Mental and physical detox! v3.8.
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updated on May 21.11.2016, XNUMX

Everywhere the "Woke up“Why you can't get your family members or best friends excited about your“ cause ”. Everything is soooo obvious ...

Why is that?

One approach here is that this "sleeper“Regardless of their intellect and education, they cannot (no longer) take in the information or they can only do it for the purest existential angst completely exclude!
Because most people act out of the limbic system. You can only get out of this cycle through targeted detoxification and a change in eating and living habits. A good book on this is this:
One-spirit-medicine-shamanic-healing /

Stress, anger, anger, frustration, envy, worries and much more bring us out of balance in everyday life (the hamster wheel) ...
The earth pulsates at 8 Hz; just like man when then he is in all-embracing love ...!
Just think about it. And listen to your children, because they are your strongest judges as a mirror of your actions ...! 😉

For general reassurance, it should be said that - seen in the cosmic context - the global change in consciousness not is more reversible. One person wakes up faster than the other. And if you really don't want to “wake up” (develop yourself further), Mother Nature will soon kick your ass in such a way that he / she a) wakes up for good) or b) voluntarily ends his / her being here. 😉

The daily dose of manipulative information via the “leading” media, as well as from the radiation in the form of ELF waves and HAARP, is too high. As well as being favored by the wrong diet and the chemtrails.

The content of vital substances and vitamins in the FOODmeans has been decreasing steadily (and intentionally) for years. From real, healthy ones LIFEmedium can no longer be a speech.


Why is there no recent research on the subject?
Take a look at the “Codex Alimentarius”!

As well as with the topic of acidosis:
genocide-by-acid-attack-on-humanity /

A true saying: "You are what you eat!"


Therefore, "detoxify" the food before consumption:
how-you-neutralize-pesticides-on-fruits-and-vegetables /

Also consider the use of Cosmetics... there are many alternatives on the part of mother nature ... 😉

If you want to wake up your fellow human beings, you should see that they first completely detoxify and change (want to) or at least rethink their behavior.

Many people are dependent, although they do not want to believe it. Be it through coffee, alcohol, nicotine, sugar ...

My approach to this is:

a. Switches off the television and radio - as a test - for a period of 3 months!

On the radio the music is played in the wrong Hertz frequency!

The highest cell activity takes place at 432 Hz and with it a healing ...!
432 Hz music can stimulate our 3rd eye and thus open it ...!
At 432 Hz the earth vibrates and communicates with the other planets ...!
At 432 Hz our DNA is connected to the harmony of the universe….!

432 Hz:

4 + 3 + 2 = 9 432 Hz / 9.6 Hz = 45 (4 + 5 = 9)
432 Hz / 4.8 Hz = 90 (9 + 0 = 9 again)
432 Hz / 3.2 Hz = 135 (1 + 3 + 5 = 9 again)
432 Hz / 2.4 Hz = 180 (1 + 8 + 0 = 9 again)
432Hz / 1.2Hz = 360 (3 + 6 + 0 = 9 AGAIN)
Or preferably the TV (TELL us a VISION) straight away to dispose!

If you want to know what I mean by that, you should switch off the television for this period and then watch a series or news again (the information will be REPORTED). You will feel very uncomfortable with it ... 😉

b. Don't read any more system newspapers!
Stop judging, commenting or even distributing the propaganda of the system in social networks.
Removes energy from the system. It lives only from your fears! 👿

c. Who doesn't have a dog: Off to the animal shelter and take the dog for a walk in the forest. It will do you both good. 🙂 Or at least the regular stay in nature - preferably in the forest!

d. Only use one older cell phone model. WIRELESS INTERNET ACCESS from and LAN an!
The system’s latest trick is: POKEMON!
➡ background information / revelations / mike-adams / the-zombie-apocalypse-the-pok-mon-rat-catcher-begins.


Also on the subject of smartphones & Co. - The Electro smog
smartphones-tablets-damaged-testicles-sperm-and-embryos-video /

e. Detox yourselves with Chorella algae, zeolite powder, bentonite powder, borax, MMS, CDL etc. You will find enough pages for this in the world network.
It is very effective for diversion ENTEROSOL Gel. This is already banned in the USA - e.g. available in Russia. ^^
Avoids fluoride in the water, Thermal bath and in the toothpaste.

Avoids Aluminium in deodorant rollers and elsewhere. Aluminum is very conductive and transports the absorbed environmental toxins to the brain, among other things (Alzheimer's, dementia, mind control).

One may also ask why in France the stinging nettle was banned ... this is not a joke ...!

Lemonsacid (nicht gut!) is not the same as lemonsjuice!
By the way, the lemon is great basic.
20-reasons-why-you-should-drink-lemon-water-in-the-morning /

f. Disease prevention or for healing offer many plants. Our mother nature makes it possible.
1. Healing CBD Oil you can get it here: ➡


2. Take for the heart
3. OPC´s: There are enough manufacturers for this. The quality is crucial! Therefore choose carefully!
4. Collodial silver, copper & gold is easy to manufacture and works very well! Copper is essential ...!
Turmeric / "Golden Milk " also to open the "3rd eye"!
so-turmeric-heals-and-strengthens-the-human-brain /
7. Coconut oil is a universal panacea!
8. bicarbonate of soda: Soda combined with Himalayan salt in a 1: 1 ratio has the perfect pH value.
Soda-and-this-is-the-worst-nightmare-for-the-pharmaceutical-industry /
9. Wheatgrass: Wheatgrass
10. Control yours CopperLevel in the blood
➡copper-deficiency-the-slow-poisoning-of-humanity /
11. Vitamin D3:

G. Deal with the topic Orgonite:

H. And the topic is very important WATER.!
Filter your water, get yourself an osmosis reverse system if it is financially possible (or get one as a community!), Energize and program your water! Because this is pure life force.
how-light-food-does-the-science-of-light-and-water /
knowledge worlds / water-knowledge / water memory /
water_the shocking truth

I. "Black ointment"; formerly also called train ointment ... what you can buy in pharmacies today is a copy of what it used to be.

j. Find out about the malposition of the that has existed since we were born Atlas vertebra ( 1. Cervical vertebrael). Therefore we can only use a maximum of 20% of our due potential. It is intentional that we are wrongly brought into the world. Pay attention to the holistic approach in your actions!

k. If you want to give birth to children, you should strictly ensure that the umbilical cord remains on the baby for around 1 hour after delivery. The placenta is sold to the pharmaceutical industry. A blood sample is taken from each infant. For what and for whom ...? A German does not register his child in the system either. 😉
cutting-the-umbilical-cord-is-only-useful-for-pharma /
Development of the child

l. Vaccinate? No thanks!
vaccination declaration

m. carries no sunglasses more!

n. Learn correct  zu Laufen:

o. The evening Washing ritual

It is imperative to wash your feet in the evening, before going to bed, adding a few drops of melissa or nettle juice (or both) to the water, but without using soap or shampoo. The washing water is then poured onto the beds. Only NOW should you wash your feet with soap if necessary.
This evening washing ritual is important for two reasons: By sweating the feet, toxins, the carriers of internal diseases, are eliminated. These have to be washed off in order to CLEAN the pores, and this is where the reporting or nettle juice is very helpful. By pouring the water on the beds, the microorganisms and plants are given additional information about their current condition. This is also extremely important, because only in this way can the visible and invisible environment from the cosmos and from the earth select the substances necessary for humans and provide them so that the normal functioning of the organism is guaranteed.

p. Medicinal plants for the Brain:

q: Medicinal Herbs - Witches are not wrong ... ^^

r. The little house doctor from 1927:
Dr.H.Will_the_ little_ house doctor

s. Germanic medicine - cancer:

t. The computer at home also needs detoxification:

u. For mental hygiene and a first introduction to this topic is recommended:

w. Our daily bread ... here wheat / gluten ...!

x. Expansion of consciousness? ^ - ^

y. Avoids gluten (iin every grain, especially in wheat), Glutamate, aspartame (aminosweet), is converted into formaldehyde. That is the creeping fogging & poisoning! glycerin (E 422) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (Sodium Lauryl) in Shower gels and deodorants.

z. The opening of the 7 chakras:

z1. Telegonia topic:

One of the most important topics of all ... !!!

w. When all of this is done - preferably sooner - it continues here:
HOMEWORK to wake up, wake up & forward

Look through the matrix and change the rules of the game ...!


Have you all well ...! 😉

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