The rule of law and the state of terror can always exist side by side
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The rule of law and the state of terror can always exist side by side. Since 1921 the United States has had two governments, one in Washington and the other in New York. The government in New York has long since gained the upper hand over Washington and transformed the USA from a peaceful constitutional state [20 million native inhabitants killed(!)] into an economically morbid, police-state-controlled and warmongering empire. This development originated in South Africa.
Similar to Rockefeller in the USA, Cecil Rhodes acted in the South African colonial empire of the British Empire to protect the Rothschilds' diamond and gold interests. He provoked
— revolutions,
— conflicts,
— wars,
— bribed politicians,
— exploited slaves,
— ordered raids and murders.
Cecil Rhodes combined in his being all the evil characteristics of the human species: he was imperialist, racist and fascist in one. His life's dream was a world government ruled by the purest Nordic blood of the Anglo-Saxon race.
His unfulfilled goal in life was an “Atlantic Union”. In it, the states of Western Europe, the British world empire and the USA were to submit to a single government. Since the British had not managed to re-incorporate the USA by military means, Rhodes saw only the diplomatic way to re-incorporate the USA into the great power.
While studying at Oxford he had learned from the famous Professor John Ruskin that the first duty of every Englishman was to serve his country. With loans from the Rothschilds, Rhodes worked to fulfill his dreams of empire in South Africa. His highly ambitious goal was a British union “from the Cape to Cairo” for Africa.
The Boer War of 1899-1902 was a project by Cecil Rhodes who hoped to secure England's mineral resources in South Africa's Transvaal region. Until then, Transvaal was owned by the Boers, a small minority originating from Holland [p.65]. With the mining company De Beers he secured the diamond monopoly, with Consolidated Goldfields of South Africa [United Goldfields of South Africa] the gold monopoly in the Cape Colony. It was only with the support of the Rothschilds that he managed to outmaneuver and then buy out his arch-rival Barney Barnato. Rhodes was the main figure behind the conquest of South Africa under the British flag.
With the "British South Africa Company" he developed two million square kilometers of fertile land, built a huge railway network, a telegraph system, roads and ports. Much of the territory he conquered was soon officially named Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) after its founder.
The last bloody move of his life was the provocation of the war against the Dutch Boers in the Transvaal, which the British Empire had to pay for with hundreds of thousands of dead. The fact that Rhodes was just one, albeit very important, pawn in the Rothschilds' game became clear when the Rothschilds issued a loan for the Boers, i.e. the biggest enemies of the British colonial empire, in 1892.
The Roundtables were a sort of assemblage of semi-secret groups patterned after the Illuminati with “inner” and “outer circles” and a pyramidal hierarchy. Rhodes named this secret society the Round Table after King Arthur's legendary Round Table.
This legend goes back to the Knights Templar (named after Solomon's Temple) who were said to be the keepers of the Holy Grail. The Freemasons follow the Knights Templar. The Knights Templar, in turn, go back to the teachings of the Talmud and the Kabbalah, which they used as a guide. Here is a crucial connection to the rise of the Rothschilds, all of whom were devotees of the Talmud and Kabbalah.
Even then, the roundtables were filled with entrepreneurs, bankers, politicians and intellectuals. That shouldn't change to this day. However, the organization would later give itself a different name, expand and act on a global scale.
According to British intelligence officer [ex-MI6 agent] Dr. John Coleman, Rhodes' first roundtable group was set up in South Africa with Rothschild family funds [p.66] to train corporate executives loyal to Britain in a variety of ways so that they would be able to take control about maintaining the wealth of this country. However, it is not possible to find out exactly where and when the roundtable groups began.
According to author Eustace Mullins, Roundtable groups in South Africa from 1884 onwards were funded indirectly by Rhodes' fellow student Lord Alfred Milner, although not with his own money but with grants from families such as the Rothschilds and the Astors. Milner had always been anti-democratic and a supporter of a stable empire, much like Cecil Rhodes. Milner was a foreign policy jack of all trades, decisively involved in the Boer War, jointly responsible for the English declaration of war against Germany, co-author of the Balfour Declaration on the conquest of Palestine (see p.121f.).
Terence O'Brien describes the Milner-Rothschild relationship in his Milner biography as follows:
“Milner went to Paris on business with Alphonse de Rothschild […] Official trips to the city always meant a formal visit to the Rothschilds […] a weekend with Lord Rothschild at Tring […] during one of those weekends with Lord Rothschild at Tring prepared him a press representative a sleepless night (no further explanation) […]”
Milner certainly represented the interests of the Rothschilds. He was part of the board of directors of one of the most important companies in the Rothschild empire “Rio Tinto”.
After the death of Cecil Rhodes [1902], the Roundtable groups would be taken to the next level with his legacy. Frank Aydelotte, who examined Rhodes' wills and was himself part of the Roundtables in the "USA", writes in his book American Rhodes Scholarships:
“In his First Testament, Rhodes explains at length his aim: 'The extension of British rule over the whole world [...], the establishment of such great power that thereafter all war will be impossible, and the advancement of the cause of humanity.' […] In 1888 Rhodes made his third will [p.67] […] he left it all to Lord Rothschild with an accompanying letter containing 'the written substance of what was discussed between us'.”
Professor Carroll Quigley, a famous historian and Professor of History at Georgetown University, stated: “The Rhodes Scholarships are known to everyone…” Indeed, the Rhodes Scholarships are familiar to a large part of the population and students, especially in the “USA”. Most wanted. Here, the elite of the elite from all parts of the “former” Commonwealth are recruited to spend two years at Oxford University in England preparing for leadership positions in their countries. Only 32 Rhodes scholarship holders are selected in the “USA” every year, in Germany there are just five.
Bill Clinton is, among other things, a famous Rhodes scholar and protégé of the very author I am quoting.
“… What is not so well known is that Rhodes had decreed in five previous wills that his fortune should be used to form a secret society dedicated to the preservation and expansion of the British Empire. And what no one seems to know at all is that this secret society [...] exists to this day.”
Lord Milner became chief trustee of Cecil Rhodes' estate under the aegis of the Rothschilds, thereby initiating the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA). He used the inheritance to fund further roundtable groups in 1909 in countries close to the Commonwealth such as India, Canada and Australia. The center of the roundtable groups was - how could it be otherwise - set up in London. The inner circle of those in the know included Milner, Rothschild and their international banker colleagues. Milner trained numerous emerging elites who were later distributed throughout the institutions. For example, Lord Lothain, who later became Lloyd George's private secretary, or John Buchan, the governor-general of Canada.
Great thinkers and writers like HG Wells and Aldous Huxley also became [p.68] Milner's protégés in the roundtables. Huxley, whose book “Brave New World” wrote literary history, explained, among other things, in a speech at the University of Berkeley in 1962 that the history of the book had also been planned in this way by the elites. He also said that he sees the future more in a scientific dictatorship, as described in Brave New World, than in a tyranny as in the book 1984. Rather, people should be manipulated in the background to love their bondage, to accept it, or at best not to notice it at all. Those with two eyes and two ears should find that Huxley's prognosis turned out to be correct.
Huxley also foresaw the problem of overpopulation in a 1958 interview; not because he was a genius, but because he knew the lies of the future. He was in the circles that were planning to replace eugenics with a modern environmental movement (see pp.78ff.), which under a benevolent guise would declare humanity its enemy. The secret organization of the Roundtables served the purpose of a covert takeover by an invisible empire whose members sworn to secrecy.
HG Wells clarified in one of his non-fiction works, The New World Order: "Many people will hate the New World Order and will die trying to protest it."
Many Milner pupils and Roundtable Knights later banded together to form the so-called Cliveden Set, which supported the Nazis. One reminded of "the racial union" against communism, although the largest part of the group consisted of communists or Fabian socialists (see p.71) (see p.162 and p.214).
The upper organization was the presidium of the “English East India Company” (“English East India Company”), which built up the global drug trade with drug trafficking between India and China. This Presidium maintained Communism and Fabian Socialism and many people have been deployed as agents into other Empire groups. Since the dissolution of the company, the presidium has been called the "Committee of 300". See: John Coleman: The Committee of 300].
After England's victory in World War I, it was decided to further expand Britain's power across the globe. In 1919 the very secretive roundtables became the slightly less secretive Royal Institute of International Affairs in London (RIIA).
[Ex-MI6 agent John Coleman reports in his book The Committee of 300:
— the RIIA is a psychological warfare institute researching how soldiers and populations are conditioned against imaginary enemies
— the RIIA is a highly criminal war institute and is manipulating the entire Commonwealth to this day, but above all England, Canada, “USA” and Australia].
The founders of the RIIA were largely Rothschild agents from South Africa like
— Sir Otto Beit, Rhodes financier and director of the British South Africa Company,
— Sir Abe Bailey, the owner of the Transvaal mines who had worked closely with Milner in the Boer War, or
— Lionel Curtis, Colonial Secretary of the Transvaal.
In its early days, the RIIA was largely funded by the Rothschilds through donations from their agents Sir Abe Bailey and Sir Alfred Beit, which may mean that Cecil Rhodes' legacy was exhausted at this point. Later, organizations like the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation, which are actually American [Rothschild-controlled] organizations, took over the funding.
The plan initially was to create a single major international interest group called the Institute of International Affairs to enforce the goals of the banking elite. However, the plan changed and it was decided to split up the organization and set up sister organizations around the world with slightly different names to avoid the image of one big conspiracy.
These are sister organizations
— Institute of Pacific Relations in Asia [mainly involved in drug trafficking between China and the “US”, see: John Coleman: The Committee of 300]
the Canadian Institute of International Affairs
— the Brussels Institute des Relations Internationales [Foreign Policy Institute]
— the Danish Det Udenrigspolitiske Selskab (Foreign Policy Society),
— the Indian Council on World Affairs,
— the Australian Institute of International Affairs, or
— the German Society for Foreign Policy.
The establishment of the RIIA was decided in Paris at a conference in the Hotel Majestic in May 1919. Several senior delegations to the Paris Peace Conference had returned on orders from Baron Edmond, a descendant of the French branch of the Rothschilds. The meeting was chaired by Rothschild agent Colonel Edward Mandell House, who was the key organizational force behind the RIIA and soon after the CFR in "America" ​​(see pp.73ff).
His father Thomas W. House had already been a Rothschild agent, smuggling food to America for the Rothschilds during Lincoln's naval blockade in the American Civil War and making a fortune with it. His son would serve the Rothschilds as well, if not better.
House became the shadow president of "USA" pulling the strings behind the scenes. He was Woodrow Wilson's closest advisor, who took his orders without protest. Wilson himself said of House, "His thinking and mine are one."
He convinced Wilson to sign the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, supported the Russian Revolution, and installed Franklin Delano Roosevelt as Secretary of the Navy and in position as the next puppet president. He was to initiate the New Deal welfare program, largely designed by House himself. House, like almost all Roundtable members, was a Fabianist socialist, ie for a discreet socialism that gradually undermines humanity, not for a revolution with the crowbar.
The New Deal was a first step towards gradually turning the USA into a socialist state. Federal Social Security, job creation and assistance programs were designed to destroy individual wealth and make American citizens more dependent on the state. Hundreds of crypto-communists and Fabian socialists had to be promoted to high administrative positions so that such an anti-American program could be pushed through without objection. Roosevelt was also the first president to recognize the Russian terror regime as a legitimate government.
The scholar on whose theories the New Deal was based was John Maynard Keynes, who was vehemently opposed to a gold standard. Today called the most important economist in the world, Keynes was also a Fabian socialist and [p.71] his theories were more ideologically than scientifically motivated. Just like Sigmund Freud, he was a hired henchman of the Rothschilds. Roosevelt, who first introduced the word "social" to the United States, was secretly aware of the anti-social forces that really ran the country. In a letter to House he said:
"As you and I know, government has been firmly in the hands of influential financial circles [Rothschild] since the days of Andrew Jackson [1829-1837], and I am not excluding the Woodrow Wilson government."
At the same time, House was also crucially involved in Zionism. Leading US Zionist Rabbi Stephen Wise wrote of House:
“We received warm and heartfelt support from Colonel House, a close friend of the President. […] Not only did House make our cause a particular focus of his own endeavours, but he also served as the liaison officer between the Wilson administration and the Zionist movement.”
[The criminal committee of 300 drug dealers in London founded in the “USA” a political “institute” called “Council on Foreign Relations” in order to train straw men who are then placed in the “US” State Department. The driving force was again the Rothschild agent Mandell House]:
“who was the key organizational force behind the RIIA and soon after the CFR in “America” (see pp.73ff.).” [p.71]
The well-known offshoot of the RIIA is the Council on Foreign Relations [CFR] in America. This was founded on July 29, 1921 by Colonel Mandell House [Rothschild agent]. Paul Warburg [Rothschild agent] became the director of the CFR after its inception and remained so until his death in 1932.
The money to start the CFR came from
— JP Morgan,
—John D Rockefeller,
—Bernard Baruch
—Paul Warburg,
—Jacob Schiff
- and others.
As Mandell House [Rothschild agent] became the shadow president, the CFR became America's shadow government.
Today the CFR has over 5000 members:
— virtually every major CEO of the Fortune 500
— envoys of the big banks,
— politicians from both parties and their advisers,
— scientists,
— military,
— journalists and media personalities,
— even actors like George Clooney or Angelina Jolie
sit in the secret Rothschild headquarters. The US industrial, financial, military, scientific, cultural and intellectual elite.
To briefly explain the term elite, elite does not necessarily mean that the people who are recruited to high positions are the smartest and most talented people anywhere in the United States. Nor does it mean that those who are chosen are stupid and untalented and were only chosen because they are intellectually helpless puppets. It should be a balanced mixture of high intelligence, ie high IQ (which does not necessarily mean high moral standards), appropriate demeanor (charisma is very important in presidents), ideological agreement and willingness, without critical questioning of the system - be it out of naivety or through active repression – wanting to make a career. In addition, those who can be blackmailed are often promoted to the top. So those who have accepted bribes before, or those who are homosexual or even pedophiles. So they can be shot down by a scandal at any time if they no longer want to play the Rothschild game. Anyone who doesn't fit this picture doesn't even make it to the top and that's why politicians and journalists very rarely babble on. Author Norman Dodd described the recruitment process as follows: “People's careers are followed closely. People who clearly show that they are particularly well suited to the group's goals are approached inconspicuously. You will be gradually introduced to the inner circles. You watch them as they perform their tasks, and eventually you draw them in so much that it's practically impossible for them to get out."
Think tanks and foundations, whose role it is to formulate future US domestic and foreign policy and bring it to Congress, also have a seat in the CFR. Among the best known
— the Rand Corporation,
— the Hudson Institute,
— the Ford [Foundation],
— Rockefeller [Foundation] and
— [the] Carnegie Foundation.
[These “foundations” are not foundations but are political manipulation apparatuses manipulating politics with “scientific” results in the sense of the criminal Rothschild family].
The logo of the CFR shows the same image as that on the sign that Mayer Amschel Rothschild hung over his shop in Frankfurt. The fourth horseman of the apocalypse, whose coming brings fear, sickness, decline and death.
Dan Smoot, one of the first people to study the CFR, summarized its goals as follows: “The ultimate goal of the Council on Foreign Relations is to create a one-world government, a world socialist system, from which the USA would be an official part”
The United Nations, another precursor to world government, was one of the main goals of the CFR, which incidentally linked them to the Zionists. At the Paris Peace Conference, the American delegates, all close to the Rothschilds,
—Woodrow Wilson,
— Rothschild agent Mandell House,
— Paul Warburg —
— his brother Max Warburg was part of the German delegation -,
— Bernard Baruch and Thomas Lamont of JP Morgan Co.
vehemently called for an international league of nations, the League of Nations, to prevent future wars. On this the English and French delegates agreed with them [as a trumped-up argument, although Rothschild was already planning World War II]. England was represented by David Lloyd George, who obeyed his advisers Lord Lothian of the Roundtable group and Philip Sassoon, a direct descendant of Mayer Amschel Rothschild. French Prime Minister Georges Clémenceau served as the mouthpiece for his shadow president, Jeroboam Rothschild, who had changed his name to Georges Mandel. Baron Edmond de Rothschild showed himself to be a good host by leaving his castle to the American guests.
Wilson or House had already stated in the fourteenth point of his famous Fourteen Point Program of January 8, 1918 that "a general League of Nations must be created."
Unfortunately, the American people were not at all willing to give up parts of their long-fought independence [ca. 20 million aborigines killed, 30 years war of independence against criminal K300-England for taxes to London] to a supranational organization. Wilson was booed for his plan in "America". The League of Nations was a construct [p.74] of the British, based on the ideas of Cecil Rhodes (see p.65ff.). Americans knew not to trust British diplomats. If the plan was approved at the high-elite Paris Peace Conference, the American Senate rejected it.
The League of Nations fails – Rothschild organizes World War II to make the catastrophe even greater
The League of Nations failed because the people, not to mention many governments who saw it as a threat to their independence, rejected it. The Rothschilds had to come up with something new to convince the critics of a League of Nations: that was the ultimate catastrophe in the form of World War II.
[As early as 1939 the CFR discussed “post-war problems” (!!!) – Pearl Harbor as a “signal” for “new research”]
Author Gary Allen quotes from a report by Secretary of State President Truman and CFR member Edward R. Stettinius:
“With the outbreak of war in Europe, it was clear that the United States would thereafter be confronted with new extraordinary problems […] Accordingly, before the end of 1939 (two years before the United States entered the war), a committee was formed at the suggestion of the CFR established for post-war problems. The committee was composed of senior State Department officials (all but one were CFR members). It was assisted by a research staff (provided, funded and directed by the CFR) which was organized into a Special Research Department in February 1941 (and transferred from the CFR payroll to that of the State Department). Research facilities had expanded at an accelerated pace (after Pearl Harbor) and the State Committee on Post-War Issues was reorganized into an Advisory Committee on Post-War Foreign Policy (fully staffed by the CFR).”
At least 47 members of the CFR were among the American delegates at the founding of the United Nations.
The UN's property was provided by the Rockefellers. The Rothschilds came a step closer to their dream of world government under the pretense of peacekeeping. At the same time, the Palestine question was finally resolved via the United Nations, i.e. the Palestine question that led us to ask ourselves today how best to solve the Palestine question: the question of the founding of the State of Israel, which in 1948 had been in the air for over a hundred years - not for normal Jews, but [p.75] for the Rothschilds.
The UN decided to divide Palestine into two states, one Jewish and one Arab. This meant that a large part of the country was simply taken away from the Arabs, who had fought on the side of the Allies under false promises in World War I with a loss of 100.000 men and who had previously owned 95% of the country. Locals were expelled from their homeland on a large scale.
While the CFR publishes its membership list, all members are sworn to secrecy as to their goals and operations.
Members who, contrary to CFR rules, leak details of the meeting will be immediately expelled.
Anyone who thinks that a degree in politics, two successful internships and a year abroad opens the door to major international politics is far from it. An application to the CFR is not even considered. Membership is only possible after an explicit prior invitation from the organization itself. Candidates may be proposed by an existing member, are then reviewed by a member committee and approved by the board.
The way to the top is only possible if the elites agree, which usually only happens if you belong to the elite yourself. This is also the case with the German offshoots.
[“US” corporations in the CFR get the inside knowledge – knowledge advantage over the competition – briefings with the Secretary of the Treasury or the CIA]
It is vital for American companies to place a representative on the CFR in order to gain a decisive knowledge advantage over the competition. The CFR offers a so-called corporation service, ie a kind of business consultation, through which all companies that use this service in the USA make exclusive appointments twice a year from government officials such as the Secretary of the Treasury or even the Director of the CIA receive briefings. Author John Kenneth Gailbrath, who resigned from the CFR, called such unofficial talks a "scandal":
"Why should government officials provide business people with information that is not freely available to the public - especially when there is financial benefit to be gained from it?"
[The CFR is controlled by the RIIA and run by Rothschild from London - the Queen knighting NATO mass murderers]
Despite the size of the CFR, it should not be forgotten that the real center of Rothschild control is the RIIA in London. Nothing happens in the CFR without the consent of the RIIA. All “US” policy is controlled from England. Author David Icke wrote:
The so-called 'special relationship' between Britain and America is actually the relationship between the RIIA and the Council on Foreign Relations."
It is no coincidence that "US" generals like Norman Schwarzkopf were knighted by the Queen after the first Gulf War. According to ex-agent Dr. John Coleman, George Bush received orders from the RIIA at the end of the second Gulf War [1991] to bombard Saddam Hussein's retreating, weakened and defenseless troops.
From the beginning it had been the goal of the Roundtable groups to bring "USA" back under English control. Since this did not work with pure force of arms, the method of infiltration was resorted to.
The RIIA is significantly less transparent than the CFR. Although it has a website, it's almost a kind of secret society. The names of today's members are kept secret. According to Lyndon Larouche, the RIIA sits:
— all major British commercial banks (see p.217ff.)
— the two major British oil companies, British Petroleum and Royal Dutch Shell (see p.237ff.)
— all British commercial banks (see p.217ff.)
— the gold and diamond trade (see p.231ff.)
— any old opium trading company (see p.249ff.).


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