man carrying baby drawing their foreheads

Son: “Dad, can I ask you something?
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Son: “Dad, can I ask you something?”
Father: “Sure, my boy. What's up?"
Son: “Dad, how much money do you earn per hour?”
Father: “Well, I guess things like that don’t concern you yet. Why do you ask something like that?
Son: “I just want to know. Please please tell me how much you make per hour.”
Father: “Well, if you really want to know, I earn 50 euros an hour.”
Son: “Oh.” (He lowers his head)
Son: “Dad, can you maybe lend me 25 euros?”
Father: “(extremely annoyed) So so! So that's why you're asking. You want to borrow money from me to buy some stupid toy or other nonsense. Not like that, my friend. March into your room and off to bed! You should think about how selfish you actually are. I work extremely hard every day and then have to listen to such bold questions in the evening!”

The little boy goes quietly into his room and closes the door.
The father sits down at first, but becomes angrier the more he thinks about the boy's question.
“How cunning my son is! Ask me questions like that just to get money!”

Over an hour passes until the father calms down and starts thinking.
“Maybe there really is something that my son urgently needs. He asks very rarly for money. Actually he asked never before. Maybe he actually needs the 25 euros. Maybe I did him wrong.”
The father goes to the little boy's room, opens the door and enters the room.

Father: “Are you sleeping yet, son?”
Son: “No, Dad, I’m still awake.”
Father: “Look, I thought about everything again. Maybe I was actually a little too hard on you. It was a long day, a lot built up and you got it all. Here are the 25 euros you asked me for. I'm sorry."

The little boy smiles.
Son: “Thanks, Daddy!”
The little boy reaches under his pillow and pulls out a few more crumpled euro bills. The father sees that the boy has already stashed money under his pillow and becomes angry again. The little boy slowly and calmly begins to count the money and then looks at his father.

Father: “Why the hell are you asking for money when you already have it?”
Son: “Because I haven’t had enough. But now that’s enough!”
Son: “Dad, now I have 50 euros. May I buy one hour of your time for this? Please come home from work earlier tomorrow. I would like to eat with you.”

The father sinks to the ground. He did not expect such an answer. He is shocked, moved, overwhelmed. He hugs his son and asks him to apologize.

This is just a little story about father and son. A little story for all those who work so hard and long in their lives. We shouldn't allow ourselves to lose sight of what's really important in our turbulent lives. The people we love.

Share this story to make more people think.

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