talk about the language of international law, I want you to get you to watch a short film that is only about five or six minutes long and nothing more than life a cell shows. Once you've seen it, it will likely bring you before your eyes the things that are going on in your world on a cellular level, but also on a panoramic level that very few people ever get to see, like life in fact functions. So this is an introductory video that shows you the life of a cell, and it will be about three to four minutes, that's all.

Video 1b

The images you saw of the life of a cell were seen by people more than a hundred years ago who developed optical microscopes that were able to penetrate the cell membrane and into this world, the universe that you see to dive in. But for some reason none of us have access to a light microscope that can be used to see the cell membrane or a cell, or the organs inside a cell, or how they work. There is a reason for this, because under international law of the sea you are all dead, you are dead, you have been dead for a very long time. More than you can imagine, and no dead man will ever see life, ever hear life, never speak of life. You will never make a contract with one another and you will not make a contract or covenant with your God. And that's the world you live in. This is done through the use of language, and I will go into that in more detail. As we speak, we go through life babbling to one another. This language is known as Babbel. Since we speak a Babbel language, our subconscious interprets the things we say by making those interpretations. And that's how they turn you off or off, and that's what you essentially are, you walk around while your subconscious is turned off. (01:45) You have no access to the subconscious. You don't have access to it because the words you use lock you out of your subconscious. And as I explain maritime law and federal law, you'll get a sense of how that's done, the language you use. I will bring all of these topics together and do my best to explain how they use this to ensure that you do not make a contract or covenant with your God. You are not supposed to make contracts with yourself. You cannot hear or see life. And yet there is the royal microscope, the royal Rife microscope, you can get it, the Chinese make it, but nobody seems to know anything about it. They use silicon optical lenses that allow them to see and photograph intercellular life in real time. I thought I was mentioning this because it is there, but no one seems to have access to it. The samples you see, for example your blood samples or your tissue samples, are all considered dead. You're dead, and if you look at the object under a microscope, it's actually dead. You see something that is dead because you cannot see life, because you are not allowed to see life, because if any of you find out how this cell works, then you will find out everything. If any of you find out how the ecosystem of this planet works, you will find out everything, if one of you finds out how your language works and how it programs your consciousness, your subconscious and your unconscious, it's all over, okay. One of the things you have to do and I'll make some blanket statements that will be qualified as the conversation progresses. One of the things that they have to do is that they "always" tell you the truth, and I say the word "always" when they don't, they get caught and there is a reason why is. Your subconscious is working a hundred and twenty times faster than your conscious mind. 120 times faster. I am unable to enter the world of the unconscious because it is unconscious. So I'm going to stick to the subconscious. Since it works 120 times faster than your conscious mind, it knows when you are lying, when you are telling the truth, and it knows the facts, and it has already done these calculations 120 times long before the conscious mind can do it. And you may feel it as some kind of intuition or a dream, and then act on it, or your conscious mind acts 120 years later, when it's all over, and that's called a migration period. It can sometimes take that long, if you don't listen to your instincts, for the information your subconscious has given you, either in the solar plexus or in another part of the world, to alert you that something is not quite right. That is how long it can take to pass through to the conscious mind. When your subconscious has been pushed into the background and your conscious mind has been put in a state of fear. When you are disconnected from your subconscious, your conscious mind is in a state of fear and that is what they do to you in the courtrooms. If you walk in before you even step into the building, you become petrified and, being petrified, you have no real access to your subconscious, and when it does take hold, you make it hold back, and that's called an interruption, and I'm going to go over all of these things as they do. A handshake break is what hypnotists would call a handshake break, and it takes less than half a second, a quarter of a second to put someone in a trance state, okay. Before I go into the actual courtrooms, when we start going into the courtrooms, I am going to go through the length of time your conscious mind and subconscious are overturning and around you all the time. The job of the senior judges is to make sure they literally push you around all the time. By now you may not have understood what I am talking about until I give you an example. So here is a simple children's drawing of a box. We have seen that many times. Keep looking at it. (1-07-00.jpg) Everyone keeps watching. The people behind the camera are watching too, and something is going to happen and it happens to you over and over again. Tell me when it happens. Everyone calls it out in their own time. Changes the dimension. Tesseract. Has it changed for you yet? It was long. Okay. Keep looking at it. Keep watching him. Tell me if he changes okay Okay. Has it changed for you yet? Has it changed for you yet? - Yes. It changes. Changes. Right in front of you is a mechanism nature created for you to create part of your own perspective, okay. And that change that you see is your subconscious turning it over so that you can see it from a different angle without actually moving to a different angle. I hold the paper. So nature creates this for you all the time and the time it does this to you, that mini second it does is known as a trance state. When this trance state occurs, you can see in people's eyes that your eyes start to flicker, even your skin becomes damp, and then it spins. The time it takes for you individuals to make this transition, seeing it from this point of view and then from that point of view, is the amount of time your own subconscious is working to change that, and that is with each of them you individually. For some people it only takes the blink of an eye, for others it goes in and out hundreds of times per millisecond, the faster it goes, the more it is simulated with the subconscious. A gift from nature. But what the courts do is use that gift of nature to block you. So when you comment on what you saw, they just use the words to exchange it to convince you that you are seeing something else and then they say the lawsuit is dismissed. Yes. And it is language that makes it possible. Okay. Can this be amplified by the process, or is it desirable to increase the speed of the change? I don't know. I don't know, but I'm reporting that they are doing it, that they are changing it for you. I'll show you something that happens naturally, and I'll show you how to use nature's gifts to hold you tight. But what about the language, the language is what I'm going to cover because they use the language, ok. So before I get to that, let's go to the courtrooms. So before you go into a courtroom, you have probably been summoned. Can someone quickly tell me what a subpoena is? Sir (10:50) One is an invitation. save Invitation, not an invitation, that's what it means, and I'll handle that. Anyone else? Any other participants? Only an authority can give an order. People of low rank who have no power give orders; those in power give orders. For example officers, people with guns and so on and so forth. That's another part of the language. So it's a bigger part and that's another part of the language that I'm going to cover. Yes, we are, also means no search, so you are not on a search. That's how they made you hold back. So, I'll speed it up a little. I'll pretend I'm an FBI agent, okay. I'm an FBI agent. As soon as you hear the word "FBI agent" you already have a sense of horror, because the FBI is frightened. It means that they are an authority, that you did something wrong, and that they have power over you. But your subconscious should turn on. Your subconscious is working 120 times faster when it has full access to your psychomotor skills, it will pick up the FBI agent and push him aside with ease, yes. Just as any animal on this planet can do. My house dog was able to tear open the whole house while he was still alive, and he did it once. He drilled a whole big hole in my Victorian door and the door is so thick. He bit her through because I accidentally locked him there. What do I want to say? The point is, when your subconscious is alerted it will do any task you want. It doesn't matter if it's a car that's on your baby, it will pull him to one side. It doesn't matter if you are the highest ranking authority on the planet, it will destroy you. You reduce it to nothing. So the only way they can get you to hold you back is to turn off your subconscious. According to an anthropologist, sorry, according to a polygraph, say, a machine invented by Carl Gustav Jung, there is something in you that is alerting you that something is not true. What happens is that your subconscious, already knowing the answers, is alerting you that it knows the answer, not that it doesn't know the answer, not that you don't know the answer. It says the answer is this and only that. So this is how a lie detector works. So when I come up to you and say that I am an FBI agent, I have essentially turned off your subconscious, which is called “stand down”, because your subconscious knows what an “a” before a “gent” means. It means “not a gentleman”. And if I'm telling the truth, why should the subconscious help you? I was honorable by telling the subconscious. I am a 'no-gentleman'. But your conscious mind doesn't know these things. It just knows you're an FBI agent, and that's all it knows. You have now locked you out of your subconscious. When that's done and the subconscious has been severed, you are on your own, with yourself and your own thoughts that are known to be floating around on the surface, and fear begins to take over. Once that happens, you have very little control, even over your psychomotor skills. You might even pee yourself. It happens a lot, okay. So what does an “a” before a “gent” mean? It means not a gentleman. How should we know this? If I accuse him of being a moralist, what did I just say to him? So an “a” before a word as a prefix means exactly the opposite of what you think it means. So they have created for you a language known as Babbel, in which your conscious mind speaks that language with no morality, no independence, no requirement, a language with dualities and meanings with quadruple meanings, and some of these words can have hundreds of meanings to have. (15:25) In this way the subconscious is separated and with that separation another language is created, the language that tells you the truth: I am an agent, which means that I am not a gentleman. This is one of the avenues of law, if you cannot control your fear, if you are not in control of it, they will always be in control of you. Because one of the things that fear does is that it locks you out of the subconscious, which is supposed to alert you, okay. So that's it and I'm going to go into more and more detail and I'm going to build a volume or body of thought around these words for you to see. A subpoena to go to court and tell you what to do. You were charged with something, yes. An arrest warrant, sorry, a subpoena is basically nothing more than a summons. It's what one captain would give another to say you owe me this or you owe me this, and you would go aboard his ship and say, well, I don't really owe you that because we are have agreed and you would say, oh yes, you are right, sorry for the misunderstanding and you will go your way again, okay. That's it then. So how the hell did they make you believe you were going into a courtroom where everything will be the same? They lied to your conscious mind but subconsciously they are telling you the truth because as soon as you step into the room your subconscious is scanning everything until you know this is nothing more than a game. And yes it will help you make a game and that's all it thinks it's a game. One of the things hypnotists remind you of is that the subconscious does not hear, see, or perceive anything negative. It doesn't know what “you shouldn't” or “do nothing” means, it has no access to it and it doesn't understand it. This is called a negatively formulated state and your subconscious will not accept it. Because there is nothing there. It cannot carry out a negative state. It cannot walk around thinking, “You shouldn't kill your neighbour's wife”, “You shouldn't covet your neighbor's wife”, whatever the commandments are: “You shouldn't park on the yellow line”, “You should don't walk on the lawn ”- it can't think like that. You can't walk around doing this, you are then permanently locked out. And they use those negative words in your everyday world all the time so that you don't really have access to your subconscious, okay. (18:15) So he got a summons. You say it's an invitation. Well, an invitation is a good thing. So we go to the court, but in reality we are a little bit scared because this is something unknown and we go to the court and what does a court mean? Me and her, we're going to play tennis tomorrow. What is a court? It's a field. It's supposed to be a playing field, a level playing field, yes, because if I stand 10 feet or 2 feet or 3 inches above it, I have obstructed it, yes. And if I'm just sitting in a very small area where he has to walk 10 meters from one point to another, I've made him even more handicapped. So when you go to a court, your subconscious hears: “Oh, this is going to be a tennis or soccer game. Everything is played on an equal footing. So you get an invitation to go out on the pitch and play something. That is the interpretation of the subconscious. Your conscious mind is fearful now. It's going to court because there's a lot of preparation behind those words. The authorities are there, the judges are there, people are going to judge you, you are already in a state of fear and then you go to court, and as soon as you enter the court what do you see? Unequal starting conditions. I've never seen a place where you play games where everything is bumpy for you. He or she is sitting over you which means they won't be playing a game with you, and not only that, they are on a different level than you, a higher level, nothing in the room is really at eye level. Nobody is on an equal footing, and then they ask you to make a plea. Now, if I asked him to make a plea, what did I ask him to do? Plead, beg, beg, Keith can you beg please? Show me how you beg I don't think you should fight back, it's just a game after all. It's a court, come on, beg, your subconscious will help you, they will beg and your mind has no access to anything, it is locked in fear now and they are asking you to go into a box. According to the law of the sea, boxes are moderating and in this particular box is your prison. You leave it out. They don't exist in court, yes. Four corners. So as soon as you go in you stand in a box and that box has a fence around it that looks like a prison gate because it's a fucking prison gate. If you leave this area without the judge's permission, they can arrest you, they can arrest you for going to jail voluntarily, voluntarily, your subconscious just led you in because it's a game, but your conscious mind is fear . When you control the fear, you start to see things very differently and understand the language they are using and then it is game over for them. You're going to a court now that you know is not an equal playing field, so it's not a cult. Someone is sitting on you. You went to prison voluntarily, so you know this is definitely not a court because you are standing in a box and you need the judge's permission to get out of that box. So this is definitely not a cult, no referee will ever ask you to beg for anything. They will ask you to play the game and we will make sure that everything is even for you, without any boxes, and if there are any boxes, those are the parameters of the game. If you hit the ball too far, shoot it to one side and it goes out, it goes off the court. So we know the whole thing is a lie. So you are in court and made a plea, how did you plead guilty or not guilty, not guilty. I am not guilty, this is my plea, this is my plea, not guilty. The judge is telling you that it is his job to make sure you are guilty or not. You have now surrendered, and if you hired a solicitor, you basically signed that you were incapable of being in court, incapable of being able to act in court. He is now beginning to make his plea to the judge. The game is over. You have already decided what to do. You look at the judge and the judge usually sits under a small canopy. Look up at him and if not he usually wears a small hat, not a black or white hat. The lawyers have a white one, I think the judges have a black one. Does anyone know what that is? What does it mean when a religious person wears such a thing? To hide their thoughts from God? Your evil thoughts before God! To hide their evil thoughts from God. So that God does not see that I am doing evil to another person. And if he doesn't wear it, it will be over him so that God doesn't look down on him and judge him for who he is: a liar, a thief, a murderer, a rapist, an opinion ATAR, that's it, what a judge is. It's in your dictionaries. So they have already told you openly what they are up to, they have told the subconscious mind, but your conscious mind cannot see any of these things, okay, yes. Can anyone tell me what that black robe is? I can not hear you. So please, okay, a priest, priestly robe, anyone else? Vampire ah vampires. Anyone else? There is a word for robe. Master, cloak is another word. What does a cloak do? Yeah, it's covered, okay. It's called a dressing gown, dressing gown. It is called a dressing gown, Guten Morgen, Morgen (morning) is actually one and the same word, it means: the death of. It means the death of what one feels as justice in this room, to be just, even to ask for justice, it is the death of justice called the dressing gown. He attracts it to let you know that the subconscious knows that there is no justice here, what you feel is just, what you feel is just, okay.

So, all of this information, all of these rituals, all of this to make your subconscious and your conscious mind go nuts. They already told you who they are. It is only your consciousness that believes the lie, just as it believes in any lie. In the 80s the IRA was a terrorist and they terrorized me. In the 60s I think it was the communists who never showed up, and in the 80s it was black drug dealers who didn't really show up, and then in the early late 90s it was the Muslims who got me have terrorized. They never really showed up. And before that it was a war on cancer. We're going to kill the cancer. There was no war on cancer, then there was a war on communism, a war on this and that. You go to great lengths, and that's my specialty. They go out of their way to tell you the truth, and they have to, otherwise your subconscious will alert you that something is wrong, and as soon as this being wakes up, it's all over because it will level the playing field , it will dismiss the judge, it will tell the solicitor, go and prostitute yourself elsewhere, because that is what soliciting means, yes.

So far we've talked about the courtroom, but what about before you even go to court? Usually you see Libra, yes, symbolic language, your subconscious lives on symbolic language, yes. What does it have? A sword in one hand and a scale in the other, and what is a scale supposed to do? It should create zero, zero, zero in the account, zero. If not, the sword arm will cut your head off, yes. I will create this (Libra, one hand) with this (sword, other hand). This is my power. It is already openly explained to you what you are approaching, or be it your subconscious. I recently watched a video of Carl Lentz when he came to the UK to teach us about the use of common law words and he also spoke about the use of language. And he talked about how if a person, say a woman, was rape and they went to seek justice, which means that the state should punish them. She went to a prison cell voluntarily and said she had suffered rape from this person and he reminded you how quickly the judge can say: case dismissed. How should it work? Can someone give me an idea How did this happen? Just one at a time. How can this be possible? This person was raped and they said that now I ... willingly took the stand of young children, allowing the young children to come to you, that the girl out there is suffering (bystanders). So please. One language for the conscious mind, another language for the subconscious mind. (29:40)

I endured rape. I consented to the rape. Lawsuit dismissed. How simple things are. As you said before. So it seems that when we take control of our language and the things we say, we start to have more dominance because I haven't suffered rape. The people of Australia, the natives, have not suffered rape, they have been raped, they have been murdered, looted by criminals and so on and so forth. The word is not 'suffer'. The people of America or the Native Americans have not suffered rape. They were raped, murdered, tortured. The word is tort PIE, tort, tort, sorry, excuse me. Yes.

Video 2

Okay so words, ah can someone tell me what UN means? What does UN mean? United Nations. Thank you very much. I made my own credit cards, I have unlimited credit. Can someone tell me what unlimited credit means? It is unlimited. But I thought you were just saying, it's called the United Nations, it's limited. It's United. So everyone has their own interpretation. No interpretation. There is no interpretation, there is a language for the conscious mind and one for the subconscious mind. If you go to the United Nations, as I said, this is a place where there are non-chivalrous nations. Knights are Knights Templar, yes. It is a place of the unlit zone. They already told you the truth that your subconscious actually has a lot of zeros. It removes itself. The lady here said before I woke up, and I have to say, if someone is up in the morning when your mother calls out to you, "Wake up!" Then that means exactly the opposite of what you are thinking. It causes your subconscious to fall asleep again and your conscious mind emerges where it believes it has full control over the whole world, that's why we have a dominant and a recessive limb, whether you are left-handed or right-handed, we are them only animals in nature that are not ambidextrous. And yes, there are some people who are ambidextrous, that's just to give you the perspective of the huge separation that exists between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind, there is a huge gap in between, a huge gap. We have words for this gap, nothing can fill this gap. The whole world, all the calories in this universe cannot fill this gap. The human being, which is by definition a monster there, by the way, that is the definition of a monster, a monster, Bullentine dictionary, I think. Nothing can fill this space, this separation. So you are all forever searching for religions and ideologies, for anything to fill this empty space until you have bridged it, and then the universe becomes very humble and beautiful. The earth provides you with everything you need and you are in possession of your language. Why do you say we have opposite links? Yes, we are not opposites, we are not ambidextrous, which means that this hand (left) doesn't work like this one (right). Because the conscious mind is always fighting for dominance over something because it believes that it is in control of everything. He believes that you are in control of your own money, your life, your health, the air you breathe. You have no control over anything. If you just go outside and look to the left, you'll see hundreds of spray curves, hundreds of planes spraying your upper atmosphere. Some of the chemicals go up, some go down, and over the years the chemicals go down faster and faster. It now takes less than twenty minutes for these chemicals to reach the Thames Valley and get into your lungs. They have already cut out part of the sunlight spectrum from your atmosphere. And that right in front of your nose. In 201, yes. Anyway, that's it. We can cover other subjects, but before we do anything else, even before we go to court, we sign documents, we sign paperwork, okay. And usually you sign a box, and what does a box mean in maritime law?

It's a different area, and if it has that shape, it has a specific meaning: this is your coffin. And you put your composite writing in your coffin, am I right? What is a compound font? They are called italic and what is the language of the dead? Curse, italic. It means saying evil. It means doing evil to things. You have already been told that you have put your signature, your handwriting, your language on your own coffin. You have proven your own death. That's why I'm also a big fan of Angelina Jolie. I would ask you for an autograph. On an open piece of paper that she would write an autograph on. If you remember that there was a time when you marked the piece of paper you received and you weren't happy about the lighting. That has a certain point in history where that came in, yeah. This is how you used to write your name. (2-05-21.jpg)

This is an autograph, which means that you are an autonomous being, an autonomous being in possession of your own thoughts, the air you breathe, your own body and that you are not outside of your body, okay. That's what it is. You have already signed out. (points to the signature in the box) You have already witnessed your own death and this is your coffin. That's why you have to sign in the coffin, because you can't leave your coffin, okay. So this is what an autograph is, (points to his autograph), this is what an autonomous person does. (below in the picture) When she puts her mark or autograph on everything above. If you've ever wondered why the Queen signs up here, it's so that she won't admit any of these things down below. (2-06-07.jpg) She won't witness anything, okay. That's it. Let's go back to the courtroom, yeah? So he got a summons. He's waiting inside. I am the judge. I am dressed all in black. Someone handed me my hat. I think where is my hat? Somebody should give me a piece of cloth or something. Yeah, give me that, a black one would be good, well, a black one would be good, yeah. Thank you. So please. So I am the judge. I know it's kind of weird. I just take the edge off by making it weird, but it's always serious because they're about to rob you of your life, yeah. The judges were known as hanging judges for a reason; there were hanging judges. They perform the tricks and traps for the government or the master they serve. They are the scythe makers of your world. If you persecute the judges, you have robbed them of the mechanism by which they rape you. I have a black thing on my head. I come into the courtroom, the bailiff says, the bailiff, the man says what? Everyone stand up! Let's do that. Shall we all rise up? Everyone stand up. There is always one who does not rise. Arrested for not doing what they did in court (said someone in the room). I've done something to you guys now. You took control of us (from the audience) That's just one. That's it. Because you came here dead, and I cannot take money away from dead people. I gave you life back, and now sit down again, I am putting you back to death. And now I'm going to use my tricks and you will get up when I leave the court, I will take your money and you will go back to the dead. That's the trick and that's the trap. When you get up, you leave them in charge, you acknowledge them as captain of the ship. Remember, you are not a judge, you are the captain of your ship, okay. Autonomous of you, sitting on a higher plane than you, they set up trap after trap, trick after trick, until they settle the score, which is to rebalance them. If you don't, your head will be chopped off with a sword they openly announced, whether it's a baton, pistol, or medieval sword. That's why I have to get you guys to sign. (in the box) The reason I have to get you guys to sign is because I don't have the technology to photograph this properly. Your conscious mind will accept it anyway because it's so fat it will believe anything, no matter what. I don't have the technique to take a photo for a signature? Are you kidding me? I am able to write and read letters that arrive in the mail or in the mailbox. I can read an entire encyclopedia while it goes through the scanners, and so can all of my computers that are running closed through scanning, thousands of times per second, millions of times per second, I have that ability, but I don't have that Ability to do that. (Signature in the box) So can you please put your signature in a box, not sign out of the box, okay. Your conscious mind will believe everything. I am also a religious person. I'm also a priest if you give me ten percent of your income, which I will pass on to God, will you? You absolutely have to do that. Otherwise, I'll settle the bill with you guys. Your consciousness will believe anything, it can do anything. Don't I look holy? I've put on a robe. Shall we make it black? Are you saying you drove last night? I need your password in the box, they send it back to your jersey, you got it out of your box (not understandable, from the audience). Well, what you can do is: you can put your autograph on file. Sometimes they give it back to the right person (not understandable, from the audience). I am not expressing myself clearly. I am not expressing myself clearly. The system is designed in such a way that one is held in suspension as a dead person, as a coffin. Dot. Period and comma. You cannot cross the border without a passport. Dot. They will not create a bureaucracy that you can bypass because you are dead and no dead person sees or hears life. You shouldn't make a contract. You shall not make a covenant with your God. You shouldn't write contracts. That's a fact. These are their laws, okay. I want to make this very clear to you. You are all dead. If you protest your death with me now, that will not happen. Who will enforce these things? The DELA (? Audience)? The judge. The judges are the middleman for whoever they are. We can talk about the IMF family in the UPU later, because that's them, or the Vatican and so on and so forth. We can do that. So what do you do when you don't sign in the box (audience)? We will come to that later. You don't get a passport if you don't sign it, but you can do a lot of things, yes. You can interact with the world of fiction. This world is known as the world of fiction. One can safely interact with it and move within it and leave it. In the world of psychology, when dealing with the subconscious you must always tell the truth, otherwise your subconscious will come up and say: liar, liar, liar, liar. I know the facts and this person is not telling the facts because I know the facts. I can't discriminate, but I know the facts.

Video 3 - Oct 13, 2015

oh what did I want to say? I've lost my train of thought. It went on with (audience). oh, yes the world, the world of the subconscious. I have to work very hard to tell you people openly what is going on, and I'm making this freely available, I'm making this freely available to everyone. If you want to know my business plan and I'm the bad guy, I'll play the bad guy. I am doing everything I can to get this thing public. I will even give you my business plan 25 years before my business plan goes live and if any of you prevent me from doing it I will show you, but just remind me. Every time they murder a person, for example on the subway, they make sure that an MI5 agent is in front of the station and tells you five minutes in advance that a person was shot on the subway, and him will tell you the way she was murdered five minutes before. To let your subconscious know that the world knows we've turned someone off. And five minutes later, they will go to great lengths to tell you that, for example, he was murdered at 8:40 a.m. while the news was released at 8:35 a.m. They'll even go out of their way to demolish a building and the report will be right in front of the building, so behind the building, it was in front of the building and the building was behind it, and they'll say, man, the building was blown up or demolished by the fire department and the building is gone now and it's still behind you and you will wait for the timing. And then the building collapses. They're frankly telling you it's a controlled execution, okay. That is the great effort they go to ensure that your subconscious does not step out because when it does step it will be the dominant mind, not your conscious mind. It will be the dominant one. If that becomes dominant, it's game over, okay. If you want to read a little more about the world of the subconscious, which is a topic in itself, then look at the properties of what we would generally call the universe, universe by the way means no verse, yes, yes, no verse, if you go to university, you don't learn verse, chapter and verse. So they go out of their way to get these things known and it's on the internet all the time. You have parallel authorities. They have parallel police forces. How many people know that? They have parallel intelligence services. How many people know that? They have a crime department. How many people know that? There is a crime department on this planet. If I am raped, I don't go to the police, but to the offenses department. If I want to know a fact, I don't ask the World Health Organization but the Weights and Measures Office and get the fact. When I want to know how toxic a certain chemical is, I ask the pharmaceutical industry. I will turn to the poison index. These authorities all exist in parallel to each other. When Osama bin Laden, who, by the way, I can't find any records of his existence, was the number one terrorist in the world, the FBI said there was no evidence of it. So we won't attach it to them. But the CIA had it on their website. Why didn't the FBI put it in, you found him, well, give us evidence. For what? For the atrocities he committed? No, give us evidence of what? Just for its existence, yes. That's the effort they go to telling you the facts, and when they tell this lie they get caught very easily because your subconscious mind pops out right away, it pops out right away. You propose (audience). I am not suggesting anything. I'm just showing you a reflection of the world you live in. Your conscious mind will not allow you to see this world because it is appalling. If you don't go to work, you will lose your house, you will become homeless, a mental dissonance will be created to separate him from this reality, and he will fall into all sorts of confusions to make him believe it is so how it is. That it is not what it is. That includes religious people, politicians, people who don't vote, everything, all of it, okay. This is called a confabulation. If you have the time, read a book called: Left in the dark by Tony Wright, a friend of mine, or you can type it in on the good YouTube and there's one ... actually we did it together, right? The Tony Wright documentary, okay, yes, yes, the Tony Wright documentary and he'll give you an idea of ​​the separation between the conscious and subconscious mind, the dominant and the recessive, okay. It's fascinating read. They go out of their way to tell you the truth, all of the facts. As big as an FBI says he doesn't exist, look like I said, look for him, so who's right in this town. It is very true points pendulum facts when you have set the truth to the grace files. The FBI is supposed to represent the real people, the CIA the fiction, isn't it? (? Audience) They are the representatives of the military-industrial complex. Your story is very interesting. It's a detective agency with a picket, a detective agency with a picket. Anyway, that's it. I digress a little too much. I like these little types of facts and figures. I have now made some very profound statements. The only way I can reach you is to give you the facts. So now I'm going to create something. I am going to create a perfect legal system now, a perfect legal system that is so good that each of your countries will accept it. The rule for a scam is to make the scam as simple as possible and make it as big as possible, it has to be global or if not national. Look it up. The art of cheating is that the simplest scams are carried out over and over and over again. And the bigger the scam, the easier it is to pull it off. Not my words, not my words, and that's where the mistake lies, because when you know what the perfect legal system is, or the perfect way to lie to a person, tell the truth in one hand and the lie in that others to give, yes. If you find out, then you can apply this perfect legal system. Everyone here assumed that a courtroom is the place where judges put everything in order, that they settle the bill, that there is justice, what one feels as justice. Everyone thought it was one, and the correct word is to provide fiduciary service, but that is not true. In reality, you have entered foreign territory aboard your ship, which is in dry dock. And he's the captain of that ship and he got you on board by telling you the truth all along. And he went straight to his ship. As David points out, if I were to board a ship at Canary Wharf that was flying the Chinese flag or the flag of a country other than that country, I would now be in China. And I have to be taken to China and cleared there and then sent back for whatever reason, and if I did something wrong, I would serve my sentence there, and that's what these areas, these courtrooms, are all about. You're on a foreign ship, you're on a foreign ship, okay. Go on. Make it as loud as you can because I am deaf in both ears. Since these court systems are independent territories, I appointed the district judges as part of the fiduciary appointment, is this working or not? (Audience) You have to take possession of their bureaucracy and language to work on it. When you use words that have double meanings you have created an interpretation, which means reinstating the judge because it takes a judgment and an opinion to clarify two meanings for one word. In reality there are around 16 meanings for a word. And if it were to be standardized further, it would probably be 900. The greatest thing I think Bill Clinton has done for me, and I mean it sincerely. So most people are screwed up just hearing about the wickedness and madness of sexuality and so on and so on, it all depends on how he said it, it all depends on your definition of IS. The game is over now. He's going to tell you everything now. So there's no way he can be convicted of anything because he's about to tell you the truth about how the puns go on in the courtrooms. Does that make sense? Yes, to answer your question directly and indirectly, you need to access the perfect legal system that I have created to set in motion what I am, what I do. A legal system created for me to negotiate with any other country, to just send letters to each other. Your system. The post office. So we come to the world of the UPU, the Universal Postal Union. Imagine he's a Northerner and we all know how different Northerner are from Southerner - we're a different race. We even live on different continents. I'm joking here, but let's imagine that they live on another continent. I can send him letters with poisoned pen without any problems because I have a contract with this country that says the postman, the postman, has the right to cross his country without being hindered or delayed to get the mail in to bring his mailbox, and that's what I've stipulated in the contract. I can cross any border on this planet, any sea, any war zone. I am completely immune. I have all the diplomatic rights that an ambassador or judge would have, and I can go unhindered to his country and deliver this letter to him. This is a powerful system that I have created. A very powerful system, a system so powerful that I can take advantage of it by sending him poisoned letters and making false claims against him. Because of the power of the UPU, they said we are creating a perfect legal system between us and we are entering into a contract that the post office must never be used to get money out of him, to write poison letters, to make fraudulent claims, to get money out of him and withdraw money. So what they did is that under the law of the sea, because everything is under the law of the sea, they created independent little territories known as courtrooms that belong to the UPU. In this courtroom sits a highly qualified human tariff specialist who is familiar with the UPU or the use of post offices and mail. And his job is because I sent a letter to him or to someone else in this country to say that you owe me a thousand pounds but I have no evidence, which means I must be punished now. To prevent that from happening, they set up an escrow service between him and me. And when I have a problem, I have to go to the Postmaster General or my region's Postmaster and say that there is no evidence for this bill, a charge bill, a subpoena, this is a charge bill, it's an invoice. And I have to take this to the trustee, if my postmaster doesn't bother about it, I have to take it to the trustee and say: Look, he didn't show me any evidence. He lives in, I don't know, Birmingham and it will be 50 years before he comes here or something. Let's say two or three months. So he can't do this trip, so rely on documents, and since all the paperwork is under maritime law, ships are, they are ships, documents, documents, dock, yes, ment means mental. So he got his thoughts on the ship, used the UPU transport and escrow system to deliver it, it automatically falls under the escrow service, the responsibility of the UPU. And now he has to file his claim, and since there is no evidence that the trustee between my country and his country examined the matter, please withdraw it. Oh, I'm sorry, it was sent by mistake, yes, but you can't do that. You know, can we get some cash out of here for the severance pay? I think you owe me a thousand pounds for sending this letter, okay. I admit it was a typo on my part, I admit it. Here are the thousand pounds. I am happy, he is happy and the trustee is happy because he gets his share and the share is: The use of the postage stamp. You now have a near-perfect legal system to carry justice or what you think it is on a global scale, and since the subpoena you were sent was used by the Post Office, it falls under federal jurisdiction. If I blocked the mail in Canada or the US, what did I just do? Sorry. I can not hear you. A federal crime (audience). I committed a federal crime. If I send you a letter making false claims against you, what have I done? A federal crime for using the mail. So it is you who committed the crime, and guess what, you have your autograph securing this document. Do you understand now what I'm getting at? But if they gave this thing, this mechanism, this bureaucratic mechanism to everyone else, then you would all rise from the dead and come into the world of the living, where you will get what is correct, incorrect, for correct is one Mathematical concept, which corner, which right angle, which corner of the quarter you want to find. That's what that means, yeah. (17:27) Right, it's a mathematical term. It means right angle, which corner do you want, this or that? Honey which one do you want This or that? You demanded human rights, monster rights. So I'll give you this part here, yeah Now I'll give you this whether you like it or not, cause you're a monster, okay. And I'll talk to you as a monster because you are a monster and that's the corner I give you. I am not obliged to (audience). Unless you initiate the escrow service. Check out what a monster means. Did you look it up? Oh yes, random question: the reason I asked you, as an Irishman, if you knew what the pharmaceutical industry means. Do you know what pharmaceutical means? The reason I asked this is because there was one of the ladies there who was one of the foremost herbalists in our country. This lady with a young daughter, leading herbalists. She didn't even know, and I had to remind everyone that they are going out of their way to tell you what they are really up to. Do you know what the legal definition of pharmaceuticals is? (Audience) No, that's cancer, cancer means conserving. The meaning is poisoner, maker of poisons. That's what that means.

Our next topic will be: How do you use the post roads? How do you find the closure? The word is completion / dissolution by the post office, federal law. Incidentally, this word closure is more important than we can imagine. It comes up when we don't close and put a period in our sentences. The sense of the sentence doesn't wander into the subconscious, where it can do its work, yes. Whatever you do, you need to bring what you are doing to a conclusion. Whenever you go on a run, instead of letting it run into the imagination, you should complete it, which Miller calls a possible dangling verb. It means that it's just a philosophical thing that crosses your mind. And that's what they do, they create a dangling verb for you. They pick it up and move it all the time, yes. So if you want the courtrooms not to be ships in dry dock, as the captain of your ships under the law of the sea, you have to initiate the fiduciary service to which you are entitled under the UPU, yes. And that happens to the post offices, the post office, and that happens in a strange way, excuse me, that happens to postage stamps because everything that goes through their system is their responsibility. But if you start speaking like a common law person, then it's common law jurisdiction that you will get. If you claim to be a person, what is a person? A person is that ... employee (audience), that is it. So you get this case law. If you speak like an ordinary person, you get common law jurisdiction. When you start to speak like a man and a woman, in the here and now, the words that say here and now, because that's the only thing you know is the here and now, everything else is an opinion. The world is changing. The here-and-now jurisdiction, the here-and-now jurisdiction, okay. So we have: the federal system as an address as a remedy, I know what it means, as an address to which we can direct our complaints because you used the post office, and we know the bureaucracy, which I will give you in a few minutes will teach, albeit after a break. I'm going to teach you how to use these huge bureaucracies that are available, and I'm going to teach you how to turn an opinion leader who is a judge into a trustee. How to get him off his level and remove all the boxes in a court. These are three topics I'll teach you after the break. What is the trustee all over again? (Audience) A trustee is a person who stands between, who wants to see the best of you and the best of me, and wants to settle the bill in the noblest possible way - bound by honor and duty. That's a trustee. Period, yes.

Video 4

Let's say I'm a judge, okay. I heard a case and got UPU approval. I have to provide some documents. How do you think I will submit these documents? In the documents that give the UPU full jurisdiction over the paperwork. Your paperwork must be submitted in a very specific order. You take a stamp. It must be a whole postage stamp, a whole pound or a euro, or any denomination of 100 units that make up a pound or a euro. And they tape them in the top right corner of their papers. (4-00-41.jpg) All right? That has value now. It has postage value because it is the law of the sea and it is called the law of the sea, things that have value. I've paid my worth. But that's an open postage stamp, which means someone can pick it up, peel it off, and reuse it. I have to devalue the brand. So when I buy a postage which means I have handed over money, it is a commercial contract, I have to postage that postage, just like a post office, if it does postage, yes. Post office. So the way I do this is that I'm the postmaster now, I autograph my name in an angle above the mark, (4-01-33.jpg)

do not sign, but autograph. That now makes me the postmaster of this document, the jetty. That's a document, okay, and I'm autographing this way (autograph at the end) so I'll put my autograph here to take jurisdiction over everything about it including the stamp. So I've created value on this side of the paper. Now I take the entire document and put my autograph on the other side, as with a letter (4-02-22.jpg). This is how a judge would submit his papers to the highest authority on our planet. When they see this, they know it's game over. You know it's game over. You are now submitting your documents as a judge. That means you are what? A judge in control of what? Your ship, yes. And the contents of your ship, which are your words, and you know what the law of the sea is because every paper is under maritime jurisdiction and it's a ship and you paid your dues, you paid for your registration, yes. Now you've given that piece of paper some value, real money. You paid real money for this. Submitting your documents this way automatically becomes federal law because the Post controls it and you bought it from the Post. And since judges submit their records in this way, you now become the postmaster, the judge of your document. And that also makes you one of the most powerful deliverers on this planet. Abraham Lincoln was what? A postman. That makes you a postman. Yes. Autograph (audience) Yes. This is now federal (front) and on the back you write your autograph (top right), as you would with an envelope, yes. The reason for this is if you remember that in the old days letters, letters were scrolls, yes. (04:28) And they would come like that and they would look at that thing, oh, that's from the King, King Mark, King Henry, whoever, and it would have your seal, it will have your autograph and they will come and take a look and there it is, oh, okay. This is how it works. The older system that is out there. Works brilliantly. Works to this day. All the scrolls are like this one, by the way. Therefore, the judges submit their documents in roll form. You saw it. I saw it, yeah Take right-sized paper (audience). Yes, it can be right-sized paper. I don't know what right-size paper is, but let's stick with eight pages, yeah. This is for the camera. Well I don't know what notary paper is. Papers about, say, ten inches and legal size of the two-inch laws from tomorrow of the same week may see (audience) No idea. I don't know, but who cares how big my paper is because I paid for it. Is that clear? I paid for it.

To According to the law of the sea, I have to bind this document, and if it has two or three sheets of paper, I have to bind it the way I used to bind a full scroll, because if you touch a scroll you can see that it has been cut away . So I have to tie them so that no one can tear them apart, and if they do, it comes out as damaged pieces of transport, damaged cargo, and you're compensated for it, right. It has been tampered with. So you tie it or weld the paper together to make it legal, or like I do, I use brass stamps, so brass rivets, okay. Can someone please give me a blank? Can you please stand up for me Yes. This is definitely brass. Ridiculously simple is enough. That's how you always get these things working, ridiculously easy. You tie up the paperwork. The paperwork is now tied and that is now the law of the sea. This is a real document, this is a real document. Do you need to tie it all around? (Audience) No, this is for other papers that are on top of that. It's just for the camera. I'm doing a job like a wax, ... broken boy (audience). (Audience) Yeah. So, that's how it really will be, it will be several pieces of paper or just one piece of paper, yes. So that would be your A4 and all you do is connect it up, yeah. Maritime liaison and that's your document and it's still there. If someone wants to fiddle with it, they have to rip it up. That is, it was tampered with. Okay. How to prepare your contracts. In preparing the contract, I don't care what language you use, I don't care what words you use as long as you define your words. This is not Miller's teaching because he has his own system and I will teach you that too, but I want to make it clear to you. As long as you have defined your word, it is your words and your meaning that you have put on this paper. So there is no misinterpretation. So you had a dictionary with you. Find the dictionary so that no one can interfere. You have now defined your own words, one word one meaning. You created it with the help of the highest authority on this planet. And there is no misinterpretation. This is your contract. You have now signed a contract, yes. And if I send you one of these things and it has no dictionary, it has several meanings according to the law of the sea, what address do you have, or let's say, to put it simply, you have, because according to the law of the sea I have to define my words. How can I graduate without her, yes. So if you ask me something, can you please define the codes for me? Can you show me the titles that state your entitlement to this sum of money? Can you make a dictionary that will give me a word and a meaning so I can understand what the hell you are talking about because you are charging me with the Cancer Act, the Cancer Act of 1939, and you are accusing me of what word? Cure? What does getting cancer mean then should I be prosecuted, right? To say I'll get cancer? What other words are there that mean cancer? Yes. Treat cancer. I'm going to treat the preservation of cancer, is that what you want to charge me for? I am all for it. That's what you're accusing me of, isn't it? Or are you accusing me of something else? If so, you better tell me what it is. 'Cause I'm gonna tear this piece of paper into pieces Does that make sense? Yes. To make a contract, you have to put a dictionary on it, a contract, a word, a meaning. Alarm, I know the alarm bells are starting to ring and so this alarm bell is probably pretty musical for you now because you don't have any word definitions in your contract with the contractor, yes.

Does that explain a whole bunch of things? So how can you, on a personal level, on the vocabulary level, transmit the power of what I've talked about? Simplifying the words. Knowing what to talk about. Because the judge is going to start snapping you. Just like the square box I showed you. Every time he sees this he will flip and he will cause an interruption, he will go to the desk like this, you will get a piece of paper. Big things, you've seen this many times, yes. Or the gravel (? Gravel), the gravel is a stamp, a symbolic stamp of a postage stamp, yes. I think only exists in the USA because I just won't go. (? Audience) Let's not, let's not get into that. A hammer is an interruption, and in the world of psychology it is called a handshake interruption. He's causing an interruption. He does it that way on purpose, (hits the paper), yes. He interrupts you because you are in a frame of thought, in a frame of thought in which you see this at a certain angle (4-11-12.jpg). If you are interrupted, the angle changes so that you no longer have jurisdiction over what you are talking about, what is pointing in that direction, now lets you look in that direction. I know your tricks, boys, girls, yeah What he's doing is switching jurisdictions. Don't you want to invoke human rights? You are human. Define the word "human" for me. A monster cannot inherit its blood, cannot inherit wealth, and cannot inherit anything else, justice, yes. This is the game they play. Your subconscious knows what human means. Do you remember that in the past, if I may be so poetic, they used to hand out milk and bread and so on and so on (livery) until someone came along and added the word “de”. Now you have delivery (de-livery). A "de" means no delivery. So you have no delivery. Someone has done that in your story, and when you find out who it was, you will find out who the corruptor of your language is, and he or she is usually sitting in the middle of their hut. You would find out the rest for yourself. There are certain points in your history where your language is intentionally corrupted and forced upon you, and I will educate you about language corruption, how it works. If he were Irish, let's say at the turn of the century, and he spoke Gaelic to me and I was the British Empire there, what would I do with him? What do you think I would do with him? I give him a chance: he should learn my language. I'll whip him, I'll beat him, and if he refuses, I'll behead him. It's all in the history books. If his children speak Gaelic, they are taken out and beaten, overdrawn, yes. When I go to Scotland and find out he speaks Gaelic and the Scots speak Gaelic and Welsh and stuff. I would do the exact same thing, and if I came to the UK and lived where I live now, I live in an area where there was a tribe called the Rolling Tribe, they all disappeared because they refused to speak the language so it's not the damn British who do it, yeah. They refuse to adopt the language. The meaning of language is more profound than most people can imagine, and I usually use an analogy: your operating system on a laptop, for example, usually runs on free software, what's that called? Ubuntu? What's the other name? linux? These are all near-perfect operating systems. They are near perfect operating systems and they are free and they work seamlessly and effortlessly and they only take up a small amount of memory to do that, they are not corrupted. Other people come from like Apple and make a really good interface, make it very soft, make it very tasty, easy to look at, aesthetic, and make money off of it. Isn't that a good thing? Other people come along and corrupt the kernel, the kernel, as it is called in computer language, they corrupt the kernel and create a whole infrastructure to fix that kernel, to fix it all the time. Do we know what that is called? Microsoft. Yes thank you. That's what they did, they damaged the core. I took care of the pine cones, yes (audience). Yes. So if you corrupt something that works almost perfectly, you make a lot of money doing it because you have to fix it all the time, that sounds like something in the pharmaceutical industry, yeah. One more thing: What is your operating system doing, your own CPU? ... These are your words. The program is the words, it is the words, it is the words that take you from one jurisdiction to another. It is the words that navigate you from one point to another. Without this vocabulary, you won't even be able to get up from your chair, as any hypnotist can tell you. Wake up, don't wake up. Because that means falling asleep, not waking up. ... It's the language, people. Once you remove these words from your vocabulary, you will have the vocabulary back to get your subconscious going. The vocabulary of “David”. The vocabulary of people in possession of their own thoughts. When Webster's Dictionary came out, what did Webster say? He said the greatest crime I have ever committed is the bastardization of English, the English language, these are his own words. If your country or any other country speaks a language that is not uncorrupted. That usually means that that language or culture doesn't punish the truth. If you punish a child for telling the truth, they will learn to lie and they will create a whole make-believe world in which they navigate from one point to another, through their parents, through their societies, constantly lying, freaking out what is it, flickering, yes, constantly flickering, lying his way through life. But if you have a language that does not punish you, you will be rewarded for telling the truth, the language is refined so that you now pronounce the facts as facts. Does that make sense? Imagine a mother who doesn't punish a child for spilling milk or burn a house, but rather cares more about how the child or baby is doing, not punishing them. Oh, what have you done, honey, oh, I accidentally turned on the faucet and forgot the plug, the house is completely flooded. well, okay, let's fix that. There is no punishment. But if you punish the child, he will learn to lie, and the harm will be much greater. So you don't know when you come home, but when you go to bed. Does that make sense? You can figure out how it works for yourself: when you punish a child, you have created a language made up of lies. So when they came across languages ​​that did not punish their children for telling the truth, they banned those languages. And the punishment for speaking these languages ​​was death.

Video 5 - Oct 13, 2015

What was the first thing you do, deafness? You change the culture by changing the language. If you create the language that tells the lie, then you have a corrupted system and you feed that system. Look how big the OS kernel corruptor is, how big it is and how it works with OS kernel corruption. It is the language. You start removing these words and I'll show you how to remove these words. You already have 90% jurisdiction in possession of your own thoughts. You now know that United Nations means there are no chivalrous nations, Knight means Knights Templar, yes. Unlimited credit now means: is unlimited, it means: no. You now know that 'from' before a word means: no. So I am not an aborigine. If I claim that I am walking around and claiming to be an Aborigine, then my subconscious hears it and says: You are not originally an Aboriginal, okay, then don't claim no now, yes? The word is: original (origine) as Miller taught me, yes. Do you understand that? That is the language. They made you hold back. So, yes, they corrupted the core, you remove the words and you remove the things that corrupt the core. Did you know that? Hmmm. I think it was at the beginning, at the very end or at the door, at the beginning of the 20th In 2000 Microsoft prosecuted an Asian man, an Indian, and I think I forgot, most of it anyway. That was on the news. That was about 10 years ago. They actually prosecuted the man for fixing the bugs in their operating system, yes. Because the operating system, the bug, the corruption of the system, is what they earn their money with. If you remove it, you have Ubuntu or those free operating systems like Linux and stuff like that. Mine is an Ubuntu operating system that works seamlessly. Devon doesn't need antivirus, nobody can hack it. You can be the best hacker in the world, but you can't hack into the system, it takes ten minutes to download. So I'll just check it out, it's on my laptop, check it out. I probably can't pronounce it, you can. Please speak it out for me. Ubuntub. That's it, Ubuntub. U buntu b. Just look it up on my laptop. It is there, you know, yes. It's Rania, yes. Part of the Linux operating system, yes. So just recap. If you ever speak a language that doesn't punish, that doesn't punish truth, then you have a near-perfect operating system, ie near-perfect language in which facts can be freely spoken, in which one can go into a courtroom and discuss facts and laws. No facts or laws can enter a courtroom right now, am I right? No fact or law can enter a courtroom. If facts cannot enter a courtroom, what have you just been told? Come in, or where is it going, come in dead, because no fact, no fact can enter a courtroom and a fact is a noun, it has weight on earth, yes.

The way you notarise something is that you do just that, put your thumbprint over it at the end of the autograph, yes, and put your thumbprint over it at the top where the stamp is, as well as your autograph, that does You to the notary. So you don't need to go to a Queens notary and pay them money to do it for you, you are the one who becomes the notary. Hmm yes. I'll just show you. So this is the stamp, okay, put your thumbprint on the stamp. Make your thumbprint over it, okay. And also make a thumbprint at the end here (back), this is your autograph. Let me open it up right I'm sorry that you guys from TV Land have a very small perspective, but you have to put your thumbprint across this stamp (5-05-05.jpg) where the autograph is. And you want to put your thumbprint at the end of your autograph. Do you agree? And that makes it notarized. So with that you have notarized your own document, yes. Can we use the word autograph because you are autonomous and that thing there is a graph of your autonomy. Autonomy, your autonomy, thank you very much, cameraman to the rescue. OK. OK. Are there any other questions? Is it okay to publish your fingerprints? (Audience) Yeah. Yes. That is the point. It helps you identify as fact. The authorities you don't want, the authorities you don't want to know about you already know what your genetic makeup is. Every time you go through a scanner. You already know what resonance your bone structure is having when you go through these scanners. You have no control over these things, okay. So use the control you have. Use them to your advantage. So that belongs in an envelope. So how do you put that in an envelope? You put it in a normal envelope, give it the address to which it should go and stick a registered stamp on it. That costs six pounds in this country, yes. So, excuse me, registered mail, there are two types, actually several types, the one I'm talking about is called, excuse me, yes, that's right, blue and silver, yes, and that costs about six pounds or so, yes, that's the one you want to use, the special one, (audience) ... Because it's not recorded, that's just a scam, really. Yes that's right. You already know. The sign for one is simply put in the mailbox, no, but it is actually recorded, that is, you have to ... Well, I'll start over. According to the Universal Postal Union's rules - and remember, it's a near-perfect system - the Post guarantees me that no one else will intercept the shipment when I mail it to the person over there. If they do, it's a criminal offense. Armies are mobilized to protect this. Armies will deploy if you break this law. And only the one who has his full name and address on it, who inhabits the territory with the help of survey coordinates in the place with which I have a contract, can receive this document by signing it and the person who does the post delivers, this testifies. Only he can receive this document and no one else. If someone else does it, it's a federal crime and you go to jail for 20 years for intercepting mail. Look it up: Intercepting Mail. This system ensures that with an autograph you have an almost perfect opportunity to transmit my freight to him. It's inside the document so what's outside the envelope fits in here, and you can keep a copy of it for yourself, for your original copies, and the called original copies. I always keep my original copy (audience) yes if you use the other sticker, if you use the other sticker on your original document (09:20). So give me this. This is your original document, a photocopy, this is the village version, a bit, and I'll glue that, this is the original document, not the original, yes, we're back to the originals, backed up. And if I want to secure it a little more, because I want my cameraman to be a witness of it, I'll create another one, and there, the UPU gave me another sticker. Okay so that's another copy, an original copy, so he has one, I have one, oh, he testified my document too, so he should have an original copy too. So I give him a second written copy and lo and behold, I have another one and I'll take it to the post office, he puts it across the envelope. I mean, he can acknowledge it. I've created an almost perfect system. I've developed an almost perfect system. Once this son, whom you have to sign across the board (audience) You should do that, you post to - yes. because there are some who have not canceled what (audience) yes they canceled but we will cover that later because the postmasters will not allow you to testify, your mail has to sign it. You know, every time you throw it in they make a note of it, you have to put your autograph on it too. You say it is you, yes, but you did that, that is good enough, that is enough, and since two people testify to this document, it means that it is a company. Corporation means that two or more people come together. You can't deny that. This is a legal document, this is a federal document, this is a maritime document, and it's a receipt for it, because no one on this planet, in this area, in this territory, on the paths of the Ordnance Survey can bear that name. Because no one can ever be in this place, since no two people can occupy the same space and the same time when they receive this document (stamp and signature on the letter). ... (the audience speaks). Why is it so important to have witnesses to confirm this? To secure it. When you go into a courtroom, there is a judge and two people sitting next to each other, there are already three people against one person, there is a lawyer, there is the bailiff, there is a boster? Security guards, there are about ten people working against you. And you stand there alone, go in with friends, make friends, yeah. Keep the community together. Make friends and go to court together. Do not be separated from them. Remember this when I go to Ireland. They're trying to break me up. The person I am helping is then in the middle, and the person in front of me is also a friend of mine. He or she will be the person taking notes and distracting the judge. You want to play games. I will play games with you too. ... Have you all heard of Tic Tac? They play tic tac in the courtrooms, the prettiest sits there and talks to the judge, yes, in their simple language. These people are so screwed up, not honorable, not conscientious. Do not have any respect for them.

Video 6 - Oct 13, 2015

Examples of language corruption in your own life. Let's say I was a farmer, that's a farming culture now, let's say 60 or 70 years ago, mainly agriculture. I am marrying this beautiful woman here and she will be my wife and I will be her husband. Can someone tell me what a husband is? What that means? Things to do with a manager. (Audience) Yeah. I am a husband. I play, I raise livestock, I raise animals. So this is the language they gave me to show them that this person took charge of the language I gave them. She is my wife and I am her husband. I'm Ashley, who she keeps in my stockyard like one of my animals. If you ask the liberated women, they will tell you why they reject the word husband because it means they made it for you. So now we are after the agribusiness or, sorry, the agricultural time zone and we are in, say, corporate jurisdiction. You are persons now and the way I am explaining this to you is that I don't think it's important to distinguish whether she's a woman or a man in the workplace, yes. So we should check gender neutral, gender neutral. We call it a person, but what does a person really mean? An employee of a company. ... So that's how they know you are convinced of the idea that you are a person, okay. You're on the Ford site and I'm the Ford manager. The politics on this factory floor are what I damn well say because it's my country. If you speak like a person, then I'll give you that level of law, yes. So, they, remember, they always tell you the truth, the facts. So if they hack it, I think when they organized their march a few years ago it was thirty thousand policemen. Don't you nail me down on these numbers, thirty thousand police officers took to the streets in London and what did they protest against? They said: we are not policeman-persons, we are policeman-women and policeman-men, because we judge the situation and with our judgment we will act, will we go on or not go on. So we will decide whether this person should get a ticket or not. It could be a real mistake, but when you say I'm a cop person, I'm here to enforce the law on a factory floor of a company, and what have you done now? Enforce your policy, yes. Law enforcement, law enforcement, not men and women who use their own calling, their own line of thought to find out what the cameraman is up to, what this lady is up to. Why doesn't she want to tell me her name? Well, she doesn't have to, she doesn't want to sign a contract with me. Well that's perfectly fine, let's check a car anyway, it looks roadworthy, okay misses I think you are well on your way to go. But now that you live on a company's land, that land is owned by a company. That's why you pay the council tax, yes. That is your duty, the duties that they have placed on you because you have drawn them away with the anti-terrorist legislation. You have a society that is supposed to protect you, man or woman, it has the right to impose a duty on you, and as any judge would tell you, there is a duty for every right. Pay your duty. You have assigned your rights. You live in the society of Great Britain and the law enforcement officers are the law enforcement officers of social policy. If they decided you are illegal, then you are illegal because that is the policy of the Factory Act. But if I'm a guest on this factory floor, walking down the post streets, using the postal system, then you have to respect me for who I am, yes. So if they invite you to judgment, what will you do? Treat it as an invitation if you want, or keep it within the contract vessel. The document court, yes. If they sit up and you get up, then acknowledge them as the captain of the ship. Do not do that. Stand still or stay seated. They force you to get up. They will try to excuse you when asked to stand up, excuse you, they will run out of the courtroom threatening and threatening you and trying to get the security guards to get you up or they will run out of the courtroom. They say to them: come back to the courtroom! Come back in now. Don't you dare leave the courtroom. This is my courtroom now. And at that point you remove all the boxes and you say that by saying, I am removing all the levels from this room and I am removing all the boxes from this room. And you are my trustee now. You are now bound by your honor and duty to perform your duties as a trustee. What's the first thing you'll remove? (Audience) Levels or boxes or both. Yes. So what you are doing is leveling the playing field. They remove all the obstacles that they have put in your way. That person is now only a trustee and you must do that before they leave the courtroom. A measly a measly judge good Section 999 for a measly Georgia teacher, if his statue is introduced to no more than an umpire it is not the same stages as imagining yourself ready to go judge. (Audience) I can't hear you. He's a measly judge to shoot George as in puny, he's a peony in French, it means he reduced his statutes to a mere arbitrator to serve you, okay, section that knows the 1908 senior course , You go (audience). There you have it, folks, take a look, don't take his word for it and don't take my word for it, take a look. Find out for yourself with this video links will come you go and find out for yourself. Remember that you are responsible for the things you do, yes. You must speak like a man and a woman. This is not a message for business people, this is not a message for people who speak or express their opinion in a fictional language, but rather for people who know what the facts are and rely on those facts, not acting because that is just an actor who acts. Moving on these facts, navigating through these facts, that's a marine term, yes. Learn to put the full stop in your sentence. Otherwise, it is an ongoing process that is constantly going on in your head, you need to close what you are saying. Try to position the thought at the point where you are saying something (audience). Yes, do what you say, say it, and make a point. If it's a question, make a question sound like a question, yes. If it's a statement then put your own statement into perspective and make it sound like a statement, but what you can't do is what they do, which is making accusations, in other words making statements that like Questions sound and then put you in an impossible situation of defending yourself. Look at him, the bloody northerner who wears glasses, sucking his pen and sucking a long piece of tubing with a death warning on it. Will he get respect from me? I took the trouble to write on the box that it will kill you, it's called the death staff. I'm quoting Star Wars, of course, death staff, he smokes them. I did everything I could to give this man as much power and dignity as possible, he ignored me, yes. But if he starts talking to me like a man in control of his own thoughts, he will take control of me. (09:00 am) Have you noticed that people in court often sit back and say something to you. This is what happens when you take a beating. The judges are trained to see that, yes. I leaned forward on the question because I know a little about boxing. You go into the blows, you don't evade, yes. So when you start doing things like this, if you really get into them, then they come forward. They don't like the verses like Ultron, I always sit on that agriculture class or sit in the back and when I look at her, my sister who hates her, how you dip your glasses in and look at them just to say you're awesome, yeah , that's what they look like, yeah, it's not really about the grass, mmm (audience). Call me, talk to me, and if I think I'm okay with you, I'll let you know. Okay, now let me answer a few random questions. When you receive a document, or when a lawyer or anyone else or an authority as such has rights to a document, do they tend to leave out punctuation to avoid confusion (audience)? Yes. That's right. This is called a possible dangling verb. There are mixed numbers too, there are mixed serial numbers too, case numbers, there are none, as they are called, let me end my train of thought with a warrant, that's the word, custody. Because if I give him a piece of paper to bring to you, to bring it to you, and then to bring it to you, then it must have this storage. So he writes his signature on that piece of paper, she writes a piece of paper, you write an order, and it comes back to him and says, wow, that's the chain of retention. To break that connection, they won't give you the same serial number because then there will be a trace of evidence. That's right, and they write different letters. If you z. B. Filing a complaint as a lawyer or in court, they write back to you saying: We have considered your complaint. It wasn't a complaint. I haven't filed a complaint. I said: You took something from me, give it back. You're writing back to me so that I can look at your complaint. What they are doing is to reduce their plea, the plea that they negotiated with you, to such an extent that it is just a misunderstanding. So, imagine we're making him the chief of Birmingham, I'm the conqueror, he's not really a chief, he's actually a king, but as soon as I get into his country I reduce him to a chief and then I reduce him on the chief of this little village, yes, and then I'll make him a tax collector and he's as happy as you can get. That's how they work, yes. They reduce, reduce, reduce and then give you a little reward. Any questions? Regarding the contract itself, which is the ultimate law, I find it very difficult to find anything (audience). Yes. Google will give you everything you want to know if you have the patience to find it. You have to scroll through it, but luckily I have it on the computer because a good Blue Peter show would be anyone who knows about flag operations since we are talking about Blue Peter. Do you know what Blue Peter is? Charles's programmers only (audience). Your flag operation. It is a matter of flat cheapness with flags that determine how to maneuver through all these documents, which, by the way, all carry flags. Whoever uses a flag has a different jurisdiction. Miller has his own flag, the flag of correctness. This is the US flag that he saved because the society of the world, the world society of the United States, threw it away. You threw away the flag. He saved it and made it his own flag and called it the flag of correct sentence structure and syntax grammar which is recognized, yes. So what do these flags have to do with it? Right now I'm working with open flags, called open flags of the jurisdiction. open flag. So this goes on the internet, this goes on social media, these are open flags. There is no conspiracy. I'm not hiding anything, yes. I open the flags. Now let me give you an idea. This is Lord Drake, sitting over there, with whom I essentially lived. We are a group of ships floating in a sea of ​​space. We move from one point to another. I have gold, he has African wood, you have tea, he has cigarettes, we drive on. In the middle of the day, Lord Drake shows up, yes, and he hoists his flag, skull and bones. In broad daylight it happened to us all. See how stupid this man really is. In broad daylight he hoists skulls and bones. You can see it, I can see it, everyone can see it. Prepare for a fight. We can all kill him. Why did he hoist his flag? Why did he just wait for the night? It's not a full moon, it's not a moon at all, it's just a little sickle. why did he do that? He could have taken each one individually. He's got a much faster boat than me. He can just kill us all in one night. But he raises the skull and bones so that everyone can see them. He obeys the law of the sea. He legally declared that he was a pirate in international waters and gave me a four minute warning, albeit like a half day warning, because that's the law, I have to warn us. When the IRA did its thing, what did it have to do? Pick up the phone? That makes it legal. When they send a bomb. They give you a warning, a declaration of war, what idiot would declare, yeah, I'm coming. The point of camouflage is to be inconspicuous. That's the art of warning, yes, yes. It's about being honorable, yes. So I cannot prosecute him. I can't follow him. I can't go after him. He did everything right, yes, and then he brings all his wares to Elizabeth, the first to give him refuge because she is the snow, she is the one, how do you say that? The fence, the fence, she is the fence for the gold, the silver, the gold bars that came from the Spanish ships by the Aztecs and the Mayans because he attacked them and built their empire. And if you, as the Spanish ambassador, went to the Queen to complain, then everything was legal and you could go. It is not a case to be answered. Do you understand what I mean? They play the dirtiest tricks for you without telling you. If your conscious mind is aware of this, you can now access your subconscious mind because it knows that it is being lied to. It won't hold back any longer. There is no way I can bully this little lady, she's going to hit me hard back, no way now that she knows. There is no way I can make false claims against him. Now that he knows federal law, he knows how to prepare documents, how to bind them, how to notarize them, how to maintain entitlement within the court, the courtroom of the document, how to reduce a judge to a trustee . What was the word by the way? Puning is something measly, puny. How would you spell that? Or anyone, anyone here, fanatical even, just to help our viewers.

Video 7 - Oct 14 2015

We have discussed what courtrooms are and they are actually ships in dry dock and you are entering foreign territory and the judges are supposed to move or act as trustees, but in reality they take over jurisdiction as captains of their ships, that is, they are the kings of their ships, and whatever they want to do, and that's very important, here comes the real information, here comes the things that make why they do this more real. The courtrooms are essentially there to take away commercial energy from you on an individual basis or at the tribal level or whole country, and to use the courtrooms as a conduit to bring it back to the people who have no creative energy or no commercial energy. The only way in which I can give my fictional money, i.e. printed money or fractional money, a value is to give you some of it, enough of it so that if you are a farmer, for example, you can further develop your farm so that it is now productive. In other words, you turned the money, the fictional money, the paper money, into something real, yes. In goods, as he says. And then remove as much of that commercial energy as possible, up to eighty percent or more, and then use this building, the courtroom, as a conduit for the people who don't have the ability to create things. From what I've learned from the people who have met with these people, they lack creativity because, as Russell Gould told me, these people are xenophobic, those who own the UPU and those who own the IMF or control the IMF family. Xenophobic, xenophobic, that's not what you think it is. It means the fear of a stranger. So the conscious mind has given you a different understanding, the fear of Jewish people, that's not it. It means the fear of strangers, their xenophobia, yes. And they have no creativity. So they create these mechanisms and the courtrooms to remove the commercial energy and they do that by creating a near perfect system and underneath they slide into the poison, yes. Who is doing all the damage in the US and this country? Who is removing their commercial energy from the country? yes, and who are they doing it for? The federal system, the federal creators of federal jurisdiction, the EPU, yes. If it's done in Ireland it will likely go straight to the Queen. She would be the figurehead for the people whose figurehead it is, yes. So they get the money they offer you by giving you the illusion of a currency, paper. They give you enough of it to make something of it. Give it real worth, sweat equity, biblically we call it making a living, what's the same? Somehow it should be your worth (audience). Yes, in the sweat of your brow, that's called Sweat Equity, yes, and once you've created this entry on Sweat Equity, they'll take it away from you. And they even enact laws and they openly promote it. As a human being, you cannot inherit your blood, you cannot inherit your wealth, you cannot inherit, you cannot inherit anything. The most important thing is that your children do not inherit the wealth that you have created, because if your children inherited it, they would not be able to transfer any commercial energy from you to them. That is exactly what these systems are all about. And they created language, the poisoning of language for you under the trap of death if you don't speak it, and all these systems that you see around you, so you have to, we all have to go to work day and night, and there is no degree on how many hours we can work, how many hours we should work, there is no degree on how much tax you have to pay. You never have a degree. You don't even have a degree when you die. They are still in control of your inheritance. There is no deal until you, with the help of your will, because it is your thinking that gets you there, puts a stop to it and says no. I'm not going to give you any more commercial power, period. If you can find that in yourself, to say that, in yourself, are you now in possession of your own thoughts, in other words, you speak like a man and a woman and what does a woman mean? A man (man) with a uterus (womb). When religion speaks of it. What do they want you to believe? It means man wherever you are, the man of sorrow. That's a lie, that's the duality of language. Telling the truth to the conscious subconscious and lying to the conscious mind. A woman is seen as a worried person. That won't happen anymore, will it? Now that we know the language, you have created dualities, and where you haven't created dualities, you have created hundreds and thousands of words, meanings for just one word, yes. We know what they are so it's game over. No more commercial energy recirculation, the money I make is mine and I'll keep it, period.

The contract, okay. So if, for example, you enter in Google: title, not statutes or laws, because what is a statute? It's a statue. What is legislation? It is a leg of a statue. What is an Act? It is an actor who acts. What is the parliament that passes statutes and laws that act? It deals. What does parliament mean? It means “parle”, “talk”, “spiritually”. They openly tell you this is a language show, if you want to join us, let's have a really good show of the languages ​​and you will be a member of this language show. That's what it's all about. Who Makes Laws? Parliament's sanctions are laws. They are given to them by the directors of Parliament. What they did is get you to vote for the person who has control of parliament, parliament now makes the directors, the beneficiaries of the trust. You are the beneficiary of your own trust. So the directors are the beneficiaries of the trust. So the commercial energy goes to the directors. The directors instruct Parliament to say what it has to say. The laws, statutes and so on have already been passed. To cut a long story short, if you don't type “Title, Title 18”, you will find out what Title 18 is. If you want to know what is the law of the sea. Look it up, I believe title 46. You will find it there. Cornell University has a wonderful website that lists all of these things and you can do your research there or with any of these government organizations and they will give you the codes, the titles, the laws on how these things work. There you will learn how flags work, open flags like Blue Peter. I believe that means "permission to land". That's what a Blue Peter flag is. Just like a white flag means I want to make a contract with him, that doesn't mean peace, a white flag with a red background means it's target practice, red cross, yes. Open flags. They openly tell you what they are up to. The British flag is a double game, by the way, I think you know that, yes. Check out Manly Hall. I'm working on expanding the book to what it was originally because it should be all of the works, how the language approximates, the flags, and so on and so forth. I'm trying to put these words back in. The only person who has a real copy of it is David Wayne Miller. He's got the original. He's keeping it. So I tell myself, he taught me so much, he taught me to put back in the words they took out and take out the words they added. Why can't I do this with Manly Halls? Yes. So this is one of the things that I am working on. The other thing I'm still working on because I have to put it in the Facts, Weights and Measures bureau is the extent of the earth, and that's just a simple calculation any geoscientist can do. But it will take about a month for these calculations to be completed and for them to be notarized, so put the thumbprints and stamps and submit the document. So, once you've created a document that you want the public to know or not, you can go to the Bureau of Weights and Measure and have it registered as a fact (audience). If it is a fact, gold is a fact, atom or numbers are facts, I am a fact, your birth certificate, your birth certificate should be entered in the Bureau of Weights and Measures because you are a weight on earth even though you are a weight on earth. What they did is they robbed you of it, yeah. So when he enters your world, when your son or daughter enters the world, they come in as a fact, okay. That is, that is the power of everything. Use this in a court case to create a fact that the court can't then contest because it actually is (audience). This is what I am working on. (10:37) It's probably an original thought that I have. But instead of doing it for one person, I thought I am doing it for the whole planet, yeah. Because you live on the planet, yes. How to publish documents of this type is to publish them on Facebook or some other open social media website because they have all the mechanisms in place for you, so you can, yes, made for them, made by them for you, yes , yes, like search engines for example. Google gives you all the information, most of the information you need, but if you want to refine it, you have to go back to what the original search engine was. What they call torrents. Google's job is to rob you of the torrents because torrent was looking for the information you wanted on every computer on the planet yes where there was no censorship but they robbed you of it. So they gave you a central server, a library system, yes, so that's it. I am not saying why you give such importance to the possibility that it is in accordance with the expansion or supposed expansion of the universe, that is, that the world must expand too, and if so, then probably by a microscopic amount, and why is it important for Rushdie to propose or disprove this theory, what's important about it (audience).

The language we speak in is the language of scarcity, oil is gas, water is gas, the air, the air, I'll answer your question fully, the air you breathe is gas. Everything is gas. Everything will run out, even the space you live in will run out. When you eliminate the mentality of lack, you make people think in the mentality of abundance, because abundance is a theory, not a theory, it is a fact of nature, if you plant one seed you get a thousand, it is the theory of abundance. Dr. Covey put it very nicely in the society of successful people: the mentality of scarcity as opposed to people who think in abundance. The earth is rich. They have robbed you of it. When an oil well is drilled in Russia you let it dry up, and when it’s dry you let it sit for a couple of years and then you come back and open the well because now you know the oil is filling it up, yeah that water is being created on your planet, trillions of gallons every day, and it evaporates with the heat, the heat carries it out into space. It is constantly rejuvenating. The volume of oil that comes from the oil fields in the North Sea, for example, has already declined by around 80 percent, and it is predicted that it will shrink to practically nothing more than one in the next five to ten years half a million barrels of water video is coming. Why does it go out? (Audience) I just told you it doesn't. Oil fields are being replenished. When the Russian oil fields dry up, you just let them sit for a while and then the oil comes back and the water fills the aquifers under the continents that are forming all the time. They pretend it's water that's seeping through. Yes, part of it is, but only a small part. But in reality it is water that is created in the earth. It has been proven that the North Sea now produces much less than it did in the 1980s, when the boom time was over (audience)? What I am telling you is that I really need to get you to believe that the oil is running out. That I'll do everything in my power. I'm going to go to the most remote areas of the world to give you the illusion that you need super technology and super drilling mechanisms to tap the oil. If I can google, and you can and you should be right now, geological map of Britain, oh damn, my country is floating on oil, and you go to Windsor, Windsor, where the queen lives, oh, there is a damn oil well. How the hell did that come about now? How deep is that If you ask these basic questions, most of this land is swimming in oil, but they are tapping into the North Sea to give you an illusion. But if you ask a farmer whether you are tapping the aquifer water supply or the oil that lies beneath your farm, the Queen will take the land away from you. Because you only have a few inches below the ground, the ground level, the topsoil, if it's six or five inches, I've forgotten. Who cares about a few centimeters? That's a fact. Every time these people give you this information, you are falling into scarcity. I expect the oil fields to run out a little, yes, especially where you pump it over, let it rest for ten years like the Russians do, five years, three years. I'll see a new pot of oil there. The aquifers are running out, leave it there for a while. Let's go back next month, oh damn crap, it's seeping in. The Vikings went to the Middle East in their boats, did you know that? They had them fetched with oil, and they did so throughout the Middle Ages, because oil spilled out of the ground all over the Middle East. In the Bukhara areas, I believe they are called the Bukhara areas in Russia near the Black Sea, the oil is so abundant that it pops out and even forms streams, yes. The earth gushes and these places have traditionally been the places where they coked their boats for thousands of years. They made them waterproof, they offered a service to make them waterproof. Our analysis is based on the way the sun's rays interact with the media to produce this. As long as there is the sun, and when the rays go underground and react with certain minerals, the net result is that they could produce holly here, produce gold there, I produce down there, but it's the rare actual solar radiation and that Interaction in this area (audience). I'm assuming a geological process rather than a solar process. If the solar process explains a lot, I'll include it. But I need a geoscientist, a volcanologist, to do these calculations, and I had one, but we're tied together in Ireland. Anyone who understands the solar system can do these calculations and knows what happens when you expose elements to the sun's rays, yes. These calculations can be done in less than a month, just as the Chinese can build a regal Rife microscope at 60.000x magnification using silicon lenses that settle by gravity, a drop of silicon lens, no ground, nothing, and the Gravity will do a wonderful job of shaping it into the shape you want by controlling the temperature and viscosity of the drop. They create exactly the shape they want, with exact curvature, yes. That is the extent of the robbery, the rape, the torture that they have done on you for so long. When I was studying social sciences, I was amazed when my social scientist, my lecturer in social sciences, said to me: Do you actually know how this steam engine works? I said: Yes, of course, that's the Industrial Revolution, how old is it, two hundred years or so. He said: No, it's two and a half thousand years old. I said: Oh, stop it, you're always talking nonsense, conspiracies and so on and so forth. You know, I completely dismissed that. He's going to be a sucker: do you know what a capacitor is, sorry, do you know what gave the Industrial Revolution its power? It was a capacitor motor. Do you know how old that is, Mark? Look, this has only been the case for a short time. He says: No, it's two and a half thousand years old, because we have fossils of that thing on people's desks, yes. They had capacitor motors. Capacitor motor simply means that the vapor-filled piston contracts more than it expands as it cools. So you get a double hit, you get a thrust of the piston and then you get suction because the steam contracts when you throw cold water over the cylinder, so it goes (Mark makes a sucking noise), yeah. This is exactly how an HHO engine works, an HHO engine. It's just water with electrodes, it creates two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen, if you put that in a cylinder, there is a spark, it expands three and a half times faster than gasoline, and it contracts too, you have thus a double effect. So you not only get a brothel, but also a boom and an implosion, yes. They have robbed you of all of these things by simply controlling the vocabulary. When I'm done with what I have to do, it's not enough, um, yeah how is it interesting, I thought this is very interesting, but I have certain health issues and questions that I want to address and i am very interested in what you have to say about MMS and DMSO - and are DMSO so can we go on with that (audience)? yes, yes, chew, it's all right, I mean, I don't mind sharing my health problem, I know this general procedure about the MMS- yes, not the DMSO treatment anyway (audience)? Okay, so let's get on with the questions. And what kind of material that is directly related to the Universal Postal Union would you recommend (audience)? Yeah, look it up, go on Google and just look at the power of the Universal Postal Union, look up it on Wikipedia, we used to have quite a bit of information on Wikipedia, but they cut it down now or just come over to me after the seminar and I'll give you the UPU forms. Okay. the information they give you that I have on my desktop. Made her look like a mistake (audience)? Yes. A very big ministry car. Contribution yes (audience)? yes, everything is federal. They can't help but do federal, they have robbed you of federal jurisdiction because it's a near-perfect system. All judges should be trustees, but they act as the captain of their ship under the law of the sea because it is a ship in dry dock. (Audience)? That's right, yes, or reduce it to the trustee level. As you say: puny. (Audience)? By empowering them ... you don't reduce them, you actually give them the most powerful, or you authorize them to become the most powerful person in this courtroom, which means they are bound by honor and duty when a person is bound by honor and duty is, she is automatically the most powerful person, yes. The captain is the head of the ship, nothing else. So yes, its job is to mine commercial energy. You will use it to get your commercial energy back. Or you go into the contra area, put your hand in there and pull out all the stuff they stole from you, claims, as they call it, those are claims. I'm speaking in a big way here because I didn't, yes. I mean, I have not been successful, I have not been successful, I have not successfully filed a lawsuit, yes. I've only been successful in getting people out of the courtrooms and downgrading the judges. This is my next step. You have to work together for that. In Ireland I can do that because I am looked after, but in the UK the British have to do what they have to do, yes. That is the great British public that we are talking about here, as he has pointed out, it is the great British public. Not that great (audience).

English Version

Tricks & Traps of The Court pt1 - : Mark-kishon: Christopher.


Mark Christopher

["For full details on my educational training programs, email me for a private & confidential PDF (email below)."] Website: David-wynn: Miller's Website: https: // [“Facebook Page:….”] [“Facebook Group:….”] [“ Thank you. ”]: Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge. : Mark-kishon: Christopher. : Copy-right / copy-claim.

Transcript 1a

good morning ladies and gentlemen. thank you for coming along and thank you for Keith for organizing this. I'm going to take you through two different subjects today one is how law works and within the law is going to be some divisions which is maritime law international law and the use of your language. It's the language that gives you the jurisdiction. I'll be covering a subject called death by medication. It's a report that was written and commissioned by a doctor Now. He states quite clearly with all the evidence provided that medication is the biggest killer on our planet as well as a few other words so I'll be covering two subjects and what and what that is about and why. We are covering two subjects simultaneously because they are one and the same subject really okay now before we do that, before I go into the seminar itself and the talk about the language of the law international law I want to get you guys to watch a short film it's only about five or six minutes long and it's nothing more than about the life of a cell, okay. Once you've watched it presumably that will prime you as to let you know the things that are going around in your world in a cellular level as well as on a panoramic level that very few people ever gets to see how life actually works. So this is a priming video to show you the life of a cell and it's going to last about three four minutes and that's all.

Transcript 1b

From the images that you saw on the life of a cell, those images were seen by people over a hundred years ago who created optical microscopes that were able to penetrate the cell membrane and move into that world that universe that you see. But for some reason none of us have access to an optical microscope that can see the cell membrane or a cell or the orgirly's inside a cell or how they function. There is a reason for that because under international maritime law all of you are dead, you are dead, you've been dead for a very long time. More serious than you can possibly imagine and no dead person will ever see life, will ever hear life, will never speak of life. You will never make a contract with each other and you shall make no contract or a covenant with your God. And that's the world that you live in. How that is done is with the use of language and I'm going to cover that in more detail. As we speak we're just going through life babbling with each other. That language is known as Babel. Since we speak a language of Babel what's interpreting the things that we're saying is our subconscious ability to make those interpretations. And this is how they get you switched off or stand down and that's what you're essentially are, you're walking around where your subconscious is stood down. (01:45) You don't have access to it. You don't have access to it because the words that you are using locks you out of your subconscious mind and as I go through what maritime law is, what federal law is, you'll start to see a glimpse of how this is done , the language that you use. And I'll bring all those subjects in together and I'll do my best to explain it how they're using that, to enforce that you shall not make no contract with your God or covenant. You shall make no contracts with yourself. You cannot hear or see life. And Yet the Royal Microscope, Royal Rife Microscope is Available you can get one the chinese are making it but yet Nobody Seems to know. They're using optical lenses made out of silicon to be able to see intercellular life in real time and photograph it. So I thought, I mention that because it's there and yet nobody seems to have access to it. The specimens that you see for example your blood specimens or your tissue specimens are all seen as dead. They are dead and when they look at the item under the microscope it's actually dead. They're actually looking at something that is dead because you cannot see life, you're not allowed to see life, because if any one of you work out how that cell works you're going to figure out everything. If one of you is work out how the ecosystem of this planet works, you'll figure out everything, if one of yous work out how your language works and how it programs your conscious your subconscious and your unconscious mind it's all over, okay. One of the things that they have to do and I'm going to make some sweeping statements and are qualified as I go along. One of the things that they have to do is that they always tell you the truth and I say the word always whenever they don't, they get caught out there's a reason why that is. Your subconscious mind works at a hundred and Twenty Times Faster Than Your Conscious Mind Does. 120 times faster. I am unable to go into the world of the unconscious because it is unconscious. So I will stick with the subconscious. Since it works 120 times faster than your conscious mind it knows when you're lying it knows when you're telling the truth and it knows what the facts are and it's already performed those calculations 120 times way before the conscious mind gets to it. And you might feel it as a sense of intuition or a dream and then you act on it or your conscious mind acts on it 120 years later when it's all over and that's known as a migration period. That's how long sometimes it can take if one does not listen to their instincts for that information that the subconscious mind gave you either in a solar plexus or any other part of the world to alert you to that something is not quite right. That's how long it can might take to migrate to the conscious mind. If your subconscious has been made to stand down and your conscious mind has been put into a state of fear. If you are disconnected from your subconscious mind, your conscious mind is in a state of fear, apps abject fear, and that is what they do to you in the courtrooms. When you walk in even before you gone into the building they get you petrified and since you're petrified you don't really have access to your subconscious mind and on the occasions that it will, force it way through, they get it to stand down and that's called an interruption and I'll go through all those things how they do that. A handshake interruption is what hypnotics would call it a handshake interruption and it'll takes less than a half a second a quarter a second to put somebody into a trance state, okay. Before I go into the actual courtrooms when we start to walk into the courtrooms I'm going to go over the period that your conscious mind and your subconscious flicks over and it's around you all the time. The job of the higher ranking judges is to make sure that they're quite literally flicking you in and out all the time. Up to now you may not understand what I'm talking about until I give you the example. So here is a simple child's drawing of a box. We've seen that many a times. keep watching it (1-07-00.jpg) Everybody keeps watching it. As well as the people on behind the camera keep watching it and something will happen and it happens to you all the time. Tell me when it happens. Everybody calls it out in their own time. Change the dimensions. tesseract Has it changed yet for you? It was long. OK. Keep looking at it. Keep looking at it. Tell me when it changes, okay. OK. Has it Changed for you Yet? Yeah Gets changed. Changes. Right before you is a mechanism that nature created to be for you to be able to create part of your own perspective, okay. And this changing that you see is your subconscious flicking it around, so, you can see it from a different angle without actually moving it to a different angle. I held the paper. So nature is creating this all the time for you and the period that it doing that with you that mini second that it's doing is known as a trance state. When that trance state occurs you can see in people's eyes your eyes start to flicker even your skin becomes moist and then it flicks over. The time it takes for you individuals to make that transition where you are seeing it from this angle and then you see it from the angle is the time period that your own subconscious mind works at in order to change that and that's individual to all of yous . Some people it's a blink of an eye some people it goes in and out hundreds of times a millisecond the quicker it goes the more simulated you are with your subconscious. Nature's gift. But what they do the courts is that they use these nature's gifts to lock you down. So when you are making a point of what you have seen they just use the words to swap it so they convince you to see something else and they say case dismissed. Yeah And the language is what enables that to happen. Okay. Can this be increated by the process or is it desirable to increate the speed of changing? I wouldn't know. I wouldn't know but what I'm covering is that they're doing it, they're changing it for you. I'm showing you something that happens naturally and I'm going to show you how they're using nature's gifts to lock you down. But what about the language, the language is what I'm going to cover because they're using language, ok. So before I go on to that let's go on to the courtrooms. So before you go into a courtroom you've been presumably summonsed. Anyone here quickly can call out to me what a summons is. Sir
One is an invitation. I n, ironically means no invitation by the way, no invitation that's what it means and I'll cover that. Anyone else? Any other takers? Only an authority can give a command. People of Low-Ranking that have no power give orders, Those that have power give commands. Like military officers, people with weapons and so on. That's another pit of a language. So it's a bigger part and that's another bit of language that I'll cover. yeah, we are also means no quest, so you are not on a quest. That's how they got you to stand down. So I'll speed it up a little bit. I'll pretend that I'm an agent of the FBI, okay. I'm an agent of the FBI. Soon as you hear that word agent of the FBI you already locked in to a sense of terror because the FBI comes with terror. It means that they are an authority, you have done something wrong, and they have power over you. But your subconscious mind is supposed to kick in. Your subconscious mind works 120 times faster if it has full access to your psychomotor skills, it'll pick up the FBI agent and Chuck him to a side, affentlesly, yeah. Like Any Animal on this planet can do. My Pet Dog When He He was Alive Could Tear Open The Entire House and He Did So Once. He put a whole great big hole inside my Victorian door and that door is that thick. He chewed it right through because I locked him in there by accident. What am I saying? The point is when your subconscious mind is alerted, it will perform any task that you want it to. It doesn't matter if it's a car that's on top of your baby, they will pull that aside. It doesn't matter if you're the highest-ranking authority on the planet, it will nullify you. You reduce yourself to nothing. So the only way that they can get you to stand down is to shut that subconscious mind off. According to an anthropologist, sorry, according to a lie detector, say a machine invented by Carl Gustav Jung, there's something in you that alerts you to the fact that something is not true. What's happening is that your subconscious mind since it knows the answers already is alerting you to the fact that it knows the answer, not that it does not know the answer, not that you don't know the answer. It says that the answer is that and only that. Now that's how a lie detector machine works. So if I approach you and say I'm an agent of the FBI, I've essentially shut down your subconscious mind which is called stand down because your subconscious mind knows what an a before a gent means. IT Means no gentleman. And if I tell the truth why would the subconscious help you out? I've been Honorable by telling the subconscious. I'm a no gentleman. But your conscious mind doesn't know these things. All it knows is that you're an FBI agent and that's all it knows. They have now locked you out of your subconscious mind. Once that's done and that subconscious is separated, you are left on by yourself with yourself with your own thoughts which is known the surface noise going round and round and fear starts to take you over. Once that happens you have very little control even over your psychomotor skills. You might even pee yourself. Happens quite a lot, okay. So what does a before a gent mean? IT Means no gentleman. How do we know that? If I was to accuse him of being a moral what have I just said to him? So an a before a word as a prefix means the very opposite of what you think it is. So they created a language for you known as Babel where your conscious mind speaks this language of no morality, of independence, of request it speaks this language with dualities and meanings with quadruple meanings and some of these words can have hundreds of meanings. (15:25) By doing so, your subconscious is separated and with that separation they created another language, the language are telling you the truth I'm an agent which means I'm not a gentleman. It's one of the ways of right, if you cannot control your fear, if you do not have control over it, they will always have control over you. Because one of the things that the fear does, it locks you out of the subconscious mind where it is post to alert you, okay. So that is that and I'll go over more and more detail and I'll build up a volume or a body of thought around those words so you'll get to see it. A summons to go to court and say what you need to do. You've been accused of something, yeah. As a Warrant sorry a summons essentialally is nothing more than a bill of ladies. It's what one ship captain would give to another, to say you owe me this or you owe me that and you would go aboard his ship and say well I don't really owe that to you at all because we've settled and you would go, o yeah, you're right, sorry about the misunderstanding and you'll be on the way, okay. That's all that is. So how the hell did they get you to believe that you're going into a courtroom where everything is going to be equal? They lied to your conscious mind but tell you the truth in a subconscious world because as soon as you walk in your subconscious will scan everything until you know this is nothing more than a game. And it's going to help you out, yeah, to make a game and that's all it thinks it is, it's a game. One of the things that hypnotists will remind you is that the subconscious does not hear he see or anything it doesn't perceive negatives. It doesn't know what thou shalt not means or don't any of these negative words it has no access to it and it doesn't understand it. It's called a negative stated condition and your subconscious will not accept it. Because it's nothing there. It can't perform a negative state of condition. It can't go around thinking thou shalt not kill thy neighbor's wife thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife whatever the commandments are thou shalt not park on the yellow line thou shalt not walk on the grass it doesn't think like that, you cannot walk around life, doing that, see you're locked out, constantly locked out. And they use these negative words in your everyday world all the time so you don't really have access to your subconscious, okay.

So, he's got a summons. You say it's an invitation. Well, an invitation is a good thing. So we go to court but in reality we're a little bit frightened because that's an unknown and we go into court and what does a court mean? Me and them we're going to play tennis tomorrow. What is a court? It's a field. It's supposed to be playing field, a level playing field, yeah, because if I am standing 10 ft or 2 ft or 3 inches above him I've disabled him, yeah. And if I'm just sitting in a very small area where he's got 10 meters to run for one point to the other I've disabled him even further. So when you go into a court your subconscious hears oh is going to go and play it a game of tennis or football. Everything is played on a level playing field. So you get an invitation to go to court to play something. It's how the subconscious mind is interpreting. Your conscious mind is now fearful. It's going to court because there's a lot of priming behind those words. Authorities are there, judges are there, people are going to judge you, already you're in state of fear, and then you go into the court and soon as you go into the court what do you see? Unlevel playing field. I've never seen a place where you play games where everything is unleveled for you. He or she sitting above on top of you which means they're not going to play any game was with you and not only that they're on a different plane to you, a higher plane, nothing in the room is actually at eye level . Nobody is sitting on a level playing field at all and then they ask you to make a plea. Well, if I asked him to make a plea what did I asked him to do? Plead, Beg, Beg, Keith Can You Beg please? Show me how you begin I don't think you should resist it's only a game after all. It's in a court, come on, beg, your subconscious will help you out, they'll beg and your conscious mind is doesn't have access to anything it's now locked into fear and they ask you to go into a box. Under maritime law boxes are mittat and in that particular box is your prison. They omitted. They don't exist in a court, yeah. Four corners. So soon as you go in you're standing inside a box and that box has a fence around it just looks like a prison bar because it is a bloody prison bar. If you leave that area without the judges permission they can arrest you, they can arrest you because you voluntarily went into prison, voluntarily, your subconscious mind just simply walked you in there because it's a game but your conscious mind is fear. Control the fear you start to see things in a very different way understand the language that they're using and then you got then the game is over for them. So you now gone into a court where you know it is not a level playing field so it's not a cult. Somebody's sitting on top of you. You voluntarily walked into a prison so you know that's definitely not a court because you're standing in a box and you need permission from the judge to leave that box. So that is definitely not a cult, no referees ever going to ask you to beg for something. They're going to ask you to play the game and we'll make sure everything is level for you, level, without any boxes and if there are any boxes that's the parameters of the game. Like hitting the ball too far kicking it to one side and it goes out of court, goes out of court. So we know the Whole Thing is a lie. So you're in court and you've made your plead how do you plead guilty or not guilty, not guilty. I'm not guilty that's my begging that's me pleading, not guilty. The judge tells you it's my job to make sure that you are guilty or not guilty. You've now surrendered and if you've hired a solicitor you've essentially signed your way to say that you're an incompetent of the court, an incompetent, that you are incapable of functioning in a court. He now begins to make his plea before the judge. Game is already finished. They already decided what they're going to do. So you look at the judge and the judge is usually sitting under a small canopy. You'll see on top of him and if it's not, he's usually got a little hat on, no black or white hat. The barristers I think have a white one I think the judges have a black one. Anyone know what that is? If a religious person is wearing one of those things what does it mean? To hide their thoughts from God? Their Wicked Thoughts from God! To hide their wicked thoughts from God. So God may not see me do evil upon another person. And if he's not wearing that it'll be on top of him so God may not look down and judge that person for what he is a liar, a thief, a murderer, a rapist, an opinion ATAR, is what a judge is. That's in your dictionaries. So already they've openly told you what they're up to they've told that to the subconscious but your conscious mind cannot see any of these things, okay, yeah. Anyone tells me, can tell me what that black robe is? So I can't hear, can't hear you guys. So please, okay, a priest, priest robe, anyone else? vampires ah vampires. I anybody else? It has a word that robe. master, cape is another one. What does cape do? yeah, covers up, okay. It's called the morning robe, morning rope. It's called a morning robe, good morning, morning are actually one in the same word it means the death of. It means the death of in that room what you perceive to be as justice, to be just, even to ask for justice, is to, it is the death of justice called the morning robe. He puts it on to let you know that the subconscious might know that there is no justice here, what you perceive to be just, okay.

So, all this information, all this ritual, all of this for your subconscious mind and for your conscious mind to go haywire. They've already told you who they are. It's only your conscious mind that believes the lie as it believes in any lie. In the 80s the IRA were terrorists and they posted terrorize me. In the 60s it was the Communists I believe, never turned up, and then in the 80s it was black drug dealers they didn't quite turn up either and then it was in the early late 90s it was the Muslims poster terrorized me. They never really turned up. And before any of that it was a war on cancer. We're going to kill cancer. There was no war on cancer, then it was a war on communism, war on this war on that. They go to great lengths and this is where my specialty is. They go to great lengths in telling you the truth great lengths and they have to do that otherwise your subconscious mind is going to alert you to the fact that something is not quite right and once that creature wakes up everything is over because it's going to level the playing field, it's going to dismiss the judge, it's going to tell the solicitor go and prostitute yourself somewhere else because that's what soliciting means, yeah.

So far we spoke about in the courtroom what about before you even go to court. Usually see scales, yeah, symbolic language your subconscious mind lives on symbolic language, yeah. What does it have? Sword in one hand and scales on the other and what a scales supposed to do? Supposed to create zero, zero, zero the account, zero. If it doesn't the sword arm will take your head off, yeah. I'm going to create this (scale), with that (sword). That's my power. It's already openly declared to you what you're walking into or be it your subconscious mind. I was recently watching a video on Carl Lentz when he came over to Britain to brief us on how common law words and he was talking about use of language as well. And he was talking about how, if a person, say a lady, suffered rape and she went to claim justice which means to just state to punish. went into a prison box voluntarily, and said she has suffered rape by this person and he'd reminds you, how quickly the judge can say case dismissed. How do the hell'd that happen? Anybody give me an idea? How did that happen? Just one at a time. How can that possibly be? This person has suffered rape and she has said that I've now ... voluntarily use assets of the little children, allow the little children to come unto you, that the suffers girl out there. Here you go. One language for the conscious mind, another language for the subconscious mind. (29:40)

I suffered rape. I consented to the rape. Case dismissed. As how easy things are. As you point out. So it appears that if we take control of our language and the things that we say we'll start to have more dominance because I did not suffer rape. The people in Australia, the natives did not suffer rape, they were raped, they were murdered, pillaged from buggered so on and so forth. The word is not 'suffer'. The people in America or the natives in America didn't suffer rape. They were raped, murdered, tortured. Word is tort TORT, tort, tort, sorry, beg your pardon. yeah

Transcript 2

Okay, so Words, Ah Anybody Can Give ME an IDEA What un Means? What does UN mean? Thank you very much. I made my own credit cards I have unlimited credit. Someone tell me what unlimited credit means? But I thought you just said: it's United Nations, it's limited. It's United. So each of their own interpretation. bubble. No interpretation there is no interpretation there's one language for the conscious mind and one for the subconscious mind. When you go before the United Nations Already Told you this is a place where it is unknighted nations. Knight being Knights Templar. yeah It's a place of unlighted area. They already told you truth your subconscious mind goes exactly a lot of nulls. It removes itself. The lady here said before I came awake and I have to say when somebody's morning they are wake, When your mother calls out to you say: wake up! yeah, it means the very opposite of what you think it does. It your subconscious mind to go back to sleep and your conscious mind to pop out where it believes it has full control of the entire world hence we have a dominant limb and a recessive limb whether you're left-handed or right-handed we 're the only animals in nature that are not ambidextrous. And yes, there are some people that are ambidextrous that's just to give you the perspective on the vast separation that exists between the conscious mind and subconscious mind in between is a huge rift, a huge rift. We have words for that rift, nothing can fill that rift. The entire world all the calories in this universe cannot fill that lift. The human being which is there by definition a monster by the way that's the definition of a monster are human beings, a monster, Bullentine dictionary I think it is. Nothing can fill that space, that separation. So all of youse forever go out working actually in perpetual searching of religions ideologies anything that will fill that empty space until you bridge that and then the universe becomes quite humble quite beautiful. The earth provides you with everything that you need and you're in possession of your language. Yeah, we're not opposite limbs, we're not ambidextrous which means this hand doesn't function as that. Because the conscious mind is always fighting for dominance over something because it believes it's in control of everything. It believes that you're in control of your own money, your lives, your health, the air that you breathe. You are not in control of anything. If you just walk outside and look to your left you'll see hundreds of sprout curves, hundreds of planes spraying your upper atmosphere. Some of the chemicals travel up some of it descends down and as the years are passing the chemicals are descending at a higher rate. It's taking less than twenty minutes now for those chemicals to reach the Thames Valley into your lungs. They've already cut out some of these Suns spectrum of sunlight from your atmosphere. They've done that right under your nose. In 201 yeah Anyway that's that. We can cover other subjects but before we go anything else even before we go into court we sign documents, we sign paperwork, okay. And normally you would sign into a box and under maritime law what does a box mean?

It's a different territory and if it's that shape it has a specific meaning: that's your coffin. And within your coffin you put your joined up writing, am I right? What's joined up writing? Called a cursive and what is the language of the Dead? Curse, cursive. It means to speak evil. It means to do evil onto things. They've already told you, you have placed your signature, your cursive, your language upon your own coffin. You have witnessed your own death. That's why I being a massive fan of Angelina Jolie. I would ask her for her autograph. On an open piece of paper where she would put autograph in. If you remember once upon a time that's how you used to now mark the piece of paper that was presented to you and not up enjoying that lighting. That has a particular point in history when that came in, yeah. That's how you used to write your name once upon a time. (2-05-21.jpg)

That's autograph which means that you're an autonomous being, an autonomous being in possession of your own thoughts, the air that you breathe, of your own body and that you're not outside of your body, okay. That's what that is. You already signed away. You've already witnessed your own death and that's your coffin. That's why you have to sign within the coffin because you cannot move out of your coffin, okay. So that's what an autograph is, that's what an autonomous person does. (below in the picture) When they put their mark or autograph on everything that is above that. If you ever wondered why the Queen signs on top of here is so she does not admit to any of these things at the bottom. (2-06-07.jpg)

She's not witnessing anything, okay. That is that. Let's go back into the land of the courtroom, shall we? So he's got a summons. He's waiting inside. I'm the judge. I'm on all black. Somebody passed me my hat I think where is my hat. Somebody give me a piece of cloth or something. Yeah, give me that, a black one would be good, well a black one will be good, yeah. Thank you. There you go. So I'm the judge. I know it's kind of comical. I'm just taking the edge off of it making it comical but this is always serious stuff because they're about to rob you of your life, yeah. Judges weren't known as the hanging judges for any reason there were hanging judges. They perform the tricks and the traps for whatever government or whatever master they're serving. They are the reapers of your world. You go after the judges you've taken away the mechanism by which they rape you. I wear a black thing on my head. I come into court the husher says, the car town cryer, the husher says what? All rise! Let's do that. Shall we all rise. All rise. There's always one who doesn't rise. Arrested for not doing what they were doing in the court (said someone in the room). I have now done something to you guys.

You put us in control (from the audience) That's only one. That's it. Because you came in here as dead people and I cannot take money away from dead people. I've given you back life and now sit back down, I've put you back to death again. And now I'm going to perform my tricks and you're going to rise when I leave the court I take your money and you go back to the dead. That's the trick and that's the trap. Also, when you rise you give them jurisdiction, you're acknowledging them as the captain of that vessel. Remember, they're not judges, they are the captain of their vessel, okay. Autonomous of you, sitting on a higher plane than you are, performing traps after traps, tricks after tricks, until they've settled the score which is to put it back into balance. If you don't, your head comes off with a sword that they have openly advertise they're going to use whether that's a baton or a gun or a medieval sword. So, the reason why I have to get you guys to sign. The reason why I have to get you guys to sign is because I don't have the technology to be able to photograph that properly. Your conscious mind will accept it anyway because it is that thick, it will believe everything in anything. I don't have the technology to take a powder for a photograph of a signature? Are you kidding me? I have the ability to write, read letters that are coming through your mail, mailbox. I can read an entire encyclopedia as it goes through the scanners and so can all of my computer's, closed by scanning it, thousands of times per second, millions of times per second, I have that ability but I don't have the ability to do that. So, can you guys please put your signature in a box, don't sign out of it, okay. Your conscious mind will believe any of it. I'm also a religious person. I'm a priest as well if you guys can give me ten percent of your income which I'll pass on to God, yeah? You make sure you do that. Otherwise I'll level the score with you. Your conscious mind will believe everything, can anything. Don't I look holy? I put a robe on. Let's make it black shall we? Are you saying you're driving last night your password I need oversight in the box they send it back to your Jersey you got it from your box (from the audience). Now, what you can do is: you can put your autograph in. Sometimes they kind of give again you get to the right person (audience). I'm not making myself clear. I'm not making myself clear. The system is rigged up to keep you floating as dead people, as coffins. Full stop. Full stop. You're not going to get through any borders unless you have a passport. Full stop. They're not going to create a bureaucracy where you're going to go past that, because you're dead and no dead person see or hear life. You should not make a contract. You shall not make covenant with your God. You shall not write contracts. That's fact. That's their laws, okay. I want to make that very clear to you guys. You're all dead. Now go protesting your deadness with me, ain't gonna happen. Who enforces these things? The DELA (audience)? The judges. The judges are the middleman for whoever they are. We can talk about the IMF family in the UPU later on, because that's who they are, or the Vatican and so on so forth. We can do that. So what do you do mom you don't sign in the box (audience)? We'll come on to that later. You're not going to get a passport unless you put your autograph across it but there are many things that you can do, yeah. You can interact with the world of fiction. This is known as the world of fiction. You can interact with it safely and move in and out. Now, in the world of psychology when you're dealing with the subconscious mind you always have to tell the truth otherwise your subconscious mind will pop out and say liar, liar, liar, liar. I know the facts and that person is not spoken the facts because I know the facts. I can't discriminate but I know the fact. You cannot call that the back garden and call that the front garden when I've come through that way.

kishon: Christopher.


Mark Christopher

["For full details on my educational training programs, email me for a private & confidential PDF (email below)."] Website: David-wynn: Miller's Website: https: // [“Facebook Page:….”] [“Facebook Group:….”] [“ Thank you. ”]: Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge. : Mark-kishon: Christopher. : Copy-right / copy-claim.

Transcript 3

ah What was I going to say? I've lost my train of thought. It was leading on from (audience). oh yes the world, the world of the subconscious mind. I have to go to great lengths to openly tell you people what's going on and I make it that freely available I make that freely available to everybody. If you want to know my business plan and I'm the bad guy I'm playing the bad guy. I go out of my way to publicize this thing. I'll even give you my business plan 25 years before I'm going to put my business plan into operation and if one of you is hold me to that I'll show it to you but just remind me of that. Every time they assassinate a person, murder a person, say for example in the underground, they'll make sure an mi5 agent stands outside that station, tells you 5 minutes that a person has been shot in the underground executed murdered and he will give you the manner in which he was murdered, 5 minutes before. To let your subconscious mind know than the world know we've taken somebody out. And five minutes later they will go to great lengths to tell you he was murdered at say for example 8:40 when the news was broke at 8:35. They'll go to great lengths even to pull down a building and the report will be standing right in front of that building so behind that building he'd been in that front of the building and the building away behind him and they'll say : gosh, the building has been blown up or has been demolished by a fire brigade and the building is now gone and it's still standing behind you and you'll be waiting for the cue. And then the building will go down. They're openly telling you this is a controlled execution, okay, that's the great lengths that they go to to make sure your subconscious doesn't pop out because if it pops out it's going to be the dominant not your conscious mind. It's going to be the dominant. If that becomes dominant the game is over, okay. If you guys want to look up a little bit more on the world of the subconscious mind which is a subject in itself, look at the characteristics of what universally we would call, universe by the way means no verse, yeah, yeah, no verse when you go to university you learn no verse, chapter and verse. So they go to great lengths to publicize these things and it's the only internet all the time. You have parallel agencies. You have parallel police forces. How many people know that? You have parallel secret services. How many people know that? You have a cake division. How many people know that? There is a tort division in this planet. When you get raped I don't go to the police officers I go to the talk division. When I want a fact I don't go and ask the World Health Organization I'll go to the Bureau of weights and measures and get my fact. If I want to know the toxicity on a particular chemical I want to ask the pharmaceutical industry. I'll go to the poison index. These agencies are all existing in parallel with each other. When Mister Osama bin Laden, who I can't find any record of by the way, of his existence even, when he was number one terrorists of the world the FBI said there's no evidence for it. So we're not going to put it on them. But the CIA had it on their website. Why didn't the FBI put it in, you found him up, well, give us some evidence. Of what? Of the horrors that he performs? No, Give Us some evidence of what? Even of his existence, yeah. That's the lengths that they go to, to tell you the facts and when they tell that lie then they get caught out very easily because your subconscious is going to pop right out, it will pop right out. You suggest (audience). I'm not suggesting anything. I'm showing you a reflection of the world that you live in. Your conscious mind will not allow you to see that world because it's horrific. If you don't go to work you lose your house, you become homeless, a mental dissonance is created to separate him from that reality and he'll go into all sorts of confabulation to make it believe it is what it is. That it is not what it is. That includes religious people, politicians, people that won't vote, everything, the entirety of it, okay. It's called a confabulation. If you guys have got time read a book called: Left in the dark by Tony Wright, a friend of mine, or you can type it up on good YouTube and there's a…, actually, we did it together, don't we? The documentary with Tony Wright, okay, yeah, yeah, the documentary of Tony Wright and it will give you an idea of ​​the separation between the conscious and the subconscious mind, the dominant and the recessive, okay. It's a fascinating read. So big an FBI says he doesn't exist see how I said look for him so who's right in this city. It's very true points pendulum facts once you've set the truth the grace files. The FBI supposed to represent the real people the CIA represent the fiction, doesn't it? (audience) The military-industrial complex is who they represent. Their history is very interesting. It's a picketed Detective Agency, picketed Detective Agency. Anyway, that is that. Will divert a little bit too much. I like these little types of facts and figures. I've now made some very profound statements. The only way that I can get to you is to tell you the facts. So I am now going to create. I am now going to create a perfect legal system, a perfect legal system, so good that each one of your countries will accept it. The rule of a con is create that con as simple as possible and make that con as big as possible, has to be global or if not national. Look it up. The art of cons, the simplest cons are run over you again and again and again. And the bigger the con the easier it is to pull it off. Not my words, not my words and there lies the fault because if you know what that perfect legal system is or that perfect way of lying to a person, telling the truth in one hand, and giving the lie to another, yeah. If you work that out then you can address using that perfect legal system. Everybody here was under the assumption under the assumption which means no son by the way you know that's the prefix it means no son everybody was under the presumption that a courtroom is where judges made everything okay that they settled the score that you had justice, what you perceive to be justice. Everybody thought that they were offering and the correct word is a fiduciary service but they're not. In reality you've walked into a foreign territory aboard their vessel, sitting in drydock. And he's the captain of that vessel and he got you in there by telling you the truth all the way through. And he walked straight into his vessel. As David points out if I was to board a ship in Canary Wharf that was flying the Chinese flag or any other country's flag apart from this country's I've now walked on to the country of China, yeah. And I have to be taken to China and processed in China and then sent back for whatever reason and if I've done anything wrong I would serve sentence there and that's what these areas these courtrooms are. You're in a foreign vessel, you're in a foreign vessel, okay. Go on. Make it loud as possible because I'm deaf in both ears. As these court systems are on independent territories when or if I've done this I've appointed the circuit judges as under the fiduciary appointments so does that work or not because (audience) How you get it to work is taking possession of their bureaucracy and the language. If you're using words that have dualities in meaning you've created interpretation which means you're in enacting the judge again because it requires judgment an opinion to settle two meaning for one word. In reality there are about 16 meanings for the word. And if you were standardized it Further or Probably About 900. The greatest thing that I feel that Bill Clinton did for me and I mean this sincerely. This is how most people are screwed up because they only get to hear about the wickedness and the madness of sexuality and so on so forth, is, that all depends, as he said, it all depends on your definition of is IS. Game is now over. He's about to tell you everything. So he cannot possibly can be convicted for anything because he's about to tell you the truth of how the word plays are played out in courtrooms. Does that make sense? yeah, so answering your question directly and indirectly you have to access the perfect legal system that I created to be able to initiate what I am what I do. A legal system was created for me to treat with every other country to simply send letters to each other. Their system, the post office. So let's come on to the world of the UPU. Now imagine he is a northerner and we all know how different northerners are from southerners we're a different race. We even live on different continents. I'm joking here but let us imagine that these on a different continent. I can easily send him poison pen letters because I've created a treaty with this country to say the letter carrier, the postman has the right to cross over to his country without in any hindrance or stoppage to deliver this mail to his letterbox and I have that in treaty. I can cross any border on this planet, across any sea, any war zone. I'm completely immune. I have all the diplomatic rights that an ambassador or a judge would do and I can walk into his country and deliver that letter to him. That's a powerful system that I created. A very powerful system, a system so powerful that I can take anyone can take advantage of it by sending him poison pen letters, making false claims against him. Because of the power of the UPU what they did is say we'll create a perfect legal system between us and we'll treaty and contract together to say, that the post will never be used for eliciting money from him, writing fine poison pen letters, making fraudulent claims, eliciting money extracting money. So in order to see that what they did is that they created under maritime law, because everything is under maritime law, independent little territories known as courtrooms owning to them, belonging to the UPU. Any within that courtroom is a highly trained specialist in human fares who's familiar with the UPU or the use of post offices and post. And his job is because I sent him a letter or different person that country to say that you owe me a thousand pounds and yet I have no evidence for it which means I have to be punished now. To oversee that that doesn't happen they created a fiduciary service between him and me. And if I have a problem I have to go to the Postmaster General or the postmaster of my area say there's no evidence for this bill, Bill's of the ladings, summons, that's what a summons is a bill of the lading, it's a bill. And I have to take that to the fiduciary if my postmaster doesn't deal with it, take it to the fiduciary and there I have to say look: He's provided me no evidence. He lives in, I don't know Birmingham and it takes like 50 years to get here or something. Let's say two three months. So he can't make that journey, so make your case on document and since all paperwork is under Maritime Law, vessels, they are vessels, documents, document, dock, yeah, ment means mental. So he's put his thoughts on to that vessel, use the UPU system of transport and fiduciary service to deliver that, it automatically becomes under fiducial service, the UPU jurisdiction. And now he has to put his claim in and since there is no evidence the fiduciary there between my country his country has looked at it there look you haven't produced any evidence can you withdraw this please? Oh sorry, this was sent by a mistake, yeah, but you can't do things like that. Can we, you know, get some money out of this for the settlement here. I think you owe me a thousand pounds of sending this letter, okay. I admitted, sorry, it was a clerical mistake on my part I admitted. Here's the thousand pounds. I'm happy, he's happy and the fiduciary is happy because he gets his cut and the cut is: Use of the postage stamp. You now have a near Perfect Legal System to Transport Justice Or what you perceive to be justice on a global Level and Summons that They Sent to You was used by the post office it comes under Federal Jurisdiction. If I interfered with the mail in Canada or the US what have I just performed? So I've come. A federal crime (audience). I have committed a federal crime. If I send you a letter making false claims against you what am I committed? A federal crime by using the post office. So it is they that have performed the crime and guess what, you have their signed autograph, backing that document. Now do you see where I'm going with it. But if they gave this thing, this mechanism, this bureaucratic mechanism to everybody else then all of you are going to come out of the dead and into the world of the living where you will get what is correct not right because right is a mathematical term which corner, right angle, which corner the quarter you want to find. That's what that means, yeah. (17:27) Right, it's a mathematical term. It means right angle which corner do you want, this one for that one? Sweetie, which one do you want? This one or that one? You claimed human rights, monsters rights. So I'll give you this bit here, yeah. Now I'm going to give you this one here whether you like it or not because you're a monster, okay. And I'll speak to you as a monster because you're a monster and that's the corner I'm giving you. I'm not obliged to (audience). Unless you initiate the fiduciary service. Look it up what a monster means. Have you looked it up? oh by the way random question: the reason why when you as an island that I asked everybody do you know what the pharmaceutical industry means. Do you know what pharmaceutical means? The reason why I asked that is because the lady one of the ladies was there what was one of the foremost herbalist in our country. That lady with a little daughter, foremost herbalist. She didn't even know and I had to remind everybody that they go to great lengths to tell you what they're really up to. Do you know what the legal definition is of pharmaceutical? (audience) No, that's cancer, cancer means to preserve. Meaning is poisoner, maker of poisons. That's what that means. (18:53)

Our next subject is going to be how do you use the postal roads? How do you find closure? The word is closure using the post office, Federal Law. By the way this word closure is more important than we can imagine. It appears unless we close and put a full-stop into our sentences. The meaning of that sentence doesn't migrate into the subconscious where it can go about doing its business, yeah. Whatever you do you must create closure in what you do. If you're going to go for a run put a full stop to it rather than letting it run in into imagination which Miller calls a dangling possible verb. It means it's just a philosophical thing running through your mind. And that's what they do they create a dangling verb for you. Come and get it and they'll move it around all the time, yeah. So, if you want the courtrooms to be non vessels in drydock as the captain of their vessels under maritime law you have to initiate the fiduciary service that there were licensed to do, under the UPU, yeah. And that's done with the post offices, post office, and that's done weird, so beg your pardon, that's done with postage stamps because anything that goes through their system comes under their jurisdiction. But if you start speaking like a common law person then Common Law Jurisdiction is what you're going to get. If you start to claim to be a person, well a person is what? A person that's (audience) that's it. So you'll get that jurisdiction. If you speak like a common person, well you'll get Common Law Jurisdiction. If you start speaking as a man and a woman, in there here now, words the words that say here and now because that's the only thing that you know is the here and now everything else in an opinion. The world changes. The here are now jurisdiction, the jurisdiction of the here-and-now, okay. So we have: the federal system as an address as an redress, I know what it means as an address to take our complaints to because they've used post office and we know the bureaucracy which I'm going to teach to you in a few minutes, work after a break. I'll teach you that to you how to use those big bureaucracies that are available and I'll teach you how to reduce an opinion ater which is a judge into a fiduciary. To remove him off the plane and remove all the boxes in a court. Those are three subjects that I'll teach you after the break. What is the fiduciary again? (audience) A fiduciary is a person that comes between that wants to see the best of you and the best of me and settle the score in the most noble fashion on a bound duty-bound that's what a fiduciary is. Full stop, yeah That's right, that's without self-interest, needless to say because he's on a bound duty-bound.

Transcript 4

Let's pretend I'm a judge. OK. I've heard a case and I'm licensed by the UPU. I have to submit some documents. How do you think I'm going to submit those documents, in the documents that gives the UPU full jurisdiction of the paperwork. Their paperwork in a very specific order. They take a stamp. It has to be one whole stamp, one whole pound or a euro or any denomination 100 units making a pound or a euro. And they stick it in the top right hand corner of their paperwork. (4-00-41.jpg)

All right? That's now got value. It's got post office value because it's Maritime Law and Maritime Law is, things that have value. I've paid my value. But that's an open stamp which means if somebody can pick em along and peel it off and reuse it. I need to cancel the stamp. So by buying a stamp which means I've handed over money, it's a commercial contract, I have to cancel that stamp just like a post-office dump when they stamp that stamp, yeah. Post office snap. So, the way that I do that is that I am now the postmaster I autograph my name at it at an angle across that stamp, (4-01-33.jpg)

not sign but autograph. That now makes me the postmaster of that document, vessels dock. That's a document, okay, and I autograph this way (autograph at the end) so I put my autograph here to take jurisdiction of everything above including the stamp. So I've created value on this side of the paper. I now take the entire document and on the other side just like a letter I put my autograph here (4-02-22.jpg). Now, that is how a judge would submit their paperwork to the highest authority on our planet. When they see this they know the game is over. They know the game is over. You are now submitting paperwork as judges are. So that means you're what? A judge in control of what? Your vessel, yeah. And the contents of your vessel which are your words and you know what Maritime Law is because any paper is under Maritime Jurisdiction and it's a vessel and you've paid your dues, you've paid for your registration, yeah. You've now given this piece of paper value, real money. You've paid real money for that. When you submit your documents this way it automatically becomes Federal Law because Post Office controls that and he bought that from the post office. And since this is how judges submit their paperwork you now become the post master, judge of your document. And this also makes you one of the most powerful carriers on the planet. Abraham Lincoln what what? A letter carrier. Makes you a letter carrier. yeah Autograph (audience) yeah That is now federal (back in front) and the back you put your autograph across lighter as you would do an envelope, yeah. The reason why that is, because if you remember, in the olden days, letters, letters were Scrolls, yeah. (04:28) And that would be come like that and they would look at that thing, oh, that's from the King, King Mark, King Henry whoever and it would have your seal it will have your autograph and they will come and have a look and there it is, oh, okay. That's how that works. The older system there is. What's brilliantly. Works to this day. All scrolls unlike this by the way. That's why when judges put their paperwork it's in scroll form. You've seen it. I've seen it, yeah. Lose it legal size paper (audience). uh Yes this can be legal size paper. I don't know what legal size paper is but let's stick with eight falls, shall we, yeah. This is for camera. Well I don't know what notary paper is. Papers about say ten inch and legal size of the two inch long laws on tomorrow same week look possibly (audience) Don't know. Don't know but who gives a damn how big my piece of paper is because I paid for it. All right? I've paid for it. I suppose there these tricks that they play with this, yeah. Now, under Maritime Law I have to bound this document and if it's got two three leaves on it I have to bind it just as it used to be in an old days of a complete scroll because if you interfered with a scroll they can see it's been interfered with cut away. So I have to bind it in such a way that nobody can pull it apart and if they do it comes up as damaged pieces of transport damaged pieces of cargo and you get compensated for don't you. It's been interfered with. So what you do is you bind it or fuse the paper together to make it legal or as I do I use brass stamps, so brass rivets, okay. Somebody get me out a rivet please. Can I have you standing up for me? yeah That's definitely brass. Ridiculously simple is enough. That's how you always get these things working, ridiculously simple. You bind the paperwork. Paperwork is now bound and that's Maritime Law now. That's a proper document, that's a proper document. Do you need to bind it all the way around? (audience) No, this is for other pieces of paper that's going to accompany. This is just for the camera. Making job like a wax right now aashiq broken boy (audience). Yeah So, this is how it's going to be in reality it's going to be several pieces of paper or just one piece of paper yeah. So that's that would be your A4 and all you're doing is just bonding it, yeah. Maritime Law bonding and that's your document and it's still. Anybody wants to interfere with it has to tear it. That means it's been interfered with. OK. That's how you prepare your contracts. With the preparation of the contract, I don't care what language you use, I don't care what words you use, long as you define your words. This is not Miller's teaching because he has his own system and that's what I'll be teaching you as well but I want to make it clear to you. Long as you have defined your word they are your words and your meaning put upon this paper. So there is no misinterpretation. So you had a dictionary with it. Find the dictionary, so nobody can interfere with that as well. You have now defined your own words, one word one meaning. You've created it using the highest authority on the planet. And there is no misinterpretation. That's your contract. You've now created a contract, yeah. And if I send you one of these things and it hasn't got a dictionary it's got multiple meanings under Maritime Law what address have you got or readdress here we say, for simplistic language, you have, because under Maritime Law I have to define my words. How can I create closure without it, yeah. So if you're going to ask me for something: Can you define the codes for me please? Can you show me the titles in which your title to this sum of money? Can you create the dictionary that gives me one word one meaning so I can understand what the hell you're talking about, because you're prosecuting me for the Cancer Act, 1939 Cancer Act and you're prosecuting me under which word? Cure? Which means to preserve cancer then I should be prosecuted shouldn't I? Saying that I'm going to preserve cancer?

What other words is there meaning of cancer? yeah Treat cancer. I'm going to treat the preservation of cancer is that what you're prosecuting me for? I'm all up for that. That is what you're prosecuting me for isn't it? Or are you prosecuting me for something else? If it is, you bloody better tell me what it is. Because I'll tear this piece of paper to pieces. Does that make sense? yeah To create closure you must add a dictionary to a contract, one word one meaning. Alarm, I know alarm bells are now starting to ring and therefore this alarm bell is now quite musical to you probably since you don't have any word definitions in your contract with the contractor, yeah. (11:00)

Does that explain a whole heap of things? So how do you on a personal, on a vocabulary level carry the power of what I was talking about. The simplification of words. Knowing what you're speaking about. Because the judge is going to start flicking you. Just like that square box I showed you. Every time he sees that he'll flick and you'll cause an interruption, he'll go like that on the desk, you'll get a piece of paper. thick pieces, you've seen it happen many times, yeah. Or the gravel, the gravel is a stamp, symbolic stamp of a postage stamp, yeah. Is there think they're only in the American cause just go I'm not. (audience) Let's not, let's not go over that. A gavel is an interruption and in the world of psychology that's called a handshake interruption. It's causing an interruption. He's going like this, (hits the paper) purposely, yeah. To interrupt you because you're in a frame of thought, you're in a frame of thought of seeing this at a particular angle (4-11-12.jpg). When interrupts you the angle changes so you don't take jurisdiction of what you are talking about, this, pointing that way, is now got you pointing that way. I know your tricks boys, girls, yeah. What he is doing is swapping jurisdiction. Don't you want to claim human rights. You are human. Define the word human for me. A monster cannot inherit his blood, cannot inherit wealth, and cannot inherit anything else, equity, yeah. That's the game they're playing. Your subconscious knows what human means. Do you remember in your days, if I can be so poetic, they used to make liveries of milk and bread and so on so forth until somebody came along and put the word de in. Now you have delivery. A de means no livery. So you have no livery. Somebody did that in your history and if you find out who that was you'll find out who the corruptor of your language is and he or she's usually sitting in the middle of their lodge. You would work out the rest. There are specific points in your history whether your language is purposely corrupted forced upon you and I'll talk you abduct through about the corruption of language how it takes place. If he was an Irishman, say, just at the turn of the century and he spoke Gaelic with me and I was the British Empire there, what would I do to him? What do you think I would do to him? I give him a chance: learn my language. I'll horsewhip him, I'll beat him, and if he refuse I'll behead him. That's all in history books. If his children speaks Gaelic they are taken out and beaten, overdrawn, yeah If I went to Scotland and I found out that he was speaking Gaelic, and Scottish people speaking Gaelic and Welsh and so. I'll do exactly the same thing and if I came to Britain and where I live, I live in the area now where a tribe used to live called a rolling tribe, it all disappeared because they refused to speak the language so it's not the bloody British that are doing this, yeah. They refuse to take the language. What's important with the language is more profound than most people can imagine and I give this analogy normally: your operating system on a laptop for example usually runs on a free software what's that called? Ubuntu? What's the other one called? Linux? They're all near-perfect operating systems. They're near-perfect operating systems there and they are free and they work seamlessly and they work effortlessly and they occupy only a small part of their memory to do that, it's uncorrupted. Other people come along like Apple and create a really good interface with that make it very smooth, make it very palatable, easy to look at, aesthetic and they make money from it. Which is a good thing is it not. Other people will come along corrupt the very core of it, the very kernel and it's called in computer language the kernel they corrupt the very kernel of it and they create an entire infrastructure repairing, constantly repairing that kernel. Do we know what that's called? Microsoft. Thank you yeah. It's what they did, they corrupted the very core of it. I spaced around the pine cones yeah (audience). yeah So when you corrupt something that works near perfect you make a lot of money for it because you need to constantly fix it sounds like something at the pharmaceutical industry, yeah. Anything else what operates your operating system your own CPU? ... It's your words. The program is the words, it's the words, it's the words that move you from one jurisdiction to the other. It's the one that navigates you from one point to the other without that vocabulary you will not be able to even get yourself up from the chair as any hypnotist can tell you. Wake up, not awake. Because that means go to sleep, no wake. ... It's the language folks. Once you remove these words from your vocabulary, you got your back the vocabulary that puts your subconscious in operation. The vocabulary of they David. The vocabulary of say people that are in possession of their own thoughts. When Webster's dictionary came out what did Webster say? He said the greatest crime I've ever committed was the bastardization of English, the English language, those are in his own words. When your country or any other country he speaks a language that's not being uncorrupted. It usually means that language or that culture doesn't punish the truth. If you punish a child for telling the truth it will learn to lie and it will create an entire imaginary illusionary world in which to navigate from one point to the other, through its parents, through its societies, constantly lying, flipping, what is it what, fibbing, yeah, constantly fibbing, lying its way through life. But you have a language that does not punish, you get rewarded for telling the truth, the language become so refined that you're now speaking the facts as the facts. Does that make sense? You imagine a mother that doesn't punish a child for spilling milk or burning a house down but rather is more concerned with how the child is or the baby is, doesn't punish it. Oh, what have you done sweetie, oh, I've accidentally left the tap on and left the plug, on the house is entirely flooded. well. OK. let's go and fix it shall we. There's no punishment. But if you punish the child it will learn to tell the lie and the damage will be much greater. So you won't get to know about it when you come home, you get to hear about it when you go to bed. Does that make sense? And you can work your own way through, how this works, you, you punish a child you've create a language that is walls around lying. So when they encountered languages ​​that did not punish their children for telling the truth, they banned those languages. And the penalty for speaking those languages ​​was death. As they did with the Gaelic people, as they did with the Asian people, as they did with the Hawaiians, as they did with most of America

Tricks & Traps of The Court pt5. : Mark- kishon: Christopher.


Mark Christopher

[“For full details on my educational training programs, email me for a private & confidential PDF (email below).”] [“Facebook Page: https: //….” ] [“Facebook Group: 19669….”] [“Thank you.”]: Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge. : Mark-kishon: Christopher. : Copy-right / copy-claim.

Transcript 5
as deaf the first thing you do? Is you change the culture by changing the language. if you

create the language that tells the lie you now have a corrupted system and you just feed that system. Look how big that corruptor of that kernel is of that operating system how big it is and how does it work with the corruption the kernel of the operating system. It's the language. You start to remove those words and I'll show you how to remove those words. Already you've got 90% jurisdiction in possession of your own thoughts. You now know United Nations means no knighted nations, knight means Knights Templars, yeah. Unlimited credit you now means: is unlimited, it means: no. You now know 'ab' before a word means: no. So I'm not an Aborigine. If I claim walking around claiming to be an Aborigine my subconscious mind hears that says: you're no originally, okay, then don't go making a no claims now will you. The word is: originally, as Miller taught me, yeah. Do you get it? It's the language. They got you to stand down. So, yeah, they corrupted the kernel, you remove the words and you removed the things that corrupt the kernel. Did you know? Ehmm. I think it was in the early, just at the very late or the door, just at the beginning of the 20th century. So in year 2000, Microsoft prosecuted, and I think this is, I'm guessing I forgot about it, most of it, anyway, prosecuted an Asian person an Indian person for removing the bugs from their operating system. That was in the news . That was like 10 years ago. They actually prosecuted the man for removing the bugs from their operating system, yeah. Because that the operating system that is the bulk, the corruption of it, is what makes them the money. If you remove it you have Ubuntu or you know those free operating systems like Linux and stuff like that. Mine is an Ubuntu operating system, work seamlessly. Devon never needs any antivirus, doesn't need, nobody can hack into it. You could be the best hacker in the world you cannot hack into that system it takes ten minutes to download. So I just have a look it's on my laptop there, have a look. I can't pronounce it probably, you be. Say it for me please. Ubuntu. That's it Ubuntu. U buntu b. Just look it up on my laptop. It's sitting there, you know, yeah. It's Rania, yeah. Part of the Linux operating system, yeah. So just recap. If you ever speak a language that doesn't punish that punish does not punish the truth, you have a near operating system that means the near perfect language where facts can be spoken freely where you can go into a courtroom and discuss facts and the law . At the moment no fact or law can enter a courtroom, am I right? No fact or law can enter a courtroom. If a fact cannot enter a courtroom what have they just told you? Come in, or where's it going, come in as a dead person, because no fact, no fact can enter a courtroom and a fact is a noun, it has weight upon the earth, yeah. But you come there as a floating dead person. The way that you notarize something is you do exactly that but at the end of your autograph put your thumbprint across it, yeah, and at the top where the stamp is as well as your autograph put your thumbprint across it, that makes you the notary . So you don't need to go to Queens notary, pay them some money, to do it for you, you are the fact that becomes a notary. hmm yeah So I'll just show you. So that's the stamp okay, thumbprint it across the stamp. Put your thumbprint across it, okay. And put a thumbprint at the end of here as well (backside) that's your autograph. Let me open it up properly. I'm sorry you guys at TV land but you guys have got very small perspective, so you want to put your thumbprint across that stamp (5-05-05.jpg) where the autograph is. And you want to put your thumbprint at the end of your autograph. Are okay with that? And that becomes a notary. So you've notarized your own document with this, yeah. Can we use the word autograph, because you're autonomous and that thing there is a graph of your autonomy. Autonomy, of your autonomy, thank you very much cameraman to the rescue. OK. OK. Any other questions. Is it okay to be publicizing your fingerprints? (audience) yeah yeah That's the idea. It helps you to identify as a fact. The agencies that you don't want to, the agencies that you don't want them to know about you already know what your genetic makeup is. Every time you go through a scanner. They already know what your bone structure is resonating at when you go through those scanners. You're not in control of these things, okay. So use the control that you have. Use it to your benefit. So this is what goes inside an envelope. So how do you now stick this into an envelope? You put it into an ordinary envelope, put the address it needs to go to, put a registered stamp on it. That costs six pounds something in this country, yeah. So, beg your pardon, recorded, there is two types, several types actually, the one that I'm talking about is called, sorry, yeah that's right, blue and silver, yeah, and that cost around about six pounds something or so , yeah, that's the one that you want to use, the special one, (audience) because it's not recorded, that's just a con, really. Yeah that's right. You know. The sign for one they just send it through your letterbox, no but it's actually recorded, that means you need to ... All right, let me start from the beginning. Under UPU regulations, remember it's a near perfect system, when I send this to that person over there using the post office, the post office is going to guarantee me nobody else is going to intercept this. If they do it's a federal crime. Armies will be marshaled to protect this. Armies will be marshaled you ever break this one. And only he that has the name written on it if full name with the address which is the territorial location using coordinate survey coordinates occupying that territory at that place where I have a treaty with to deliver that can only be in receipt of this document by the autographing and the witnessing by the person that's delivering the post. Only he can be in receipt of this and nobody else can. If anybody else is, it's a federal crime and you go to prison for 20 years for intercepting mail. Look it up: intercepting mail. So because of that system is guaranteed with an autograph you now have a near-perfect way of delivering my cargo to him. It's inside the document so what's outside of the envelope is matched into here and you can keep a copy of this for yourself for your original copies and they're called original copies. I always keep my original copy (audience) yeah, if you use the other sticker if you use the others if you use the other sticker on your original document (09:20). So let me have that. That's your original document photocopy, this is the Dorf version, little me and I'll stick that, that's the original document, not that original, yeah we're back to originals, backed up. And if I want to back it up a little bit more because I want my cameraman to be witness to this as well, I create another one and where we hold me the UPU have provided me with another sticker. Okay, so that's another per copy, original copy, so he's got one, I got one, oh, he also witnessed my document, so he should have an original copy as well. So I'm going to give him a second another written copy and hold behold I still got another one and I take this to the post office, he puts this across the envelope. I mean he can be receipt of it. I created a near-perfect system. Once this son that you need to sign across (audience) You should do, you post to - yes, because there's some didn't cancel what (audience) Yeah, they've canceled it but we'll cover that at a later stage because the postmasters won't allow you to witness that, your post have to sign it. You know every time you put it in they they make a note of it, you post to put your autograph across there as well. You say that's you, yeah, but you've done that, that's good enough, is enough and since there's two people witnessing this document that means it's a corporation. Corporation means to two or more people coming together. You can't argue that. That's a corporate document that's a federal document that's a maritime document and he's a receipt of it because nobody on this planet can go by that name at that territory, at that Territory, Ordnance Survey paths. Because no person can ever be in that place as no two people can occupy that same space, that same time being in receipt of this (stamp and autograph on letter). ... (audience is talking). What's the importance, what is the importance of having witnesses to back it up. When you're going to a courtroom there's one judge and two people sitting next to each other there's three people already against one person, there is a barrister, there is the husher, there is a bosun, there's security guards, there's about ten people working against you. And you're standing alone, bring go in with friends, make friends, yeah. Keep the community tight. Make friends go into court together. Don't let them separate you. Think when I go into Ireland. They do try to separate. So, the person that I'm helping out will be standing in the middle, and the person in front will also be another friend of mine. He'll be the person or she be taking notes and distracting the judge. You want to play games. I'll play games with you as well. ... You everybody's heard of Tic Tac? They're playing tic tac in the courtrooms, the fairest is sitting there going talking to the judge, yeah, in their simplistic language. This is how screwed up these people are not honor bound, duty-bound. Have no respect for them. When they act on a bound, duty-bound then show them your kindness.

Tricks & Traps of The Court pt6. : Mark- kishon: Christopher.


Mark Christopher

["For full details on my educational training programs, email me for a private & confidential PDF (email below)."] Website: David-wynn: Miller's Website: https: // [“Facebook Page: https: //….”] [“Facebook Group: 19669….”] [“ Thank you. ”]: Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge. : Mark-kishon: Christopher. : Copy-right / copy-claim.

Transcript 6
examples of corruption of a language within your own lifetime by the way. Say, I was a farmer

this is a farming culture now say 60, 70 years ago mostly agriculture. I get married to this beautiful lady here and she becomes my wife and I'm her husband. Anybody give me an idea what husband is? What that means? Things around a manager. (audience) yeah I'm a husband. I play, I'm practicing husbandry, animal husbandry. So that's the language that they'd given me to show them that this person has taken jurisdiction of the language that I given them. She's my wife and I'm her husband. I am Ashley practicing husbandry on her as one of my animals in my stockyard anymore. If you ask the liberated women they will tell you why they objected to the word husband because that's what it means they created that for you. So now we're after the agriculture industry or sorry agricultural time zone and we're in say, say corporate jurisdiction. You are now persons and the way that I get that through to you is that; look I don't think it's important to distinguish in the workplace whether she's female or either your man, yeah. So we should become to checks neutral, sex gender neutral. We'll call it a person but what does a person really mean? An employee of a corporation. ... So that's how they know you're completely sold on the idea you're a person, okay. While you're on the territory of Ford Works and I'm the Ford manager. The policy in this factory floor is what I bloody say it is because it's my country. You speak like a person I'll give you that jurisdiction, yeah. So they remember they keep telling you the truth, the facts, so when they hash it in, I think when they organized their march a few years back, it was thirty thousand police officers. Don't quote me on the numbers thirty thousand police officers took to the streets of London and what did they protest? They said: we are not police persons we are police men and women because we judge the situation and with our judgment we will act and we will move to take it further or not to take it further. So we will decide whether this person should have a ticket or not. It could be a genuine mistake but if you say I am a police person I'm there to force the laws of a factory floor of a corporation and what did they do now? Their policy enforces, yeah. Law enforcement, law enforcement, not men and women using their own vocation, their own thought processes to find out what the mr. cameraman is up to, what this lady is up to. Why does she want to give me my name or her name? Well, she doesn't really have to, she doesn't want to make a contract with me. Well that's perfectly fine, let's check a car out anyway, looks roadworthy, okay, misses, I think you're on your way to go. But now since you live in a corporation country, this country belongs to a corporation. That's why you pay council tax, yeah. That's your duty, the duties that they put on you because you signed it away with the anti-terrorist legislation. You've got a corporation to protect you as a man or a woman they have the right to put a duty on you and as every judge would point out to you where every right there is a duty. Pay your duty. You signed away your right. You live in the corporation of Britain and the law enforcement officers are the enforcement officers of the corporation policy. If they decided you are illegal, you are illegal because that's the factory law policies. But if I'm a guest in that factory floor, walking through postal roads, using postal systems, you have to respect me for what I am, yeah. So when they invite you to court what you guys going to do now? Treat it as an invitation if you want or keep it within the contract vessel. The document court, yeah. If they're sitting up on top of them and you stand up and you've given, you recognize them as the captain of the vessel. Don't. Stay standing or stay seated. They force you to stand up. They'll try to, if you are targeted to stand up, beg your pardon, they'll walk out, they run out the court and they'll threaten you and threaten you and try to get the security guards to start get you to stand up or they'll walk out the court. You say to them: Get back in here in court! Get back in here now. Don't you dare leave the court. This is my quarter now. And at that time remove all the boxes and you say that, as you do that by saying: I remove all planes from this room and I remove all boxes from this room. And you are now my fiduciary. What's the first thing you will remove? (audience) Levels or boxes or both. yeah So what you're doing is you're creating a level playing field. You're removing all the disabilities that they've created for you, that person now is reduced to a fiduciary and you've got to do that before they leave the court room. A puny a puny judge good Section 999 for sex a puny Georgia teacher when introduced his statue to no more than an umpire it's not the same stages as imagine ready to go judge. (audience) I can't hear you. Is it purely George it's a puny job shooting George as in puny he's a peony in French it means he reduced his statue to a mere umpire to serve you okay section section knowing the senior course at 1908 you walk (audience). There you go folks, look it up, don't take his word for it and don't take my word for it, look it up. Find out for yourself with this video will come links you go and find out for yourself. Remember you are responsible for the things that you do, yeah. You have to speak like a man and woman. This is not a message for corporate persons, this is not a message for people that speak in a fictitious language, or go around expressing opinions, it's for people that know and to know what the facts are and move upon those facts, not act, because that's just an actor acting. Now to move upon those facts, to navigate through those facts, that's a maritime expression, yeah. Learn to put the full stop in your sentence. Otherwise it's a continuous process it just goes round in your head all the time, you have to create closure and what you say. Try and position at the thought put stuff in it at the point (audience). yeah, make make what you say, say it and put a full stop to it. If it's a question make a question sound like a question, yeah. If it's a statement then qualify your own statement and make it sound like a statement but what you can't do is what they do which is to make accusations, in other words make statements that sound like questions, and then put you in the impossible situation of getting you to defend yourself. Look at him, bloody northerner, wears glasses, sucks on his pen, sucks on a piece of long tube, that's got a death warning on it. Is he going to get any respect from me? I went to the lengths to put on the box, it's going to kill you, they're called death sticks. I'm quoting Star Wars of course, death sticks, he smokes them. I've done everything I can to give this man as much power and dignity as possible, he's ignored me, yeah. But if he starts speaking to me as a man that's important in control of his own thoughts he'll take jurisdiction over me. (09:00) Have you noticed when you're in court when they say something to you, people quite often sit back. That happens when you're taking punches. Judges are trained to see that, yeah. I leaned forward to the question I lend myself to the question that's because I know a little bit of boxing. You move into your punches you don't move away, yeah. So when you start doing things like that when you really move into them then they get front. They don't like the verse like Ultron I always sit by this farming course or sit back and if I look at them my sister hater how you dip your glasses and look at them just to say you crass yeah that's the way they look it yeah isn't it really over the grass mmm (audience). Give me a ring, talk to me, and if I think I'm okay with you guys I'll let you know. okay, let me take some random questions now. When you receive a document or when a solicitor or anyone else or any authority as such rights to document they tend to leave out punctuation is that for purposes of ambiguity (audience)? yeah That's right. A dangling possible verb is what you call it. So they can't be pinned down, there are also mixed numbers, there are also mixed serial numbers, case numbers, there is no what they call it, let me finish my own train of thought with any order of custody is the word, custody. Because if I give him a piece of paper to take it to you, take it to you, then take it to you, it has to have that custody. So he puts his autograph on that piece of paper, she puts hold a graph a piece of paper, you put order, and it comes back to him saying, wow, that's the chain of custody. To break that link they won't give you the same serial number because then there is a trail of evidence. That's right and they write different letters. Like if you make a if you make an accusation as a solicitor or court they write back to you saying: we've taken your complaint into consideration. It wasn't a complaint. I did not make a complaint. I said: you took from me, return it. You write back to me so i will looked at your complaint what they're doing is, they're reducing, they're reducing their plea, their plea bargaining with you, they're reducing it to the point where it's just exited as nothing it's just a misunderstanding. So, imagine, actually let's make him the chief of Birmingham, I'm the Conqueror, he's not actually a chief he's actually a king but soon as I go into the his country I'll reduce him down to a chief and then I reduce him down to the chief of that little small village, yeah, and then I make him the tax collector and he's as happy as happy can be. That's how they work, yeah. They reduce, reduce, reduce and then give you a little bit of reward. Any questions? In terms of the treaty itself that is the ultimate law I find it very difficult to find that anything (audience). yeah Google will give you everything that you want to know if you have the patience to find it. You have to scroll through but luckily I have it on the computer as a good Blue Peter show would be anybody know about flags operation as we're talking about Blue Peter. Do you know what Blue Peter is? Just the Charles programmers (audience). Their flags operation. They are flat flagged equities that determine how you're going to maneuver across all of this, all of these documents carry flags with them by the way. When he put your flags in you've got other jurisdiction. Miller has his own flag, the flag of being correct. That's the US flag which he rescued because the corporation of the world, the United States world corporation threw it out. They threw the flag out. He rescued it and made it his own flag and he called it the correct sentence structure parse a syntax grammar flag which is recognized, yeah. So what's this flags got to do with anything. At the moment I'm running on open flags, they're called open flags of jurisdiction. openflag. So this is going out on the Internet, this going on social media, it's open flags. There's no conspiracy. I'm not hiding anything, yeah. I'm opening flags. Let me just give you an idea now. That's Lord Drake sitting over there which I've essentially lived in. We're a group of vessels floating in a sea of ​​space. Going from one point to the other. I've got gold, he's got African timber, you've got tea, he's got fags, we're going along. It's in the middle of the day Lord Drake turns up, yeah, and he raises his flag, is skull and bone. It's down to all of us in a broad daylight. Look how stupid this man really is. In broad daylight he raises his skull and bone. So you can see it, I can see it, everyone can see it. Prepare for a battle. All of Us Can Kill Him. Why did he raise his flag? Why did he just wait for nightfall? It's no full moon, there's no moon at all, it's just a small crescent. Why'd he do that? Just take me one by one. Hey a fudge Faster Boat Than I have. He can just take us all in one night. But he raises his skull and bone where everyone can see. Is following Maritime Law. He's announced legally that he is in international waters a pirate and has given me four-minute warning albeit like Afridi's warning because that's the law, got to take him to board bus. When the IRA used to do their thing, takes to do what? Pick up the phone? Making it legal. When they send a bomb. They give you warning, a declaration of war, what idiot would declare, yeah, I'm coming. The Whole Point of Being Stealth is that you are stealth. That's the art of warning, yeah, yeah. It's being honorable, yeah. So I can't prosecute him. I can't come after him. I can't come after him. He's done everything correctly, yeah, and then he takes all of his wares to Elizabeth, the first, who gives him sanctuary because she's the snow, she is the, what's the word for it? The fence, the fence, she is the fence for the gold, the silver, the bullion, that were coming out of the Aztecs and the Mayans from the Spanish ships because he used to attack that and he used to prop up her empire. And either you, as a Spanish ambassador, would come before the Queen to make a complaint, well, everything is done legally, go away. It's no case to answer. Do you get what I'm saying. They playing the dirtiest tricks on you, in front of you, without actually telling you. When your conscious mind is aware of this, you can now access your subconscious because it knows it's being lied to. It won't stand down anymore. There's no way that I can bully this little lady, she'll hit me back real hard, no way, now that she knows that. There's no way that I can make false claims against him. Now that he knows Federal Law, How to Prepare Documents, How to Bind Documents, How to Notarize IT, How to Keep the Claim Within The Court, Courtroom of the Document, How To Reduce And Opinionate Her to a Fiduciary. What was the word again by the way? Peeling is a puny peeling puny. How would you spell that? puny english but pnepeupuniy some love Pyrenean it's be anybody smoking, it's a French word I think (audience)

Tricks & Traps of The Court pt7. : Mark- kishon: Christopher.


Mark Christopher

["For full details on my educational training programs, email me for a private & confidential PDF (email below)."] Website: David-wynn: Miller's Website: https: // [“Facebook Page: https: //….”] [“Facebook Group: 19669….”] [“ Thank you. ”]: Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge. : Mark-kishon: Christopher. : Copy-right / copy-claim.

Transcript 7
e covered what courtrooms are and they are actually vessels in drydock and you're entering

foreign territory and the judges are supposed to be, moving as or acting as fiduciaries but they're actually taking jurisdiction as the captains of their vessels that means they're the king of their vessels and all they want to do, and this is quite important, this is where the real information comes, this is where the stuff that what makes, why they do this, make it more real. The courtrooms are essentially there to remove commercial energy from you guys on an individual basis or on a tribal level or entire countries and use the courtrooms as a conduit to take it back to the people that do not have any creative energy or any commercial energy. The only way that I can give value to my fictional money, that is printed money or fractional money, is to give you some of it, enough of it for you to for example, if you're a farmer to develop your farm much further where it's now productive. In other words you have converted the money, the fictional money, the paper money, into something that is real. yeah Into commodities as he says. And then to remove as much of that commercial energy, anything up to eighty percent or more and then use that building the courtroom as a conduit to the people that do not have the ability to create things. From what I have gathered from the people that having met meetings with these people, is that they lack creativity, for what Russell told me, Russell Gould that is, these people are xenophobes, the ones that you own the UPU and the ones that control the IMF or the IMF family. Xenophobes, xenophobe this is not what you think it is. It means the fear of a stranger. So the conscious mind, they gave you another understanding, the fear of Jewish people, it's not. It means the fear of strangers, their xenophobes, yeah. And they have no creativity. So they create these mechanisms and the courtrooms to remove commercial energy and they do that by creating the near-perfect system and underneath that they slip into poison, yeah. Who's doing all the damage in the US and in this country? Who's removing her commercial energy from the country? yeah and who they doing it for? The federal system, the federal creators of the federal jurisdiction the EPU, yeah. If it's done in Ireland, it probably goes straight to the Queen. Who would be the figure head for the people that she is the figure head of, yeah. That's how they get the money offer you is that they give you the illusion of currency, paper. They give you enough of it to make something of it. Give it real value, sweat equity, biblically we call that earning living like, what was how did you phrase it? Sort of your value should be (audience). Yeah, by the sweat of your brow which is known as sweat equity, yeah, and when once you created this record sweat equity they remove it from you. And they put even laws in place and they openly advertise it. So as a human being you cannot inherit your blood, you cannot hair it wealth, you cannot hair it, hair it anything. That what's most important, is that your children do not inherit the wealth that you made because if your children inherited it, then they wouldn't be able to commit and remove any commercial energy from you to them. That's what these systems are about. And they created the language, the poisoning of the language for you under the tread of death, if you don't speak it, and all these systems that you see around you, that's why you, all of us have to go to work day and night and there's no closure on how many hours we can work, how many hours we should work, there's no closure and how much tax you have to play. You don't ever have any closure. You don't even have closure when you passed away. They're still in control of your inheritance. There is no closure until you with the use of your will albeit you're thinking because it's your thinking that will get you there, put a full stop to it, and saying no. I ain't giving you any more commercial energy. full stop. If you can find that within yourselves to say that, within yourselves, you're now in possession of your own thoughts, in other words, you're speaking like a man and a woman and what does a woman mean? Man with a womb. When religion speaks of it. What do they get you to believe? It means man whoa man, whoa want a man, what man of sorrow. That's a lie, that's the duality in language. Telling the truth of the conscious subconscious mind and lying to the conscious mind. A woman is supposed to be a sorrow person. Ain't going to happen anymore is it? Now that we know the language, you created dualities, and where you created no dualities you've created hundreds and thousands of words, meanings for just one word, yeah. We know what they are, so the game is over. No more removing a commercial energy, the money that I make is mine, and I will keep it, full stop. (06:23)

The treaty, okay. So for example if you type in Google: title not statutes or laws because what's a statute? It's a statue. What's a legislation? It's a leg of a statue. What's an act? It's an actor acting. What's Parliament passing statutes and laws, acting out? It's acting out. What does Parliament mean? It means parle, talking ment, mental. They're openly telling you, this is a talking show, if you want to join us, let's have a really good talking shop, and you become a member of a talking shop. That's what that's about. Who passes laws? Parliament sanctions are laws. It's given to them by the directors of parliament. What they did is they got you to vote for the person that being control of that Parliament that Parliament now makes the directors, the beneficiary of the trust. You post to be the beneficiary of your own trust. So the directors are the beneficiaries of the trust. So the commercial energy goes to the directors. The directors direct Parliament to say what they need to say. The laws, statutes and so suppose have been passed. So the long winded way of saying that is if you don't type in: titles, title 18, do it and you'll find out what Title 18 are. If you want to know what Maritime Law is. Look up, I think title 46. It will show you. Cornell University has a beautiful website that lists all of these things and you can do all your research there or any one of those government organizations and they will give you the codes, the titles, the laws how these things work. It will give you how flags operate, open flags like blue Peter. I think it means permission to land. That's what a Blue Peter flag is. Like a white flag means that I wish to make contract with him, doesn't mean peace, a white flag with a red background means that is target practice, red cross, yeah. Open flags. Openly telling you what they're up to. The British flag, that's a double-cross by the way, I think you guys mostly know that, yeah. Look at Manly Hall. I'm working on trying to expand the book to what it originally was because it's supposed to be all the works of how the language works near elegy works, the flags and so on so forth. I'm trying to put that words back in. The only person that has the true copy of it as David Wayne Miller. He's got the original. He's keeping it. So I talk to myself he's since he's taught me so much, he's taught me to put the words back in that they took out and take out the words that they put in. Why can't I do that with manly halls? yeah so that's one of the things I'm working on. This other thing that I'm working on still because I need to record it into the Bureau of facts and weights and measures is the expansion of the earth and that's just a simple calculation that any earth scientists can perform. But it'll take about a month or so to make those calculations final and to put Notaries signs on it, so make notify it with the thumb prints, with the stamps and send it off. So you've done a document which you want the public to be aware of or not just to the property here can you go to Bureau of weights and measure and register as in fact (audience). If it's a fact, gold is a fact, atomic or numbers are facts, I'm a fact, your birth certificate your, certificate of your birth should be listed in the Bureau of weights and measures because you're a weight upon the earth albeit you're a weight on the earth. What they did is they robbed you of it, yeah. So when he enters into your world when your son enters or daughter enters in the world they enter as a fact, okay. That's, that's the power of anything. use that in a court case to establish a fact which the court can't then challenge because in fact (audience). That's what I'm working on. (10:37) It's probably an original thought that I have. But instead of doing it for a person I thought I'd do it for the entire planet, yeah. Because you live on the planet. stairs yeah How you publish documents of this nature is to put it on Facebook or any open social media website because they created all the mechanism for you, so, you can, yeah, created for them, created by them for you, yeah, yeah, Like search engines for example. Google will give you all the information, most of information that you need, but if you want to refine it, you have to go back to what the original search engines was. Which they call torrents. Job of Google is to rob you of the torrents because torrent went looking for every computer on the planet for the information that you asked, yeah, where it had no censorship but they robbed you of that. So they gave you a central server, a library system, yeah, so that is that. I'm not saying on why you denote such significance to the to the possibility that it in lines as I understand it in line with the expansion or accepted expansion of the universe that the world must therefore also be expanding and if so to my mind it would probably be by microscopic amount and why is a significant Rushdie make or refute this theory what's important about it (audience). (12:04)

The language that we speak in, is in the language of scarcity, oil is gas, water is gas, the air, the air, I'll answer your question in the full, the air that you breathe is gas. Everything is gas. Everything is going to run out, even the space that you live on is going to run out. If you remove scarcity mentality, you get people thinking in abundance mentality because abundance is a theory, not theory, it's the fact of nature you plant one seed it gives you a thousand, its abundance theory. Dr. Covey in the habit society successful people put it beautifully, you know, the scarcity mentality versus the people that think in abundance. The earth is abundant. They've robbed you of that. In Russia, when they dig an oil well, they let it run dry, when it runs dry they let it sit there for a few years and then they come back in and recap that well because now they know the oil fills it yeah water is generated in your planet, trillions of gallons every single day, and it evaporates with the heat, the heat carries it out into space. It's constantly rejuvenating itself. Is running out having a pattern the volume of oil for example coming in north sea oil fields has diminished by something like 80 percent already and is and the projection is that it will actually dwindle over the next five to ten years to virtually nothing than to travel along on to half a million barrels of water video so how does that if it's all being topped up why does it run it out (audience)? Why does it run out? I just told you it doesn't. Oil fields are recapped. Russia oil fields when it runs out when it goes dry, they just leave it to sit for a little while, and then they come back where the oil the water fills the aquifer under the continents created all the time. They give you the idea it's water seeping through. Yes, some of it is, only a little bit of it. But it's actually water generated within the earth. North sea is proven that it's producing much less now than what it was in the 1980s boom time is gone again (audience)? What I'm saying to you, it is that it is absolutely essential that I get you to believe that the oil is running out. That I will go to any lengths that I can. To go to the most remote parts of the world to give you the illusion that you need super technology, super drilling mechanisms to be able to tap that oil. When I can Google and you can do this right now and you should do this right now as well, geological map of Great Britain, oh bloody hell, my after country floats on oil and you go to Windsor, Windsor where the Queen lives, oh it's a bloody oil well there. How the hell is that get now? How deep is that? You ask these basic questions of most of this country floats on oil but they will tap it from the North Sea to give you the illusion. But if you ask any farmer if you tap the water supply from the aquifer or the oil that's sitting under your farm, the Queen come on take your land away. Because you only own six inches below the soil, the soil level, the topsoil is it six inches or five inches I forgot. Who cares about a few inches. Fact that's a fact. Every time these people give you this information it locks you into scarcity. I'm expecting the oil fields to run out a little bit, yeah, especially there over pump it, leave it for ten years like the Russians do, five years, three years. I'll behold as a new pot of oil there. The aquifers running low, leave it there for a little while. Let's come back next month, oh bloody hell, it's seeping. The Vikings used to take their boats to the Middle East, did you know that? To have them caught, caught using oil and they did that throughout the Middle Ages as well because the oil used to pour out everywhere in the Middle East. The Bukhara regions, in the Bukhara region, I think it's called Bukhara regions in Russia near the Black Sea the oil is so plentiful it pops out and bloody creeks, yeah. It pops out of the earth and these places have always been traditionally throughout thousands of years where they would coke their boats. They would make them waterproof and they will take it there to make it waterproof that's the service that they provided. is funded our analysis is the way the sun rays interact with the media to produce this so as long as there is the Sun and when the Ray get beneath the earth and it reacts with certain minerals that's the net result it might produce Holly here might produce gold there I produce down in there but it's the rarely actual sun's rays and interact in that area (audience). The way, the way that I'm going about it is on a geological process rather than a solar process. If the solar process explains a lot, I'll bring it in. But I do need an earth scientist, any volcanologists to be able to put these calculations and I did have one but we suffer ties in Ireland. Any person that understands the solar system will be able to perform those calculations and what happens when you expose elements to the sun's rays, yeah. These calculations can be performed in under a month, just as the Chinese can build a royal rife microscope with 60,000 magnification using silicon lenses set by gravity, a droplet of silicon lens, no grounding, no nothing, and gravity will set it beautifully to the shape that they wanted by controlling the temperature and the viscosity of the drop. Creating this exact sphere that they want, exact curvature, yeah. That's the level of robbery, the level of rape, the level of torture, that they've been performing on you for so long. When I was doing social sciences I was flabbergasted when my social scientists, social science lecturer, said to me: Well do you know how this steam engine is? I said: yeah of course, it's the Industrial Revolution how old that is two hundred years whatever. He said no: this two and half thousand years old. I said: ah, come on stop all this you're always talking nonsense, conspiracy, and all so on so forth. You know I completely dismissed it. He goes mug: Do you know what a condenser sorry do you know what gave the Industrial Revolution its power? It was a condenser engine. So do you know how old that is Mark? Look, you come on this is just recently. Says: No, it's two and a thousand years old because we have fossils of the damn thing, on people's desk, yeah. They had condenser engines. Condenser engine simply means that when you cool the piston filled with steam, it contracts at a greater rate than it expands. So you get a double whammy, so you get a push of the piston and then you get a suction because the steam has been contracted when you throw cold water over the cylinder, so it goes (Mark makes a sucking noice), yeah. That's the exactly how a HHO engine works, as well, now HHO engine. Which is just water with electrodes in, it generates two parts of hydrogen, one part of oxygen, you put that into a cylinder it will give you a spark, it will expand three and half times faster than the opt-in level of petrol and it will contract as well, so you get a double whammy. So you don't just get a puff, you get booff and an implosion as well, yeah. They've robbed you of all of these things by just simply controlling the vocabulary. When I've done with what I need to do I it's not enough huh yeah how's it interesting I thought this is very interesting but I have certain health problems and issues that I would like to address and I'm very interested in what you have to say about MMS and DMSO - and are DMSO so can we move on to that (audience)? yeah yeah chewy it's all right I mean I don't mind sharing my health issue don't know this general procedure about the MMS yeah the DMSO treatment anyway (audience)? Okay, so let's go with the questions. and what really material directly related to UPU would you suggest any (audience)? yeah, look up, go onto Google and just look at the power of the universal post-office, look up on Wikipedia we used to have quite a lot of informational Wikipedia but they're shortened it now or just come and speak to me after the seminar and I'll give you the UPU forms. OK. the information that they give you which I have on my desktop. you made them look like a mistake (audience)? yeah very large Ministry car noticed. contribution yes (audience)? yeah, everything is federal. You can't help but do federal they robbed you of the federal jurisdiction because it's a near-perfect system. All judges opposed to be fiduciaries but the acting is the captain of their vessel under Maritime Law because it's a vessel in dry-dock. (audience)? That's correct, yeah, or reduce them to the fiduciary level. As you say: puny. (audience)? Empowering them it's on a base duty-bound you're not reducing them you're actually given the most powerful or you're empowering them to become the most powerful person in that courtroom which is to be on a bound duty-bound when a person is on a bound duty-bound they are automatically the most powerful people, yeah. The captain is early capital of the vessel, nothing else. So yeah, his job is to remove commercial energy. You're going to use him to get back your commercial energy. Or, go down the contra put your hand down there and pull out all the stuff that they stole from you, claims as they call it, these are claims. I'm talking big here because I haven't done that, yeah. I mean I've not successfully, I've not successfully put it, I have not successfully put a claim in, yeah. I've only successfully got people out of the courtrooms and to reduce the judges. This is my next stage. For that, you guys need to work together. In Ireland I'm okay to do that because they look after me but in Britain it's up to the British people to do what they need to do, yeah. This is the great British public we're talking about as he pointed out, it is the great British public. Not so great (audience). yeah, now I mean Great Britain is the country that treated with the UPU, yeah, yeah, okay I think we're done.

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